Jobs 1 to 10 of 48

Psychiatrist Needed
Mobi Train
Locum Psychiatrist nEEd 3 timEs a wEEk at a highEr lEarning institution if you arE ablE to assist sEnd:CVQualifications CErtificatEsHPCSA rEgistrationIndEmnity to or 067 616 8148...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Recruitment Consultant | Remote | CPT based
RolE DEscription: This is a full-timE rEmotE rolE for an AssociatE REcruitmEnt Consultant or ExpEriEncEd REcruitmEnt Consultants! As an AssociatE / REcruitmEnt Consultant, you will bE rEsponsiblE for consulting with cliEnts on thEir hiring nEEds, co...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

Regional Advisor
Letshalo HR Services
KEy REsponsibilitiEs includE but not limitEd to thE following:  LEarning ProgrammEs and ProjEcts Coordination:ProvidE input into provincE opErational plan and rEporting.EnsurE succEssful implEmEntation of LEarning ProgrammEs w...  4 days ago
Sponsored Job

E-Learning Support Technician (Level 2 and Level 1)
Persona Staff
Do you possEss a strong aptitudE for tEchnology couplEd with a kEEn intErEst in E-lEarning? ArE you somEonE who ExcEls at problEm-solving and cliEnt EngagEmEnt? WhEthEr you'rE at thE start of your carEEr or havE somE yEars of ExpEriEncE, this position offErs an ExcEllEnt opportunity to advancE your ...  4 days ago
Sponsored Job

Psychiatrist Needed
Mobi Train
Locum Psychiatrist nEEd 3 timEs a wEEk at a highEr lEarning institution if you arE ablE to assist sEnd:CVQualifications CErtificatEsHPCSA rEgistrationIndEmnity to or 067 616 8148...  24 hours ago

Recruitment Consultant | Remote | CPT based
RolE DEscription: This is a full-timE rEmotE rolE for an AssociatE REcruitmEnt Consultant or ExpEriEncEd REcruitmEnt Consultants! As an AssociatE / REcruitmEnt Consultant, you will bE rEsponsiblE for consulting with cliEnts on thEir hiring nEEds, co...  2 days ago

Regional Advisor
Letshalo HR Services
KEy REsponsibilitiEs includE but not limitEd to thE following:  LEarning ProgrammEs and ProjEcts Coordination:ProvidE input into provincE opErational plan and rEporting.EnsurE succEssful implEmEntation of LEarning ProgrammEs w...  4 days ago

E-Learning Support Technician (Level 2 and Level 1)
Persona Staff
Do you possEss a strong aptitudE for tEchnology couplEd with a kEEn intErEst in E-lEarning? ArE you somEonE who ExcEls at problEm-solving and cliEnt EngagEmEnt? WhEthEr you'rE at thE start of your carEEr or havE somE yEars of ExpEriEncE, this position offErs an ExcEllEnt opportunity to advancE your ...  4 days ago

Learning Materials Content Developer (Hybrid - Stellenbosch)
Datafin IT Recruitment
ENVIRONMENT: Our cliEnt is an accrEditEd and trustEd businEss skills training providEr for lEarnErs, profEssionals and companiEs in Africa. ThEy offEr studEnts of all agEs and companiEs digital, blEndEd and in-class skills training, short coursEs, qualifications, and workshops across a wi...  5 days ago

Senior Machine Learning Engineer: GenAI - Contract - Onsite
HR Genie
Cape Town
Our CliEnt a Global tEch firm is sEEking a SEnior MachinE LEarning EnginEEr: GEnAI to join thEir tEam in a banking projEct on a contract basis in CapE town (OnsitE). ThEy offEr stability, growth, attract ratEs and a grEat working EnvironmEntAbout thE rolE: As a SEni...  5 days ago

Senior Machine Learning Engineer: GenAI - Contract - Onsite
HR Genie
Cape Town
Our CliEnt a Global tEch firm is sEEking a SEnior MachinE LEarning EnginEEr: GEnAI to join thEir tEam in a banking projEct on a contract basis in CapE town (OnsitE). ThEy offEr stability, growth, attract ratEs and a grEat working EnvironmEntAbout thE rolE: As a SEni...  5 days ago

AME Electrical & Avionics Instructor
REquirEmEnts:Diploma or dEgrEE in ElEctrical EnginEEring, Avionics, or a rElatEd fiEld. AME qualification is advantagEousProvEn ExpEriEncE as an ElEctrical TEchnician or Instructor, prEfErably within thE aviation industry or a similar fiEld.5 &...  6 days ago

Management Accountant
Communicate Recruitment
What’s in it for you? ??️ ManagE monthly accounting for dynamic cliEnts ??️ HandlE payroll, tax rEturns, and provisional tax ??️ Gain ExposurE to a variEty of accounting tasks and cloud-basEd systEms ??️ FlExiblE hours and rEmotE work options ??️ Join a tEam tha...  6 days ago

Project Manager
HR Genie
Job TitlE: ProjEct ManagErLocation: City of CapE Town, CapE Town, ClarEmontJob TypE: Contract, ExpEctEd to work Full-TimE hoursAbout us:ProjEctLink is a lEadEr in providing projEct managEmEnt solutions...  7 days ago