Jobs 1 to 10 of 72

Communicate Recruitment
Full bookkEEping function to Trial BalancEQualification:Bcom Accounting dEgrEE or BachElor of CommErcE in Financial ManagEmEntContact LEE-ANN SASMAN on 021 418 1750, quoting thE REf: CTF0...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

Manager Acquisition: Capital Projects â?? Centurion
MECS Africa
Honours dEgrEE or EquivalEnt in CommErcE, Built EnvironmEnt, Law, Supply Chain and Logistics.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in a procuring infrastructurE rElatEd projEct, with at lEast 3 mEga projEcts contracts (construction) procurEd) and managEd until contract closEout.Minimum of...  3 days ago
Sponsored Job

Manager Acquisition: Corporate â?? Centurion
MECS Africa
Honours dEgrEE or EquivalEnt in CommErcE, Logistics, Purchasing or rElatEd.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in thE managEmEnt of SCM particularly thE acquisition procEss for thE procurEmEnt of gEnEral corporatE goods and sErvicEs.Minimum of 5 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in pEoplE managEm...  3 days ago
Sponsored Job

Communicate Recruitment
Full bookkEEping function to Trial BalancEQualification:Bcom Accounting dEgrEE or BachElor of CommErcE in Financial ManagEmEnt  Contact LEE-ANN SASMAN on 021 418 1750, quoting th...  4 days ago
Sponsored Job

Communicate Recruitment
Full bookkEEping function to Trial BalancEQualification:Bcom Accounting dEgrEE or BachElor of CommErcE in Financial ManagEmEntContact LEE-ANN SASMAN on 021 418 1750, quoting thE REf: CTF0...  2 days ago

Manager Acquisition: Capital Projects â?? Centurion
MECS Africa
Honours dEgrEE or EquivalEnt in CommErcE, Built EnvironmEnt, Law, Supply Chain and Logistics.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in a procuring infrastructurE rElatEd projEct, with at lEast 3 mEga projEcts contracts (construction) procurEd) and managEd until contract closEout.Minimum of...  3 days ago

Manager Acquisition: Corporate â?? Centurion
MECS Africa
Honours dEgrEE or EquivalEnt in CommErcE, Logistics, Purchasing or rElatEd.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in thE managEmEnt of SCM particularly thE acquisition procEss for thE procurEmEnt of gEnEral corporatE goods and sErvicEs.Minimum of 5 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in pEoplE managEm...  3 days ago

Communicate Recruitment
Full bookkEEping function to Trial BalancEQualification:Bcom Accounting dEgrEE or BachElor of CommErcE in Financial ManagEmEnt  Contact LEE-ANN SASMAN on 021 418 1750, quoting th...  4 days ago

Assistant Accountant
Medley Recruitment
Job Summary:WE arE sEEking an ExpEriEncEd Assistant Accountant to support our FinancE tEam. ThE idEal candidatE should havE a BachElor of CommErcE dEgrEE and complEtEd articlEs. ProficiEncy in Axapta, SAP, OraclE, and MS OfficE is rEquirEd, EspEcially advancEd ExcEl skills.DutiEs and RE...  4 days ago

Paid Media Specialist
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who wE arE: A cutting-EdgE onlinE school dEdicatEd to dElivEring flExiblE, accEssiblE and quality Education to lEarnErs worldwidE. What arE wE looking for: A rEsults-drivEn Paid MEdia SpEcialist to managE and optimisE our digital advErtisi...  7 days ago

Video Editor
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who wE arE: A cutting-EdgE onlinE school dEdicatEd to dElivEring flExiblE, accEssiblE and quality Education to lEarnErs worldwidE. What arE wE looking for: A talEntEd and vErsatilE VidEo Editor to join our tEam and play a kEy rolE in craft...  7 days ago

Content Creation Lead
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who wE arE: A cutting-EdgE onlinE school dEdicatEd to dElivEring flExiblE, accEssiblE and quality Education to lEarnErs worldwidE. What arE wE looking for: A visionary ContEnt CrEation LEad to drivE thE crEation of Engaging, EntErtaining a...  7 days ago

Online / Digital Marketing Manager
Mirna Butler Recruitment
Location: BloEmfontEin (REmotE work option availablE for an ExcEptional candidatE) ArE you passionatE about driving onlinE markEting stratEgiEs and dElivEring rEsults? Do you undErstand thE nuancEs of social mEdia, E-commErcE, and SEO? If so, wE havE thE pErfEct opp...  8 days ago

Temp Pre-Series Analyst (2 1/2 Year Contract)
Abantu Staffing Solutions
REQUIREMENTS AffirmativE Action South African CitizEn DEgrEE or Diploma in Industrial, ElEctrical, ElEctronic EnginEEring, Production ManagEmEnt, BusinEss ManagEmEnt, Supply Chain ManagEmEnt, CommErcE, Logistics, Transport, Information TEchnology/ SystEms, o...  8 days ago