Jobs 1 to 10 of 77
Communicate Recruitment
Full bookkEEping function to Trial BalancEQualification:Bcom Accounting dEgrEE or BachElor of CommErcE in Financial ManagEmEntContact LEE-ANN SASMAN on 021 418 1750, quoting thE REf: CTF0... 3 days ago
Sponsored Job
edenvale, Gauteng
WE arE sEEking a ProcEss EnginEEr / Industrial EnginEEr GraduatE with 1-2 yEars of ExpEriEncE to join our Logistics and Supply Chain tEam within thE WarEhousE DEpartmEnt for a 6-month projEct starting in January 2024. This rolE f... 3 days ago
Sponsored Job
MECS Africa
Honours dEgrEE or EquivalEnt in CommErcE, Built EnvironmEnt, Law, Supply Chain and Logistics.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in a procuring infrastructurE rElatEd projEct, with at lEast 3 mEga projEcts contracts (construction) procurEd) and managEd until contract closEout.Minimum of... 4 days ago
Sponsored Job
MECS Africa
Honours dEgrEE or EquivalEnt in CommErcE, Logistics, Purchasing or rElatEd.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in thE managEmEnt of SCM particularly thE acquisition procEss for thE procurEmEnt of gEnEral corporatE goods and sErvicEs.Minimum of 5 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in pEoplE managEm... 4 days ago
Sponsored Job
Communicate Recruitment
Full bookkEEping function to Trial BalancEQualification:Bcom Accounting dEgrEE or BachElor of CommErcE in Financial ManagEmEntContact LEE-ANN SASMAN on 021 418 1750, quoting thE REf: CTF0... 3 days ago
edenvale, Gauteng
WE arE sEEking a ProcEss EnginEEr / Industrial EnginEEr GraduatE with 1-2 yEars of ExpEriEncE to join our Logistics and Supply Chain tEam within thE WarEhousE DEpartmEnt for a 6-month projEct starting in January 2024. This rolE f... 3 days ago
MECS Africa
Honours dEgrEE or EquivalEnt in CommErcE, Built EnvironmEnt, Law, Supply Chain and Logistics.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in a procuring infrastructurE rElatEd projEct, with at lEast 3 mEga projEcts contracts (construction) procurEd) and managEd until contract closEout.Minimum of... 4 days ago
MECS Africa
Honours dEgrEE or EquivalEnt in CommErcE, Logistics, Purchasing or rElatEd.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in thE managEmEnt of SCM particularly thE acquisition procEss for thE procurEmEnt of gEnEral corporatE goods and sErvicEs.Minimum of 5 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in pEoplE managEm... 4 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
Full bookkEEping function to Trial BalancEQualification:Bcom Accounting dEgrEE or BachElor of CommErcE in Financial ManagEmEnt Contact LEE-ANN SASMAN on 021 418 1750, quoting th... 5 days ago
Medley Recruitment
Job Summary:WE arE sEEking an ExpEriEncEd Assistant Accountant to support our FinancE tEam. ThE idEal candidatE should havE a BachElor of CommErcE dEgrEE and complEtEd articlEs. ProficiEncy in Axapta, SAP, OraclE, and MS OfficE is rEquirEd, EspEcially advancEd ExcEl skills.DutiEs and RE... 5 days ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who wE arE: A cutting-EdgE onlinE school dEdicatEd to dElivEring flExiblE, accEssiblE and quality Education to lEarnErs worldwidE.
What arE wE looking for: A rEsults-drivEn Paid MEdia SpEcialist to managE and optimisE our digital advErtisi... 8 days ago
greenstone hill, Gauteng
WE arE sEEking a ProcEss EnginEEr / Industrial EnginEEr GraduatE with 1-2 yEars of ExpEriEncE to join our Logistics and Supply Chain tEam within thE WarEhousE DEpartmEnt for a 6-month projEct starting in January 2024. This rolE f... 8 days ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who wE arE: A cutting-EdgE onlinE school dEdicatEd to dElivEring flExiblE, accEssiblE and quality Education to lEarnErs worldwidE.
What arE wE looking for: A talEntEd and vErsatilE VidEo Editor to join our tEam and play a kEy rolE in craft... 8 days ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who wE arE: A cutting-EdgE onlinE school dEdicatEd to dElivEring flExiblE, accEssiblE and quality Education to lEarnErs worldwidE.
What arE wE looking for: A visionary ContEnt CrEation LEad to drivE thE crEation of Engaging, EntErtaining a... 8 days ago