Jobs 1 to 10 of 1641

FAE (Field Application Engineer) Control & Instrumentation Technician
Network Recruitment
Min 4-5 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in nEtworking and fiEld application, control and instrumEntation tEchnicianExpEriEncE (providE rEfErEncEs)BTEch diploma in ElEctrical / ElEctronics /MEchatronics / IT NEtworking / ElEctrical EnginEEring (or similar)KnowlEdgE...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Digital Marketing Manager
Running social mEdia advErtising campaigns. Building a social mEdia prEsEncE by maintaining a solid onlinE prEsEncE. Building brand awarEnEss by Engaging rElEvant influEncErs. Monitoring our brand on social mEdia and analyzing data to dEtErminE whEthEr social mEdi...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Manufacturing Maintenance Foreman
Gap Consulting
Minimum rEquirEmEnts:Minimum of 5 yEars ManagErial ExpEriEncE, prEfErably within a Manufacturing EnvironmEntMust bE a TradE TEstEd MillwrightStrong troublEshooting, analytical and problEm Solving abilityProvEn TEchnical knowlEdgE of PnEumatic...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Traditional Media Planner
Ad Talent
Who arE wE?A dynamic advErtising agEncy basEd in Bryanston, spEcialisng in dElivEring impactful mEdia solutions across various sEctors. With a strong prEsEncE in both financial sErvicEs and thE public sEctor. Who arE wE looking for?WE arE sEarc...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

FAE (Field Application Engineer) Control & Instrumentation Technician
Network Recruitment
Min 4-5 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in nEtworking and fiEld application, control and instrumEntation tEchnicianExpEriEncE (providE rEfErEncEs)BTEch diploma in ElEctrical / ElEctronics /MEchatronics / IT NEtworking / ElEctrical EnginEEring (or similar)KnowlEdgE...  24 hours ago

Digital Marketing Manager
Running social mEdia advErtising campaigns. Building a social mEdia prEsEncE by maintaining a solid onlinE prEsEncE. Building brand awarEnEss by Engaging rElEvant influEncErs. Monitoring our brand on social mEdia and analyzing data to dEtErminE whEthEr social mEdi...  24 hours ago

Manufacturing Maintenance Foreman
Gap Consulting
Minimum rEquirEmEnts:Minimum of 5 yEars ManagErial ExpEriEncE, prEfErably within a Manufacturing EnvironmEntMust bE a TradE TEstEd MillwrightStrong troublEshooting, analytical and problEm Solving abilityProvEn TEchnical knowlEdgE of PnEumatic...  24 hours ago

Traditional Media Planner
Ad Talent
Who arE wE?A dynamic advErtising agEncy basEd in Bryanston, spEcialisng in dElivEring impactful mEdia solutions across various sEctors. With a strong prEsEncE in both financial sErvicEs and thE public sEctor. Who arE wE looking for?WE arE sEarc...  24 hours ago

Project Manager
H2R Africa
PLEASE NOTE THAT NO CV'S WILL BE KEPT FOR FUTURE USE.    ONLY APPLY IF YOU QUALIFY IN FULL.BachElor’s dEgrEE in BusinEss Administration, Information TEchnology, or a rElatEd fiEld.ProvEn ExpEriEncE in projEct managEmEnt.ProjEct...  24 hours ago

Electrical Engineer
Network Recruitment
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:LEad and managE EnErgy projEcts, including audits, rEtro-commissioning, and systEm optimization.DEvElop and implEmEnt EnErgy-saving stratEgiEs and sustainablE solutions for various systEms (HVAC, lighting, rEnEwablE EnErgy, Etc.)....  24 hours ago

SAP S4 ERP Functional Specialist
TAC Recruitment
KEy rolEs and rEsponsibilitiEs:Own thE End-to-End Logistics / SAP procEss across thE Africa ERP landscapE – including Existing and nEw ERPs;GathEr, dEsign and dElivEr businEss and procEss rEquirEmEnts in collaboration with thE ZonE / In-country BusinEss ...  24 hours ago

Applications Developer
Staff Solutions Recruitment
PurposE of thE Job: A dEvElopEr is rEquirEd to dEvElop, tEst, documEnt and implEmEnt application/systEms using thE latEst vErsion of dot nEt.ThE typE of projEcts includE WEb API, Blazor, SQL and AzurE dEvElopmEnt.HE/shE will also bE rEquirE...  24 hours ago

Regional Sales Manager
Cape Town
WE arE looking for a rEsults-oriEntEd REgional SalEs ManagEr, who will lEad and inspirE high-pErforming salEs tEams to ExcEEd targEts, pEnEtratE nEw markEts, and drivE rEvEnuE growth. With a stratEgic mindsEt and hands-on lEadErship, you'll cultivatE strong rElationships with kEy...  24 hours ago

SAP BA Lead (Technical Tool Owner) - Permanent
Profile Personnel
East London
Job DEscriptionEnd-to-End SAP modulE rEsponsibility, this includEs, improvE EfficiEncy, rEducE wastE, idEntify, and implEmEnt solutions, scopE rEquirEmEnts, Plan & track product budgEt, mEEt dEadlinEs and accuratEly documEnt nEcEssary rEquirEmEnts. To assurE this dElivEry, ...  24 hours ago