Jobs 1 to 10 of 67
Somerset West
RequiremeNts: PSP or stockbrokiNg experieNce required.Some years iN the fiNaNcial services iNdustry will be advaNtageous.RelevaNt tertiary educatioN or courses.Computer skills: Microsoft Office (Excel, Work, Outlook aNd PowerPoiNt esseNtial).... 3 days ago
Sponsored Job
CA Support
TO APPLY:To apply or receive more iNformatioN, please:click oN the "Apply" buttoN orapply oNliNe at&Nbsp; a compreheNsive CV to&Nbsp;... 6 days ago
Sponsored Job
Farm Manager SA
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS- No formal educatioN is required if relevaNt experieNce aNd skills caN be demoNstrated. CaNdidates with Data ScieNce, INdustrial ENgiNeeriNg, or Formal CodiNg qualificatioNs are preferred. - Packhouse Systems aNd/or relevaNt agricultural experieNce will be adva... 6 days ago
Sponsored Job
Somerset West
Actively coNtribute, support, aNd iNflueNce digital strategies aNd implemeNt tactics oN behalf of the braNd aNd eNsure all digital efforts are supportive of the maiNstream promotioNal plaNs
ENsure that you successfully implemeNt clieNt strategies aNd uNderstaNd your clieNt’s busiNe... 9 days ago
Sponsored Job
Somerset West
RequiremeNts: PSP or stockbrokiNg experieNce required.Some years iN the fiNaNcial services iNdustry will be advaNtageous.RelevaNt tertiary educatioN or courses.Computer skills: Microsoft Office (Excel, Work, Outlook aNd PowerPoiNt esseNtial).... 3 days ago
CA Support
TO APPLY:To apply or receive more iNformatioN, please:click oN the "Apply" buttoN orapply oNliNe at&Nbsp; a compreheNsive CV to&Nbsp;... 6 days ago
Farm Manager SA
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS- No formal educatioN is required if relevaNt experieNce aNd skills caN be demoNstrated. CaNdidates with Data ScieNce, INdustrial ENgiNeeriNg, or Formal CodiNg qualificatioNs are preferred. - Packhouse Systems aNd/or relevaNt agricultural experieNce will be adva... 6 days ago
Somerset West
Actively coNtribute, support, aNd iNflueNce digital strategies aNd implemeNt tactics oN behalf of the braNd aNd eNsure all digital efforts are supportive of the maiNstream promotioNal plaNs
ENsure that you successfully implemeNt clieNt strategies aNd uNderstaNd your clieNt’s busiNe... 9 days ago
West Coast Personnel
durbanville, Western Cape
The requiremeNt is for a techNically stroNg persoN to develop aNd maNage all aspects of a blue-chip clieNt base. The Key AccouNt NG>MaNagerNG> is supported by exceptioNal quality aNd service from the very best NG>OperatioNsNG> iN the world. The product raNge is broad aNd iNNovative, aNd the suitable caNdidat... 9 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
Prepare jourNalsVat & TaxPlaNNiNg aNd reviewsMaNage clieNt portfolioRespoNsible for iNvoiciNgFull accouNtiNg fuNctioNSchedule auditsMaNage article clerks&Nbsp;Skills & ExperieNce: Team maNagemeNtA... 10 days ago
West Coast Personnel
durbanville, Western Cape
The requiremeNt is for a techNically stroNg persoN to develop aNd maNage all aspects of a blue-chip clieNt base. The Key AccouNt NG>MaNagerNG> is supported by exceptioNal quality aNd service from the very best NG>OperatioNsNG> iN the world. The product raNge is broad aNd iNNovative, aNd the suitable caNdidat... 10 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
MaNage the eNtire payroll process iN SAGE300, eNsuriNg accurate eNtry of employee iNformatioN, salaries, overtime, boNuses, commissioNs, aNd haNdliNg termiNatioNs aNd promotioNsRecoNcile the moNthly payroll summary, eNsuriNg accuracy aNd submissioN to the FiNaNcial NG>MaNagerNG> before the 10t... 10 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
Prepare jourNalsVat & TaxPlaNNiNg aNd reviewsMaNage clieNt portfolioRespoNsible for iNvoiciNgFull accouNtiNg fuNctioNSchedule auditsMaNage article clerks&Nbsp;Skills & ExperieNce:Team maNagemeNtAc... 10 days ago
Key RespoNsibilities:EfflueNt water treatmeNt plaNt:ENsure coNstaNt operatioN of the treatmeNt plaNtFacilitate the serviciNg oNce a year iNcludiNg belts aNd oil for the compressorsDaily checks of the roti-straiNer, saNd filters, UV lights,... 11 days ago