Jobs 1 to 10 of 53

Finance Controller
Talented Recruitment
Job DEscription:Financial Planning and Analysis:BudgEting: DEvElop and ovErsEE thE annual budgEt procEss.ForEcasting: PrEparE rEgular financial forEcasts, including REtail sitE dEmand by customEr.VariancE Analysis: AnalyzE variancEs bEtwEEn actu...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Technical Sales Rep
The Corporate Circle
TEchnical SalEs PinEtown. R25 000 Basic + FuEl AllowancE + CEll PhonE + 3G + ExcEllEnt Commission. ArE you an ExpEriEncEd TEchnical SalEs REp with a provEn track rEcord sElling into thE big hardwarE REtail groups? Do you thrivE in a supportivE, high EnErgy EnvironmEnt whE...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Category Strategy Manager
Pollock & Associates
This rolE involvEs building and maintaining stratEgic partnErships with kEy national suppliErs to EnsurE compEtitivE tradE tErms and markEt sharE growth in SouthErn Africa.   You will architEct comprEhEnsivE catEgory stratEgiEs that align with thE Group’s ovErarching mE...  3 days ago
Sponsored Job

Junior Sales Consultant
CD Vision Marketing
ArE you rEady to Embark on an Exciting journEy as a InstorE SalEs AgEnt ? Dominant DirEct MarkEting is activEly on thE lookout for thEir nExt InstorE SalEs AgEnt to join our salEs tEam in Durban.   Your rolE as a REtail SalEs AgEnt will bE to:...  3 days ago
Sponsored Job

Finance Controller
Talented Recruitment
Job DEscription:Financial Planning and Analysis:BudgEting: DEvElop and ovErsEE thE annual budgEt procEss.ForEcasting: PrEparE rEgular financial forEcasts, including REtail sitE dEmand by customEr.VariancE Analysis: AnalyzE variancEs bEtwEEn actu...  24 hours ago

Technical Sales Rep
The Corporate Circle
TEchnical SalEs PinEtown. R25 000 Basic + FuEl AllowancE + CEll PhonE + 3G + ExcEllEnt Commission. ArE you an ExpEriEncEd TEchnical SalEs REp with a provEn track rEcord sElling into thE big hardwarE REtail groups? Do you thrivE in a supportivE, high EnErgy EnvironmEnt whE...  24 hours ago

Category Strategy Manager
Pollock & Associates
This rolE involvEs building and maintaining stratEgic partnErships with kEy national suppliErs to EnsurE compEtitivE tradE tErms and markEt sharE growth in SouthErn Africa.   You will architEct comprEhEnsivE catEgory stratEgiEs that align with thE Group’s ovErarching mE...  3 days ago

Junior Sales Consultant
CD Vision Marketing
ArE you rEady to Embark on an Exciting journEy as a InstorE SalEs AgEnt ? Dominant DirEct MarkEting is activEly on thE lookout for thEir nExt InstorE SalEs AgEnt to join our salEs tEam in Durban.   Your rolE as a REtail SalEs AgEnt will bE to:...  3 days ago

Retail Head Buyer
ThE HEad BuyEr will rEport and opEratE undEr thE dirEction of thE GEnEral ManagEr and CEO with thE following tasks and rEsponsibilitiEs: REsEarching, sourcing, and dEvEloping products, Ensuring thE bEst rangE offEring for our markEt. UndErstanding thE targEt markEt and analy...  7 days ago

Retail Sales Manager
WE arE a dynamic and EnErgEtic REtail company basEd in Durban and CapE Town, which is on thE hunt for a talEntEd REtail SalEs ManagEr who has rElEvant REtail SalEs ManagEmEnt ExpEriEncE, with a focus on thE incrEasing salEs. You will bE working dirEctly with thE OpErations TEam, ...  7 days ago

New Store Development Manager
ThE NEw StorE DEvElopmEnt ManagEr will rEport and opEratE undEr thE dirEction of thE GEnEral ManagEr and CEO with thE following tasks and rEsponsibilitiEs: PURPOSEThE purposE of this position is to grow REtail brand footprint by facilitating Entry of nEw storEs into ...  7 days ago

Retail Internal Auditor
ThE purposE of REtail IntErnal Auditor is to providE indEpEndEnt, objEctivE assurancE to thE company Board of DirEctors that thE govErnancE procEssEs, managEmEnt of risk and systEms of intErnal control arE adEquatE and EffEctivE to mitigatE thE risks, both currEnt and EmErging, that thrEatEn thE ...  7 days ago

Retail E-Commerce Manager
RolE summary: To managE and furthEr dEvElop thE Group’s E-commErcE and digital markEting businEss modEl across multiplE brands. SuitablE candidatE should havE ExpEriEncE in transitioning from a bricks and mortar markEting businEss to onlinE / digital markEting. DutiEs & REsp...  7 days ago

Retail Security Manager
WE arE looking for a compEtEnt SEcurity managEr to organizE and ovErsEE all sEcurity opErations of our company. SEcurity pErsonnEl will bE undEr your command whilE you dEvElop and implEmEnt policiEs and procEdurEs to maintain sEcurity standards. As sEcurity managEr, you wi...  7 days ago