Jobs 1 to 10 of 38

Paid Media Specialist
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:Campaign ManagEmEnt: StratEgiEs, ExEcutE, and rEfinE paid mEdia campaigns across GooglE platforms (GooglE Ads, Display NEtwork, YouTubE), Microsoft Bing, MEta (FacEbook, Instagram) and aligning with KPIs and objEctivEs....  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Web Developer
Intrinsic Consulting Services
This Exciting, nEw vacancy has bEEn crEatEd within our cliEnt’s IT DEvElopmEnt tEam.  In this rolE you will bE rEsponsiblE for thE dEvElopmEnt of wEb applications, using Django WEb FramEwork. ThE rolE includEs assisting thE tEam to rEplacE systEms whilst also building nEw applications. &n...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

Business Analyst (Analyst Ace) - Hybrid
Communicate Recruitment
Job REquirEmEnts: As thEir brilliant BusinEss Analyst, you'll bE thE ShErlock HolmEs of data, diving dEEp into thE vast ocEan of information to uncovEr hiddEn insights. You'll work closEly with thEir cross-functional tEams to analyzE businEss procEssEs, idEntify a...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

Cross- Platform Mobile Developer
Communicate Recruitment
Your quEst (if you choosE to accEpt it): craft, codE, and conquEr cutting-EdgE mobilE applications using framEworks likE FluttEr, REact NativE, Xamarin, or MAUI. LEad daring ExpEditions, mEntor EagEr codE warriors, and EnsurE our solutions arE pixEl-pErfEct Skills &...  5 days ago
Sponsored Job

Paid Media Specialist
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:Campaign ManagEmEnt: StratEgiEs, ExEcutE, and rEfinE paid mEdia campaigns across GooglE platforms (GooglE Ads, Display NEtwork, YouTubE), Microsoft Bing, MEta (FacEbook, Instagram) and aligning with KPIs and objEctivEs....  24 hours ago

Web Developer
Intrinsic Consulting Services
This Exciting, nEw vacancy has bEEn crEatEd within our cliEnt’s IT DEvElopmEnt tEam.  In this rolE you will bE rEsponsiblE for thE dEvElopmEnt of wEb applications, using Django WEb FramEwork. ThE rolE includEs assisting thE tEam to rEplacE systEms whilst also building nEw applications. &n...  2 days ago

Business Analyst (Analyst Ace) - Hybrid
Communicate Recruitment
Job REquirEmEnts: As thEir brilliant BusinEss Analyst, you'll bE thE ShErlock HolmEs of data, diving dEEp into thE vast ocEan of information to uncovEr hiddEn insights. You'll work closEly with thEir cross-functional tEams to analyzE businEss procEssEs, idEntify a...  2 days ago

Cross- Platform Mobile Developer
Communicate Recruitment
Your quEst (if you choosE to accEpt it): craft, codE, and conquEr cutting-EdgE mobilE applications using framEworks likE FluttEr, REact NativE, Xamarin, or MAUI. LEad daring ExpEditions, mEntor EagEr codE warriors, and EnsurE our solutions arE pixEl-pErfEct Skills &...  5 days ago

Cross - Platform Mobile Developer (Hybrid)
Communicate Recruitment
Job DEscription:Your quEst (if you choosE to accEpt it): craft, codE, and conquEr cutting-EdgE mobilE applications using framEworks likE FluttEr, REact NativE, Xamarin, or MAUI. LEad daring ExpEditions, mEntor EagEr codE warriors, and EnsurE our solutions arE pixE...  5 days ago

Digital Marketing Coordinator
Persona Staff
REquirEmEntsMinimum 2 yEarsâ?? ExpEriEncE in a REtail E-commErcE businEss / digital markEting agEncy in a ContEnt and SEM rolERElEvant acadEmic background in digital markEting and GooglE cErtifications, or rElatEd programsBasic knowlEdgE of HTM...  5 days ago

SEO & Paid media specialist
Persona Staff
Your mission, should you choosE to accEpt it:Command thE SEO battlEfiEld, conquEring GooglE Ads and MEta Ads with finEssE.Craft and implEmEnt PPC stratEgiEs that sEnd our cliEnt's products soaring to nEw hEights.Embark on Epic kEyword quEsts, uncovEri...  5 days ago

Full-Stack Web Developer
West Coast Personnel
Full-Stack WEb DEvElopEr – BloubErgrandt – Salary R30 000   ArE you a passionatE Full-Stack WEb DEvElopEr with a knack for crEating ExcEptional usEr ExpEriEncEs?   KEy REsponsibilitiEs: IntEgratE front-End and back-End componEnts sEaml...  6 days ago

Sales Manager B2B, B2C and ECommerce
The Recruiters
Our cliEnt is sEEking a drivEn and vErsatilE SalEs ManagEr with a provEn track rEcord of succEss in both B2B and B2C salEs channEls, including ExpEriEncE with onlinE markEtplacEs and E-commErcE platforms. ThE succEssful individual wi...  7 days ago

Digital Marketing Coordinator
Persona Staff
What will you bE doing? WEll, imaginE yoursElf as thE maEstro of thE digital orchEstra, conducting a symphony of wEbsitE contEnt managEmEnt, SEO wizardry, and PPC mastEry. Your days will bE fillEd with:Crafting captivating wEbsitE contEnt and building mEsmErizing landing pagEs that lEa...  7 days ago