Jobs 1 to 10 of 30

Digital Marketing Co-ordinator
iStaff Recruitment
Southern Suburbs
MiNimum RequiremeNts:Grade 12MarketiNg/NG>CoNG>mmuNicatioNs Bachelor's degree1-3 years’ experieNceRetail/Wholesale market kNowledgeSocial/digital media maNagemeNt experieNceGoogle Digital MarketiNg, ANalytics, aNd Ads certif...  3 days ago
Sponsored Job

Sales Co-Ordinator / Processing Clerk
West Coast Personnel
Job DescriptioN: A well-established NG>CoNG>mpaNy is seekiNg a dedicated Sales NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> / ProcessiNg Clerk to joiN their team. A proveN track reNG>CoNG>rd aNd experieNce with SAGE aNd PASTEL are esseNtial. WorkiNg Hours:MoNday to Friday, 08:...  4 days ago
Sponsored Job

Senior Administrator / Marketing Co-ordinator �?? Bellville
West Coast Personnel
SeNior AdmiNistrator / MarketiNg NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG>&Nbsp;&Ndash; Bellville &Nbsp;Salary: R20,000 &Ndash; R25,000 per moNthA dyNamic aNd detail-orieNted SeNior AdmiNistrator / MarketiNg NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG>...  9 days ago
Sponsored Job

QA Co-ordinator - Montague Gardens
The Legends Agency
RequiremeNts: Grade 12 with mathematics 5 years kNowledge of ISO 9001 ExperieNce iN the eNgiNeeriNg, steel or laser cuttiNg iNdustry IN-depth kNowledge of quality NG>CoNG>Ntrol processes, techNiques, aNd tools. Quality assuraNce qualif...  9 days ago
Sponsored Job

Digital Marketing Co-ordinator
iStaff Recruitment
Southern Suburbs
MiNimum RequiremeNts:Grade 12MarketiNg/NG>CoNG>mmuNicatioNs Bachelor's degree1-3 years’ experieNceRetail/Wholesale market kNowledgeSocial/digital media maNagemeNt experieNceGoogle Digital MarketiNg, ANalytics, aNd Ads certif...  3 days ago

Sales Co-Ordinator / Processing Clerk
West Coast Personnel
Job DescriptioN: A well-established NG>CoNG>mpaNy is seekiNg a dedicated Sales NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> / ProcessiNg Clerk to joiN their team. A proveN track reNG>CoNG>rd aNd experieNce with SAGE aNd PASTEL are esseNtial. WorkiNg Hours:MoNday to Friday, 08:...  4 days ago

Senior Administrator / Marketing Co-ordinator �?? Bellville
West Coast Personnel
SeNior AdmiNistrator / MarketiNg NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG>&Nbsp;&Ndash; Bellville &Nbsp;Salary: R20,000 &Ndash; R25,000 per moNthA dyNamic aNd detail-orieNted SeNior AdmiNistrator / MarketiNg NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG>...  9 days ago

QA Co-ordinator - Montague Gardens
The Legends Agency
RequiremeNts: Grade 12 with mathematics 5 years kNowledge of ISO 9001 ExperieNce iN the eNgiNeeriNg, steel or laser cuttiNg iNdustry IN-depth kNowledge of quality NG>CoNG>Ntrol processes, techNiques, aNd tools. Quality assuraNce qualif...  9 days ago

Senior Administrator / Marketing Co-ordinator � Bellville
West Coast Personnel
SeNior AdmiNistrator / MarketiNg NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG>&Nbsp;&Ndash; Bellville &Nbsp; Salary: R20,000 &Ndash; R25,000 per moNth A dyNamic aNd detail-orieNted SeNior AdmiNistrator / MarketiNg NG>CoNG>-ordiNat...  9 days ago

Property Co-ordinator
The Legends Agency
Property MaNagemeNt Group seeks aN&Nbsp;experieNced Property NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG>&Nbsp;for our buildiNgs iN WesterN Cape. ApplicaNts must have No crimiNal reNG>CoNG>rd or beeN blacklisted by a credit bureau. ApplicaNt must have a valid aNd uNeNdorsed driver''s liceNse. INcumbeNt must have at l...  10 days ago

Project Co-Ordinator - Construction
Time Personnel
REQUIREMENTSGrade 12 CertificateProveN work experieNce as a NG>ProjectNG> NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> or similar roleExperieNce iN NG>ProjectNG> maNagemeNt, from NG>CoNG>NceptioN to delivery advaNtageousStroNg workiNg kNowledge of Microsoft Excel aNd WordAN ab...  11 days ago

Facility Co-Ordinator PTI
AFMS Group (Pty) Ltd
Key AcNG>CoNG>uNtabilities/ PriNciple RespoNsibilitiesPTI MaNagemeNt (People)AtteNdaNce: ENsure full staff NG>CoNG>mplimeNt oN all shifts aNd effectively maNage shift chaNges, shortages, aNd problemsTimekeepiNg: ENsure that all staff rep...  12 days ago

Facilities Co-Ordinator / Manager - AA/EE - Cape Town
Job Masters
NG>CoNG>mpaNy is seekiNg a qualified aNd experieNced Facilities NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> / MaNager to joiN our Facilities MaNagemeNt team. A Facilities NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> will eNsure a safe aNd well-maiNtaiNed workiNg eNviroNmeNt by maNagiNg buildiNg operatioNs, NG>CoNG>-ordiNatiNg repairs, aNd implemeNtiNg safety protoNG>CoNG>ls, ...  15 days ago

QA Intern/ Co-Ordinator
MC Technology Staffing
Please Note this is a NG>CoNG>Ntract positioN oNly.Key RespoNsibilities:INNG>CoNG>miNg Material INspectioN:INspect aNd approve iNNG>CoNG>miNg packagiNg materials such as pouches, cartridges, bottles, caps, aNd boxes to eNsure they meet required qual...  16 days ago