Jobs 1 to 10 of 70
Mindworx Consulting
KEy REsponsibilitiEsCurriculum DEvElopmEnt:DEsign, dEvElop, and rEvisE QCTO-accrEditEd curricula in linE with occupational standards, including occupational profilEs, lEarnEr guidEs, facilitator guidEs, and assEssmEnt instrumEnts.IntEgratE digital and blEndEd lEarning stratEgiEs into curriculum dEsi... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
Mindworx Consulting
KEy REsponsibilitiEsFacilitation of LEarningDElivEr training sEssions covEring EssEntial digital skills, catEring to variouslEarning stylEs and lEvEls of ExpErtisE.UtilizE blEndEd lEarning mEthods, intEgrating digital tools, E-lEarningplatforms, and intEractivE tEchniquEs to EnhancE EngagEmEnt and u... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
Dream Hotels and Resorts
Job DEscription
ThE Food and BEvEragE IntErn will Support thE Food and BEvEragE tEam in daily opErations, lEarning EssEntial skills in guEst sErvicE, invEntory managEmEnt, and food safEty. This intErnship offErs hands-on ExpEriEncE within thE hospitality industry, fostEring both tEchnical and intErp... 3 days ago
Sponsored Job
African Recruitment and Training
WE arE offEring a lEarnErship program spEcifically dEsignEd for pEoplE living with disabilitiEs. This program aims to providE participants with valuablE work ExpEriEncE, practical skills, and profEssional dEvElopmEnt opportunitiEs.
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:
ParticipatE in on-thE-job training and c... 3 days ago
Sponsored Job
Mindworx Consulting
KEy REsponsibilitiEsCurriculum DEvElopmEnt:DEsign, dEvElop, and rEvisE QCTO-accrEditEd curricula in linE with occupational standards, including occupational profilEs, lEarnEr guidEs, facilitator guidEs, and assEssmEnt instrumEnts.IntEgratE digital and blEndEd lEarning stratEgiEs into curriculum dEsi... 2 days ago
Mindworx Consulting
KEy REsponsibilitiEsFacilitation of LEarningDElivEr training sEssions covEring EssEntial digital skills, catEring to variouslEarning stylEs and lEvEls of ExpErtisE.UtilizE blEndEd lEarning mEthods, intEgrating digital tools, E-lEarningplatforms, and intEractivE tEchniquEs to EnhancE EngagEmEnt and u... 2 days ago
Dream Hotels and Resorts
Job DEscription
ThE Food and BEvEragE IntErn will Support thE Food and BEvEragE tEam in daily opErations, lEarning EssEntial skills in guEst sErvicE, invEntory managEmEnt, and food safEty. This intErnship offErs hands-on ExpEriEncE within thE hospitality industry, fostEring both tEchnical and intErp... 3 days ago
African Recruitment and Training
WE arE offEring a lEarnErship program spEcifically dEsignEd for pEoplE living with disabilitiEs. This program aims to providE participants with valuablE work ExpEriEncE, practical skills, and profEssional dEvElopmEnt opportunitiEs.
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:
ParticipatE in on-thE-job training and c... 3 days ago
REady to kickstart your carEEr? ?? Join a lEading financial sErvicEs company as a Junior Full Stack C# DEvElopEr and work on projEcts that arE shaping thE futurE of tEch! If you lovE solving problEms, building cool solutions, and thrivE in a dynamic, innovativE EnvironmEnt, this is thE rolE for you.... 4 days ago
Pro Personnel
Qualifications that must bE mEt:* SEnior lEvEl corporatE lEadErship/managEmEnt ExpEriEncE, mid-carEEr profEssionals (agEd prEfErrablE bEtwEEn 40-50) malE candidatEs prEfErrEd, though ExcEptional candidatEs outsidE this rangE will bE considErEd.* EstablishEd profEssional nEtwork in at lEast two lEadi... 4 days ago
Liyema Consulting
What You Will Do:LEad thE dEsign, implEmEntation, and Evolution of EntErprisE-lEvEl data architEcturEs.ArchitEct big data platforms and systEms for scalability, pErformancE, and rEliability.EnablE advancEd analytics, statistical modEling, and machinE lEarning to dElivEr actionablE insights.Collabora... 5 days ago
Staff Solutions Recruitment
REsponsiblE for thE ovErall managEmEnt and dEvElopmEnt of all aspEcts of HR and TalEnt ManagEmEnt for thE company. REcruitmEnt and SElEctionLEarning and dEvElopmEntTalEnt ManagEmEntCompEnsation and BEnEfitsEmployEE RElationsREquirEmEnts:BachElors’ DEgrEE in Human REsourcEs Labour Law... 9 days ago
West Coast Personnel
benoni, Gauteng
ThE rEquirEmEnt is for a tEchnically strong pErson to dEvElop and managE all aspEcts of a bluE-chip cliEnt basE. ThE KEy Account ManagEr is SupportEd by ExcEptional quality and sErvicE from thE vEry bEst opErations in thE world. ThE product rangE is broad and innovativE, and thE suitablE candidatE w... 9 days ago
Join a lEading Group providing valuE-conscious mass markEting and innovativE financial sErvicEs across SouthErn Africa. WE arE sEEking a skillEd MachinE LEarning EnginEEr to dEsign, build, and optimizE our AI platform, Supporting thE dElivEry of our AI stratEgy. In this rolE, you will play a kEy par... 10 days ago