Jobs 1 to 10 of 37

Development Team Manager
Network Recruitment
REsponsibilitiEs:LEad and managE a tEam of dEvElopErs, including conducting pErformancE Evaluations OvErsEE rEsourcE allocation, workload distribution, and onboarding/offboarding procEssEs.CollaboratE with SEnior DEvElopErs to managE dEvElopEr rEcruitmEnt Efforts.ProvidE tEchnical guidancE to E...  24 hours ago
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Senior Production Technician
Merand Corbett & Associates
Somerset West
KEy DutiEs:LEad assEmbly, tEsting, dEsign, dEvElopmEnt, and vErification of systEms, subsystEms, tEstErs, and associatEd hardwarE, softwarE, and algorithms.ContributE to projEct outputs, including dEsign, documEntation, and vErification artifacts.EnsurE propEr functionality of prototyping and assEmb...  24 hours ago
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Software Development Team Manager (CH1115)
Our cliEnt, a StEllEnbosch-basEd lEading paymEnt aggrEgator and providEr of sEcurE paymEnt solutions, is looking for a SoftwarE DEvElopmEnt TEam ManagEr to lEad a tEam of softwarE dEvElopErs in an AgilE EnvironmEnt, . ThE rolE focusEs on tEam pErformancE, procEss optimisation, rEcruitmEnt of nEw dEv...  2 days ago
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Senior Business Analyst
HR Genie
About PaytEc:  PaytEc providEs intEgratEd vErtical financial infrastructurE to EnablE dEEp financial inclusion whErE it is nEEdEd most.  ...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

Development Team Manager
Network Recruitment
REsponsibilitiEs:LEad and managE a tEam of dEvElopErs, including conducting pErformancE Evaluations OvErsEE rEsourcE allocation, workload distribution, and onboarding/offboarding procEssEs.CollaboratE with SEnior DEvElopErs to managE dEvElopEr rEcruitmEnt Efforts.ProvidE tEchnical guidancE to E...  24 hours ago

Senior Production Technician
Merand Corbett & Associates
Somerset West
KEy DutiEs:LEad assEmbly, tEsting, dEsign, dEvElopmEnt, and vErification of systEms, subsystEms, tEstErs, and associatEd hardwarE, softwarE, and algorithms.ContributE to projEct outputs, including dEsign, documEntation, and vErification artifacts.EnsurE propEr functionality of prototyping and assEmb...  24 hours ago

Software Development Team Manager (CH1115)
Our cliEnt, a StEllEnbosch-basEd lEading paymEnt aggrEgator and providEr of sEcurE paymEnt solutions, is looking for a SoftwarE DEvElopmEnt TEam ManagEr to lEad a tEam of softwarE dEvElopErs in an AgilE EnvironmEnt, . ThE rolE focusEs on tEam pErformancE, procEss optimisation, rEcruitmEnt of nEw dEv...  2 days ago

Senior Business Analyst
HR Genie
About PaytEc:  PaytEc providEs intEgratEd vErtical financial infrastructurE to EnablE dEEp financial inclusion whErE it is nEEdEd most.  ...  2 days ago

Senior BI Developer
Network Recruitment
If you Enjoy working across thE full BI stack, turning complEx data into actionablE insights, and contributing to stratEgic businEss goals, this is your opportunity to thrivE in a fast-pacEd, data-focusEd EnvironmEnt. You’ll work closEly with businEss divisions to dEsign and build BI solutions...  5 days ago

Office Administrator to CEO & Senior Executives
Merand Corbett & Associates
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:CoordinatE all travEl arrangEmEnts, including visas, flights, accommodation, car rEntals, and itinErariEs.Plan, organisE, and ovErsEE mEEtings, EvEnts, and confErEncEs, managing logistics, invitations, and rEsourcEs.HandlE high-prEssurE situations with gracE, managing urgEnt tas...  6 days ago

Stock Controller
Somerset West
Join a dynamic tEam whErE you’ll optimizE stock allocation and managE ordErs to mEEt dEalErship and customEr nEEds. ProvidE EssEntial administrativE support to EnsurE smooth salEs procEssEs and up-to-datE information. Our cliEnt is sEEking a Stock ControllEr for thEir dEalErship basEd in&...  8 days ago

Senior Java Developer
Communicate Recruitment
Sprint through back-End dEvElopmEnt with Spring Boot, building robust, high-pErforming applicationsLEvEl up usEr ExpEriEncEs with your front-End dEvElopmEnt skills (REact, Angular, or similar)DEvour dEbugging challEngEs and optimizE codE likE Pac-Man with a powEr pEllEtWork in a dynamic tEam whErE c...  10 days ago

Senior Production Technician
E&D Recruiters
Somerset West
SEnior ElEctronic Production TEchnicianSomErsEt-WEstMinimum rEquirEmEnts:BTEch (ElEctronic EnginEEring)4-5 yEars of working ExpEriEncE with ElEctronic componEnts, PCBs and SoldEring; ElEctronic tEsting, intEgration tEsting, ElEctromEchanical intEgration EtcHigh standard of communication skills in En...  12 days ago

Head Chef
Lotus Recruitment
KEY REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSIDERATION:  You will havE a culinary qualification plus 5 – 10 yEars ExpEriEncE as a chEf with 3+ yEars at a SEnior/managEmEnt lEvEl.You must havE ExpEriEncE in divErsE cuisinEs and largE-group catEring, as wEll as having a fingEr on thE pulsE of catEring to a var...  12 days ago