Jobs 1 to 3 of 3

End User Support Technician
Data Centrix
REquirEmEnts:GradE 12 cErtificatECErtifications: A+, N+, ApplE EssEntials, Linux EssEntialsValid RSA drivEr’s licEnsE (manual transmission)12-18 months of rElEvant ExpEriEncEExcEllEnt communication and strong problEm-solving abilitiEsAdhErEncE to profEssional EtiquEttE and drEss codEAbility to...  11 days ago
Sponsored Job

Branch Manager - Bloemfontein
HR Genie
Job Summary:WE arE sEEking a dynamic and ExpEriEncEd Branch ManagEr to lEad our tEam at our BloEmfontEin branch.  ThE idEal candidatE will bE rEsponsiblE for ovErsEEing thE daily opErations of thE branch, driving salEs growth, Ensuring customEr satisfaction, and managing staff pErformancE. If y...  39 days ago
Sponsored Job

Printer Support Technician
Mirna Butler Recruitment
Our cliEnt is rEcruiting for a PrintEr Support TEchnician, with 2 yEars' of ExpEriEncE in printErs and IT Support. Minimum rEquirEmEnts: Valid drivErs licEnsE REliablE transport Must bE fluEnt in Afrikaans and English KyocEra and Toshiba cErtifiEd training would bE advantagEous Must havE minimum 2 ...  41 days ago
Sponsored Job

End User Support Technician
Data Centrix
REquirEmEnts:GradE 12 cErtificatECErtifications: A+, N+, ApplE EssEntials, Linux EssEntialsValid RSA drivEr’s licEnsE (manual transmission)12-18 months of rElEvant ExpEriEncEExcEllEnt communication and strong problEm-solving abilitiEsAdhErEncE to profEssional EtiquEttE and drEss codEAbility to...  11 days ago

Branch Manager - Bloemfontein
HR Genie
Job Summary:WE arE sEEking a dynamic and ExpEriEncEd Branch ManagEr to lEad our tEam at our BloEmfontEin branch.  ThE idEal candidatE will bE rEsponsiblE for ovErsEEing thE daily opErations of thE branch, driving salEs growth, Ensuring customEr satisfaction, and managing staff pErformancE. If y...  39 days ago

Printer Support Technician
Mirna Butler Recruitment
Our cliEnt is rEcruiting for a PrintEr Support TEchnician, with 2 yEars' of ExpEriEncE in printErs and IT Support. Minimum rEquirEmEnts: Valid drivErs licEnsE REliablE transport Must bE fluEnt in Afrikaans and English KyocEra and Toshiba cErtifiEd training would bE advantagEous Must havE minimum 2 ...  41 days ago