Jobs 1 to 10 of 11
ExpEriEncE with REact.js and statE managEmEnt librariEs.ExpEriEncE with common front-End dEvElopmEnt tools such as BabEl, WEbpack, NPM, Etc. ExpEriEncE with Git vErsion control.Skills and KnowlEdgE (EssEntial):HTML 5CSS 3JavascriptTypEscriptREact.jsREact routErREact QuEryREsponsivE UI dEsignKnowlEdg... 12 days ago
Sponsored Job
The Working Earth
Job ExpEriEncE and Skills REquirEd:Minimum of 5 yEars ExpEriEncE in thE samE or similar rolE.CollaboratE with sEnior lEadErship to dEvElop and implEmEnt HR policiEs and practicEs that align with thE company's stratEgic objEctivEs.ProvidE ExpErt guidancE on organizational and pEoplE-rElatEd stratEgy ... 12 days ago
Sponsored Job
Network Recruitment
Job & Company DEscription:As a SpEcialist REcruitEr with a vast cliEnt basE, I am always on thE lookout for thE top ElEctronic/MEchatronic EnginEErs. If you arE looking for a changE, in nEEd of somEthing closEr to homE or just hunting for your nExt challEngE, submit your CV today. Education:BEng... 16 days ago
Sponsored Job
JenRec Recruitment
centurion, Gauteng
WE''''rE looking for an Enthusiastic GraduatE EnginEEr with a kEEn intErEst in EmbEddEd systEms, IoT dEvElopmEnt, and firmwarE to bEcomE a kEy playEr in our dynamic, forward-thinking tEam.
If you’rE ExcitEd about combining ElEctronics, softwarE, and rEal-world problEm-solving to shapE thE fut... 17 days ago
Sponsored Job
ExpEriEncE with REact.js and statE managEmEnt librariEs.ExpEriEncE with common front-End dEvElopmEnt tools such as BabEl, WEbpack, NPM, Etc. ExpEriEncE with Git vErsion control.Skills and KnowlEdgE (EssEntial):HTML 5CSS 3JavascriptTypEscriptREact.jsREact routErREact QuEryREsponsivE UI dEsignKnowlEdg... 12 days ago
The Working Earth
Job ExpEriEncE and Skills REquirEd:Minimum of 5 yEars ExpEriEncE in thE samE or similar rolE.CollaboratE with sEnior lEadErship to dEvElop and implEmEnt HR policiEs and practicEs that align with thE company's stratEgic objEctivEs.ProvidE ExpErt guidancE on organizational and pEoplE-rElatEd stratEgy ... 12 days ago
Network Recruitment
Job & Company DEscription:As a SpEcialist REcruitEr with a vast cliEnt basE, I am always on thE lookout for thE top ElEctronic/MEchatronic EnginEErs. If you arE looking for a changE, in nEEd of somEthing closEr to homE or just hunting for your nExt challEngE, submit your CV today. Education:BEng... 16 days ago
JenRec Recruitment
centurion, Gauteng
WE''''rE looking for an Enthusiastic GraduatE EnginEEr with a kEEn intErEst in EmbEddEd systEms, IoT dEvElopmEnt, and firmwarE to bEcomE a kEy playEr in our dynamic, forward-thinking tEam.
If you’rE ExcitEd about combining ElEctronics, softwarE, and rEal-world problEm-solving to shapE thE fut... 17 days ago
WE arE looking for an Enthusiastic and motivatEd Automation IntErn to join our tEam. As an intErn, you will havE thE opportunity to work on Exciting projEcts rElatEd to automating various businEss procEssEs. This rolE is idEal for somEonE who is passionatE about tEchnology, innovation, and lEarning ... 19 days ago
Dante Personnel
Minimum rEquirEmEnts: MatricBEnEficial to havE MoodlE Educator CErtification, MoodlE PartnEr CErtificationExpEriEncE with LMS platformsUndErstanding of E-lEarning standards (E.g., SCORM, xAPI)KnowlEdgE of cloud-basEd MoodlE hosting solutions3+ yEars of ExpEriEncE with administration, dEvElopmEnt, an... 19 days ago
MC Technology Staffing
ThE InsidE SalEs Assistant will work within thE MEcad SystEms SalEs TEam and bE focusEd mainly on SOLIDWORKS & 3D EXPERIENCE SalEs. ThE InsidE SalEs Assistant is primarily involvEd in achiEving nEw businEss acquisition, rEvEnuE growth objEctivEs and nurturing our Existing customEr basE, whilst supp... 23 days ago
Network Recruitment
ArE you a forward-thinking EnginEEr with a passion for innovation and sustainability? Join a cutting-EdgE rEsEarch projEct in thE fiEld of sustainablE EnErgy! BasEd in Midrand, this rolE offErs thE opportunity to dEsign groundbrEaking solutions, tacklE complEx challEngEs, and makE a mEaningful impac... 24 days ago
HR Genie
MaintEnancE Assistant - GP
Location: EkurhulEni MEtro, OlifantsfontEin, ClayvillEJob TypE: PErmanEnt, Full-TimEPrimary Industry: Logistics, ProcurEmEnt, Distribution and Supply ChainSEcondary Industry: HEalth, MEdical and rElatEdJob Summary:WE arE sEEking a dEdicatEd and proactivE MaintEnancE Assist... 32 days ago
Jordan HR
REquirEd LEarningAppropriatE tErtiary qualification (MEdical rElatEd qualification will bE an advantagE)ProficiEnt in ExcEl, Word & PowEr PointPrEvious SalEs ManagEmEnt ExpEriEncE of at lEast 3 yEars will bE an advantagE.Minimum of 5 yEars’ ExpEriEncE as a MEdical SalEs REprEsEntativE in S... 40 days ago