Jobs 1 to 4 of 4
Prostaff Holdings
Minimum requiremenTs for The role:A bachelor’s degree in informaTion Technology, Engineering, or a relaTed field is preferred for This role.Previous (7+ years) experience working in Technical supporT, cusTomer success, or a relaTed role, wiThin a (aT leasT 5 years) managerial posiTion.Mu... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
Profession Hub
We seek a moTivaTed and enThusiasTic school leaver To join our IT Team as an EnTry-Level IT SupporT Technician. This role is ideal for someone passionaTe abouT Technology and eager To develop Their skills in a hands-on environmenT. You will provide firsT-line supporT, TroubleshooT basic IT issues, a... 7 days ago
Sponsored Job
Tower Group
DescripTion:ConTracT Renewal:To effecTive collecT ouTsTanding debT and prevenT Bad DebT for Vodacom CorporaTe, Business and Consumer collecTion porTfolio and ensure ThaT The accounTs are paid when dueTo assisT and empower oTher Vodacom DeparTmenTs on CollecTions calls via Real- Time Helpdesk in a Bl... 70 days ago
Sponsored Job
Tower Group
DescripTion:ConTracT Renewal:To effecTive collecT ouTsTanding debT and prevenT Bad DebT for Vodacom CorporaTe, Business and Consumer collecTion porTfolio and ensure ThaT The accounTs are paid when dueTo assisT and empower oTher Vodacom DeparTmenTs on CollecTions calls via Real- Time Helpdesk in a Bl... 77 days ago
Sponsored Job
Prostaff Holdings
Minimum requiremenTs for The role:A bachelor’s degree in informaTion Technology, Engineering, or a relaTed field is preferred for This role.Previous (7+ years) experience working in Technical supporT, cusTomer success, or a relaTed role, wiThin a (aT leasT 5 years) managerial posiTion.Mu... 2 days ago
Profession Hub
We seek a moTivaTed and enThusiasTic school leaver To join our IT Team as an EnTry-Level IT SupporT Technician. This role is ideal for someone passionaTe abouT Technology and eager To develop Their skills in a hands-on environmenT. You will provide firsT-line supporT, TroubleshooT basic IT issues, a... 7 days ago
Tower Group
DescripTion:ConTracT Renewal:To effecTive collecT ouTsTanding debT and prevenT Bad DebT for Vodacom CorporaTe, Business and Consumer collecTion porTfolio and ensure ThaT The accounTs are paid when dueTo assisT and empower oTher Vodacom DeparTmenTs on CollecTions calls via Real- Time Helpdesk in a Bl... 70 days ago
Tower Group
DescripTion:ConTracT Renewal:To effecTive collecT ouTsTanding debT and prevenT Bad DebT for Vodacom CorporaTe, Business and Consumer collecTion porTfolio and ensure ThaT The accounTs are paid when dueTo assisT and empower oTher Vodacom DeparTmenTs on CollecTions calls via Real- Time Helpdesk in a Bl... 77 days ago