Jobs 1 to 10 of 175

Security Specialist - Security Analyst
Set Consulting
SEcurity SpEcialist - SEcurity Analyst Major TElEcommunications firm sEEks dEdicatEd individual. Pivotal rolE to collEct, analysE and scrutinisE SEcurity data. MakE rEcommEndations to optimisE SEcurity tEchnology on sitEs. EffEctivEly managE data costs and EquipmEnt EfficiEnciEs. Important nEw carEE...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Dispatch Manager
Charm Recruit
heriotdale, Gauteng
Job REsponsibilitiEs ThE Dispatch ManagEr will bE rEsponsiblE for ovErsEEing thE day-to-day opErations of thE Dispatch DEpartmEnt, with rEgards to final product inspEctions, allocations and consignmEnts whilE Ensuring that all dispatch activitiEs arE carriEd out EfficiEntly and EffEctivEly. ThE ...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Call Center Agent
A lEading organisation is on thE sEarch for Call CEntrE AgEnts to join thEir tEam in multiplE locations in and around JohannEsburg for a 12 month contract.  About thE rolE: REsponding to customEr inquiriEs and issuEs via phonE or Email. Handling rotational shifts: 7 am-3 pm or 3 pm-11 pm. ...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Financial Manager
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:REsponsiblE for thE financial Planning which addrEssEs risks, rEsourcEs, Provisions and invEstmEnts.Risk ManagEmEnt with protEction for thE Division against financial risks.AnalysE financial statEmEnts and ratios and rEcommEnd improvEmEnts.Ensuring compliancE with all rElEvant lEgislation, GA...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Security Specialist - Security Analyst
Set Consulting
SEcurity SpEcialist - SEcurity Analyst Major TElEcommunications firm sEEks dEdicatEd individual. Pivotal rolE to collEct, analysE and scrutinisE SEcurity data. MakE rEcommEndations to optimisE SEcurity tEchnology on sitEs. EffEctivEly managE data costs and EquipmEnt EfficiEnciEs. Important nEw carEE...  24 hours ago

Dispatch Manager
Charm Recruit
heriotdale, Gauteng
Job REsponsibilitiEs ThE Dispatch ManagEr will bE rEsponsiblE for ovErsEEing thE day-to-day opErations of thE Dispatch DEpartmEnt, with rEgards to final product inspEctions, allocations and consignmEnts whilE Ensuring that all dispatch activitiEs arE carriEd out EfficiEntly and EffEctivEly. ThE ...  24 hours ago

Call Center Agent
A lEading organisation is on thE sEarch for Call CEntrE AgEnts to join thEir tEam in multiplE locations in and around JohannEsburg for a 12 month contract.  About thE rolE: REsponding to customEr inquiriEs and issuEs via phonE or Email. Handling rotational shifts: 7 am-3 pm or 3 pm-11 pm. ...  24 hours ago

Financial Manager
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:REsponsiblE for thE financial Planning which addrEssEs risks, rEsourcEs, Provisions and invEstmEnts.Risk ManagEmEnt with protEction for thE Division against financial risks.AnalysE financial statEmEnts and ratios and rEcommEnd improvEmEnts.Ensuring compliancE with all rElEvant lEgislation, GA...  24 hours ago

Edge Executives
REquirEmEnts:CA(SA)8 - 10 yEars ExpEriEncE as FD / CFOPropErty ExpEriEncECommErcial ExpEriEncEEntrEprEnuErial skillsExcEllEnt financial skillsKEy arEas:BudgEting and ForEcasting, including critical forward businEss modEllingCost control and rEalising EfficiEnciEsDEsign, Plan and implEmEnt businEss p...  24 hours ago

Corporate Finance Analyst
Network Recruitment
DiscovEr a nEw rEalm of advErtising possibilitiEs with a partnEr that rEdEfinEs thE gamE. ThEir innovativE mEdia solutions span 18 vibrant African markEts, offEring a sEamlEss blEnd of static and digital advErtising to mEEt thE consumErs EvEry nEEd.Job ExpEriEncE and Skills REquirEd:QualifiEd CA(SA)...  2 days ago

Corporate Financial Analyst
Network Recruitment
Job & Company DEscription:My cliEnt is a global Entity hEadquartErEd in EuropE. ThEy arE onE of thE lEadErs in advErtising.ThE succEssful applicant will rEport to thE Financial DirEctor - Africa and will bE rEsponsiblE for financial control of Africa markEt. ProvidE financial analysis and commEn...  2 days ago

Senior Finance Analyst
Network Recruitment
DiscovEr a nEw rEalm of advErtising possibilitiEs with a partnEr that rEdEfinEs thE gamE. ThEir innovativE mEdia solutions span 18 vibrant African markEts, offEring a sEamlEss blEnd of static and digital advErtising to mEEt thE consumErs EvEry nEEd.Job ExpEriEncE and Skills REquirEd:QualifiEd CA(SA)...  2 days ago

HR Genie
BEvco: ApprEnticEship ProgrammE 2024 PurposE To bE trainEd and gain knowlEdgE and ExpEriEncE as an apprEnticE in rElEvant tradE. REquirEmEnts Matric Math or SciEncE pass at >50%N3 rElEvant to tradE (FittEr and TurnEr, ElEctrical & InstrumEntation)MEchanical aptitudE, mEntal alErtnEss, analyti...  2 days ago

HR Business Partner
Strategic Personnel
Transformation ManagEmEntLEad dEvElopmEnt and implEmEntation of EE agEnda, LEad and dEvElop thE corporatE social invEstmEnt agEnda, EE rEporting, Ensuring compliancE and rEsponsiblE for implEmEnting, collEcting data and rEporting on B-BBEE scorE card on BEE catEgory: HR DEvElopmEntTalEnt ManagEmEntE...  2 days ago