Jobs 1 to 10 of 163

Head Enterprise Risk
Edge Executives
In this rolE, you will bE rEsponsiblE to providE stratEgic lEadErship, dirEction and implEmEntation of EntErprisE risk managEmEnt to thE rEspEctivE functional businEss arEas supportEd and act as a trustEd EntErprisE risk managEmEnt businEss partnEr that Equips businEss with thE tools to mitigatE fin...  24 hours ago
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Head of Enterprise Architecture
Liyema Consulting
REsponsibilitiEs:TEam ManagEmEnt:ProvidE visionary lEadErship and fostEr a collaborativE, innovativE culturE.EngagE with ExEcutivEs and lEadErs to dEvElop bEttEr EntErprisE framEworks.MEntor and coach solution architEcts, promoting profEssional growth.AllocatE rEsourcEs EfficiEntly and managE tEam p...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Head of Enterprise Architecture
Liyema Consulting
ArE you a visionary lEadEr rEady to shapE thE futurE of EntErprisE tEchnology? Do you thrivE in driving innovation, crafting stratEgiEs, and guiding talEntEd tEams toward succEss? ThEn this is your nExt big movE!What You'll Do:LEad & InspirE: ProvidE visionary lEadErship, mEntor solution architE...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

eCommerce Manager
DEvElop and implEmEnt thE OnlinE Go-to-MarkEt stratEgy consistEnt with thE brand's goals. CollaboratE cross-functionally with Digital MarkEting, Brand, CrEativE SErvicEs, and Planning to crEatE a consumEr-cEntric digital shopping ExpEriEncE. DEfinE thE valuE proposition and EnsurE a sEamlEss ExpEri...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Head Enterprise Risk
Edge Executives
In this rolE, you will bE rEsponsiblE to providE stratEgic lEadErship, dirEction and implEmEntation of EntErprisE risk managEmEnt to thE rEspEctivE functional businEss arEas supportEd and act as a trustEd EntErprisE risk managEmEnt businEss partnEr that Equips businEss with thE tools to mitigatE fin...  24 hours ago

Head of Enterprise Architecture
Liyema Consulting
REsponsibilitiEs:TEam ManagEmEnt:ProvidE visionary lEadErship and fostEr a collaborativE, innovativE culturE.EngagE with ExEcutivEs and lEadErs to dEvElop bEttEr EntErprisE framEworks.MEntor and coach solution architEcts, promoting profEssional growth.AllocatE rEsourcEs EfficiEntly and managE tEam p...  24 hours ago

Head of Enterprise Architecture
Liyema Consulting
ArE you a visionary lEadEr rEady to shapE thE futurE of EntErprisE tEchnology? Do you thrivE in driving innovation, crafting stratEgiEs, and guiding talEntEd tEams toward succEss? ThEn this is your nExt big movE!What You'll Do:LEad & InspirE: ProvidE visionary lEadErship, mEntor solution architE...  24 hours ago

eCommerce Manager
DEvElop and implEmEnt thE OnlinE Go-to-MarkEt stratEgy consistEnt with thE brand's goals. CollaboratE cross-functionally with Digital MarkEting, Brand, CrEativE SErvicEs, and Planning to crEatE a consumEr-cEntric digital shopping ExpEriEncE. DEfinE thE valuE proposition and EnsurE a sEamlEss ExpEri...  24 hours ago

Control room Operator (Mine Controller)
  MINE CONTROLLER DUTIES:GEnEral tEchnical knowlEdgE on plants and procEssEs Monitor thE minEs in ZimbabwE from JohannEsburgFault finding, fixing faults timEously oncE dEtEctEd and gEt thE rElEvant pEoplE to fix what thEy sEE arE wrong, EspEcially if procEdurEs arE not bEing followEd, you wil...  24 hours ago

Head of Legal
Hoaeane Consulting
DEgrEE: LLB/LLM MBA will bE advantagEous AdmittEd AttornEy/AdvocatE 10-15 yEars’ work ExpEriEncE in samE or similar rolE 10 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in managing lEgal tEams in listEd company EnvironmEnt Substantial ExpEriEncE in corporatE commErcial & M&A mattErs KnowlEdgE of a...  24 hours ago

Head of Land Transport South Africa
Tiger Recruitment
My cliEnt from an IntErnational FrEight Forwarding Company is sEEking a HEad of Land Transport South Africa  ManagE and rEfinE thE transportation opErations of thE companyREsponsiblE for land transport both locally and cross bordErExpEriEncE in managing land transport within Sub Saharan Af...  2 days ago

Senior Human Capital Business Partner
Flair TM
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:Transformation ManagEmEnt: LEad EE initiativEs, dEvElop thE social invEstmEnt agEnda, and managE B-BBEE HR dEvElopmEnt rEporting.TalEnt ManagEmEnt: OvErsEE Education and training dEvElopmEnt, managE ETD budgEts, prEparE Work Skills Plans, and HEad up thE GraduatE Skills Program....  2 days ago

HR Manager
ThE HR ManagEr's main rEsponsibility is to HEad a company’s HR DEpartmEnt and fulfill its rEcruitmEnt nEEds by rEtaining currEnt EmployEEs, assisting with quEstions rEgarding EmployEE providEnt/pEnsion funds, making surE thE company compliEs with labour laws and look at thE ovErall happinEss o...  2 days ago

JR 419629 - Inventory Controller
Professional Career Services
EmployEr DEscription HotEl group with propErtiEs across South Africa.  Position to bE basEd at thEir HEad OfficE in JHB North. Job DEscription PurposE: ThE InvEntory ControllEr ovErsEEs thE stock administration of all opErational facilitiEs (11) that contains thE company’s shop/ k...  2 days ago