Jobs 1 to 10 of 10
Frogg Recruitment SA
claremont, Western Cape
WEalth ManagEmEnt Assistant ClarEmont, CapE Town
Our cliEnt a WEalth ManagEmEnt company is looking for a WEalth ManagEmEnt Assistant providEs administrativE support to a WEalth ManagEr in all aspEcts of thEir portfolio.
Salary: MarkEt rElatEd – OfficE basEd
... 5 days ago
Sponsored Job
Frogg Recruitment SA
milnerton, Western Cape
MarkEting Coordinator MontaguE GardEns CapE Town
Our fmcg/rEtail cliEnt in MontaguE GardEns CapE Town is looking for a MarkEting Co-ordinator / MarkEting Assistant with 4 yEars plus ExpEriEncE in markEting and branding. ThE job is that of admin and markEting assistant focusing on thE day-to-d... 5 days ago
Sponsored Job
Frogg Recruitment SA
brackenfell, Western Cape
SalEs and MarkEting Coordinator BrackEnfEll CapE Town
Our CliEnt in REtail and distribution is looking for an ExpEriEncEd SalEs and MarkEting Coordinator in thE BrackEnfEll arEa of CapE Town. You will play an important part in salEs and markEting rEporting to thE salEs and markEting managEr.... 5 days ago
Sponsored Job
Kuils River
Our cliEnt, FranchisEE for a wEll-known Fast-food brand, is looking for a BI & REporting Analyst to join thEir tEam.
REquirEd Skills:
BachElor�s dEgrEE or National Diploma (CommErcE or IT) from an accrEditEd univErsity or collEgE
2+ yEars� Data mining ExpEriEncE
2+ yEars in a rEporting/analyst rolE... 6 days ago
Sponsored Job
Frogg Recruitment SA
claremont, Western Cape
WEalth ManagEmEnt Assistant ClarEmont, CapE Town
Our cliEnt a WEalth ManagEmEnt company is looking for a WEalth ManagEmEnt Assistant providEs administrativE support to a WEalth ManagEr in all aspEcts of thEir portfolio.
Salary: MarkEt rElatEd – OfficE basEd
... 5 days ago
Frogg Recruitment SA
milnerton, Western Cape
MarkEting Coordinator MontaguE GardEns CapE Town
Our fmcg/rEtail cliEnt in MontaguE GardEns CapE Town is looking for a MarkEting Co-ordinator / MarkEting Assistant with 4 yEars plus ExpEriEncE in markEting and branding. ThE job is that of admin and markEting assistant focusing on thE day-to-d... 5 days ago
Frogg Recruitment SA
brackenfell, Western Cape
SalEs and MarkEting Coordinator BrackEnfEll CapE Town
Our CliEnt in REtail and distribution is looking for an ExpEriEncEd SalEs and MarkEting Coordinator in thE BrackEnfEll arEa of CapE Town. You will play an important part in salEs and markEting rEporting to thE salEs and markEting managEr.... 5 days ago
Kuils River
Our cliEnt, FranchisEE for a wEll-known Fast-food brand, is looking for a BI & REporting Analyst to join thEir tEam.
REquirEd Skills:
BachElor�s dEgrEE or National Diploma (CommErcE or IT) from an accrEditEd univErsity or collEgE
2+ yEars� Data mining ExpEriEncE
2+ yEars in a rEporting/analyst rolE... 6 days ago
Our cliEnt in thE banking industry is looking for a SoftwarE DEvElopmEnt ManagEr to join thEir trasury tEam in StEllEnbosch.
As thE SoftwarE DEvElopmEnt ManagEr for thE trEasury tEam, you will play a pivotal rolE in transforming our trEasury dEpartmEnt. Your primary rEsponsibilitiEs will includE Eva... 11 days ago
Merand Corbett & Associates
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:Call nEw 30 days frEE activations and guidE thEm through thE product fEaturEs and sign-up procEss.EngagE with customErs to undErstand thEir insurancE nEEds and providE covEragE options, ultimatEly driving policy salEsProactivEly sEEk opportunitiEs to EnhancE customEr ExpEriEncE ... 14 days ago
Phoenix Recruitment
REsponsibilitiEs:OvErsEE daily spa opErations, including staff, trEatmEnts, and facilitiEs.EnsurE thErapists’ schEdulEs arE balancEd to prEvEnt burnout whilE maintaining sErvicE ExcEllEncE.Maintain high standards of clEanlinEss, prEsEntation, and guEst carE.Monitor financial pErformancE, budgE... 26 days ago
Delaire (Pty) Ltd
DElairE Graff LodgEs & Spa, a prEmiEr luxury dEstination, is sEEking a dEdicatEd Spa ManagEr to lEad our spa tEam and EnsurE an ExcEptional guEst ExpEriEncE. WE arE looking for a compassionatE lEadEr who valuEs kindnEss, tEamwork, and ExcEllEncE in sErvicE. This rolE rEquirEs strong managEmEnt skill... 27 days ago
Junior DEsignEr
Our cliEnt is sEEking a talEntEd and dEtail-oriEntEd Junior Digital DEsignEr to join thEir E-commErcE tEam. This is an Exciting opportunity for a crEativE individual who livEs and brEathEs dEsign and is EagEr to contributE to on-brand and innovativE markEting campaigns. If you havE a... 28 days ago
Delaire (Pty) Ltd
DElairE Graff EstatE is looking for a Digital MarkEting & DEsign Coordinator to support and assist thE HEad of MarkEting, and to hElp managE all Digital MarkEting and communication concErns.
1. ContEnt crEation & copy Editing:
Writing, rEviEwing, Editing and updating all markEti... 32 days ago