Jobs 1 to 10 of 39
The Recruitment Council
centurion, Gauteng
Our client, a leading player in the South African financial ServiceS induStry, iS committed to delivering innovative inveStment SolutionS tailored to the needS of their clientS. They pride themSelveS on their expertiSe in managing private market inveStmentS and foStering growth acroSS South Africa a... 3 days ago
Sponsored Job
Datonomy Solutions
We are looking for a Senior BuSineSS <STRONG>AnalyStSTRONG> to join our team baSed in JHB. ThiS poSition requireS an experienced perSon who haS a Solid underStanding of BuSineSS AnalySiS and EnterpriSe BuSineSS ProceSSeS.Non-NegotiableS:
IIBA certified if not then FTI CertifiedBanking experienceAgile certified &am... 4 days ago
Sponsored Job
Columbus Consulting
RequirementS Gathering: identifying and capturing Stakeholder requirementSRequirementS Documentation: clearly defining and documenting Stake holder requirementS in elementS Such aS:BuSineSS RequirementS SpecificationFunctional RequirementS SpecificationUSer StorieSUSe CaSeSProceSS Flow DiagramSRequi... 5 days ago
Sponsored Job
Columbus Consulting
Identifying Market OpportunitieS: recognizing gapS in the operating environmentS where itS ServiceS can be expanded and improved.Evaluating Market CoSting: benchmarking to align budget eStimateS to actual market coStSUnderStanding Client Behaviour: gaining inSightS into client preferenceS, engagemen... 5 days ago
Sponsored Job
The Recruitment Council
centurion, Gauteng
Our client, a leading player in the South African financial ServiceS induStry, iS committed to delivering innovative inveStment SolutionS tailored to the needS of their clientS. They pride themSelveS on their expertiSe in managing private market inveStmentS and foStering growth acroSS South Africa a... 3 days ago
Datonomy Solutions
We are looking for a Senior BuSineSS <STRONG>AnalyStSTRONG> to join our team baSed in JHB. ThiS poSition requireS an experienced perSon who haS a Solid underStanding of BuSineSS AnalySiS and EnterpriSe BuSineSS ProceSSeS.Non-NegotiableS:
IIBA certified if not then FTI CertifiedBanking experienceAgile certified &am... 4 days ago
Columbus Consulting
RequirementS Gathering: identifying and capturing Stakeholder requirementSRequirementS Documentation: clearly defining and documenting Stake holder requirementS in elementS Such aS:BuSineSS RequirementS SpecificationFunctional RequirementS SpecificationUSer StorieSUSe CaSeSProceSS Flow DiagramSRequi... 5 days ago
Columbus Consulting
Identifying Market OpportunitieS: recognizing gapS in the operating environmentS where itS ServiceS can be expanded and improved.Evaluating Market CoSting: benchmarking to align budget eStimateS to actual market coStSUnderStanding Client Behaviour: gaining inSightS into client preferenceS, engagemen... 5 days ago
Columbus Consulting
Data Collection: identification and gathering of data from relevant SourceSData CleanSing: examination and cleanSing of Source data to enSure it iS accurate, complete, valid and ready for tranSformation and or analySiSData TranSformation: converSation of data into formatS and or StructureS Suitable ... 5 days ago
Network Recruitment
A global giant in the automotive induStry iS currently Seeking the proficiencieS of a Financial <STRONG>AnalyStSTRONG>. ThiS concern haS opened it doorS almoSt a century ago and iS now looking for a dynamic individual to join their team. If career Stability and growth iS what you&rSquo;re looking for then look no ... 9 days ago
PRR Recruitment
We’re Seeking a Skilled BuSineSS Data <STRONG>AnalyStSTRONG> baSed in Rivonia to manage the full lifecycle of USer SyStemS Reporting. Working with the Management Information team, you’ll analyze data, create actionable inSightS, and drive operational efficiency.
Key ReSponSibilitieS
Collect,... 10 days ago
Network Recruitment
My client focuSeS on delivering tailored conSulting and technology SolutionS deSigned to addreSS challengeS and opportunitieS Specific to the African market. ItS ServiceS typically include buSineSS Strategy development, technology integration, and innovative approacheS to enhance growth and SuStaina... 10 days ago
Network Recruitment
A leading FMCG company, known for their diverSe product range, iS Seeking a Financial <STRONG>AnalyStSTRONG> to join their team of innovatorS and play a key role in Shaping their buSineSS StrategieS. ThiS iS your opportunity to join a dynamic, global work environment with opportunitieS for growth and make a meanin... 11 days ago
Network Recruitment
A leading FMCG company, known for their diverSe product range, iS Seeking a Financial <STRONG>AnalyStSTRONG> to join their team of innovatorS and play a key role in Shaping their buSineSS StrategieS. ThiS iS your opportunity to join a dynamic, global work environment with opportunitieS for growth and make a meanin... 11 days ago