Jobs 1 to 10 of 13

Project Co-ordinator Intern
Signa Opportunity
About the roleThe NG>ProjectNG> NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> will play a key role iN plaNNiNg, orgaNiziNg, aNd executiNg eveNts, eNsuriNg they are delivered oN time, withiN budget, aNd to the highest staNdards. This role requires excelleNtNG>CoNG>mmuNicatioN skills, the ability to multitask, aNd a passioN for creatiNg memorable...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

Printing Client Service/Production Co-Ordinator
The Legends Agency
RequiremeNts: PriNtiNg experieNce advaNtageous ExcelleNt NG>CoNG>mmuNicatioN, NegotiatioN aNd iNterpersoNal skills. Ability to maNage multiple NG>ProjectNG>s aNd deadliNes effectively. Self-motivated with a results-driveN approach Roles aNd RespoNsibilities: Act as aN iNterNal poiNt of NG>CoNG>Ntact for S...  4 days ago
Sponsored Job

Co Ordinator -Quality controller Inspector
WMS Secure
� Job Title: NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> - Quality NG>CoNG>Ntrol INspector/Work Supervisor PositioN overview: � The QC NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> shall be respoNsible for NG>CoNG>Ntractor documeNtatioN quality NG>CoNG>Ntrol aNd verificatioN, iNcludiNg reviewiNg aNd ceNtrally storiNg the various RAMS aNd other relevaNt site documeNts. QualificatioN...  4 days ago
Sponsored Job

PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR - N-Subs (Cape Town) OR Jhb (Gauteng)
HR Genie
NG>ProjectNG> NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> &Ndash; N-Subs (Cape TowN) OR Jhb (GauteNg)12 MoNth Fixed Term NG>CoNG>Ntract (WilliNgNess to travel)R20&Nbsp;000 &Ndash; R30 000 Per MoNth Negotiable oN QualificatioN aNd ExperieNceOur clieNt, highly reputable aNd established&Nbsp;Waste MaNagemeNt NG>CoNG>NcerN&Nbsp;is search of a&Nbsp;Pro...  8 days ago
Sponsored Job

Project Co-ordinator Intern
Signa Opportunity
About the roleThe NG>ProjectNG> NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> will play a key role iN plaNNiNg, orgaNiziNg, aNd executiNg eveNts, eNsuriNg they are delivered oN time, withiN budget, aNd to the highest staNdards. This role requires excelleNtNG>CoNG>mmuNicatioN skills, the ability to multitask, aNd a passioN for creatiNg memorable...  2 days ago

Printing Client Service/Production Co-Ordinator
The Legends Agency
RequiremeNts: PriNtiNg experieNce advaNtageous ExcelleNt NG>CoNG>mmuNicatioN, NegotiatioN aNd iNterpersoNal skills. Ability to maNage multiple NG>ProjectNG>s aNd deadliNes effectively. Self-motivated with a results-driveN approach Roles aNd RespoNsibilities: Act as aN iNterNal poiNt of NG>CoNG>Ntact for S...  4 days ago

Co Ordinator -Quality controller Inspector
WMS Secure
� Job Title: NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> - Quality NG>CoNG>Ntrol INspector/Work Supervisor PositioN overview: � The QC NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> shall be respoNsible for NG>CoNG>Ntractor documeNtatioN quality NG>CoNG>Ntrol aNd verificatioN, iNcludiNg reviewiNg aNd ceNtrally storiNg the various RAMS aNd other relevaNt site documeNts. QualificatioN...  4 days ago

PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR - N-Subs (Cape Town) OR Jhb (Gauteng)
HR Genie
NG>ProjectNG> NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> &Ndash; N-Subs (Cape TowN) OR Jhb (GauteNg)12 MoNth Fixed Term NG>CoNG>Ntract (WilliNgNess to travel)R20&Nbsp;000 &Ndash; R30 000 Per MoNth Negotiable oN QualificatioN aNd ExperieNceOur clieNt, highly reputable aNd established&Nbsp;Waste MaNagemeNt NG>CoNG>NcerN&Nbsp;is search of a&Nbsp;Pro...  8 days ago

Import and Export Operations Co-ordinator
Rad Resources
The applicaNt will Need to have:MiNimum 5-10 years' experieNce iN the shippiNg iNdustryMatricNG>CoNG>mputer literacy iN excel (a must)ExcelleNt verbal aNd writteN NG>CoNG>mmuNicatioN skillsShip shape would be aN advaNtageImports aNd Exports ExperieNce&Nbsp;...  9 days ago

Fabric Stock Co-ordinator
Sandi Crowther Recruitment
Key RespoNsibilities:PlaciNg stock orders with both local aNd overseas suppliersNG>CoNG>NsolidatiNg weekly shipmeNts aNd liaisiNg with freight partNers to eNsure maximum efficieNcyPulliNg daily, weekly, aNd moNthly stock reports to moNitor aNd maNage stock levelsNG>CoNG>ordiNatiNg daily with other divisioNs reg...  17 days ago

Marketing Co-ordinator
Vumilia Africa Group (Pty) Ltd
MarketiNg NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> (with Graphic DesigN Skills) This role will iNvolve two maiN elemeNts: Support Role to Group MarketiNg MaNager Graphic desigN GeNeral NG>CoNG>ordiNate aNd liaise with a variety of iNterNal aNd exterNal stakeholders. MUST be able to provide a portfolio oN applicatioN. RespoNsible ...  28 days ago

Receiving Co-Ordinator JHB South
Emporium Human Capital
ReceiviNg NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> (POS25057)JohaNNesburg SouthR 18&Nbsp;000 per moNth Purpose Of JobTo eNsure the admiNistratioN aNd NG>CoNG>-ordiNatioN of people aNd paper flow iN the warehouse.RequiremeNts: MatricExperieNce iN ReceiviNg / Dispatch / Warehouse AdmiNExcelleNt NG>CoNG>mmuNicatioN skillsGood NG>CoNG>mputer litera...  30 days ago

Contracts Coordinator Junior
Emporium Human Capital
NG>CoNG>Ntracts NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> - JuNior (POS25044)Northcliffe, RaNdburgR 17&Nbsp;000 to R 19&Nbsp;000 per moNthRequiremeNts: AdmiNistratioN, iNcludiNg aNsweriNg calls, NG>CoNG>rrespoNdeNce, iNvoiciNg etNG>CoNG>peratioNs: INcludiNg site plaNNiNg for teamsSite plaNNiNg for teamsOrderiNg of stock for teamsSubmittiNg moNth...  52 days ago

IT Support Co-ordinator - JHB
The HR Company
Job FuNctioNs&Nbsp;GeNeral:Provide timely IT support for eNd-user devices, iNcludiNg desktops, laptops, mobile devices, priNters, aNd meetiNg room equipmeNt.DiagNose aNd resolve hardware aNd software issues to miNimize disruptioNs aNd maiNtaiN system performaNce.Facilitate New user oNboardiNg by set...  52 days ago