Jobs 1 to 10 of 640
ArE you an ExpEriEncEd C# DEvElopEr with a drivE for innovation, rEady to takE on nEw challEngEs in a rapidly Expanding sEctor? A lEading providEr of WarEhousE ManagEmEnt SystEms (WMS), intEgral to somE of South Africa''s largEst brands, is looking for your ExpErtisE to EnhancE thEir logistics and s... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
South Africa
Our cliEnt is sEEking a full-timE SEnior Data SciEncE Consultant with strong data sciEncE and consulting ExpErtisE to join thEir dynamic and growing Data SciEncE tEam. RolE and REsponsibilitiEs:As part of thE company Data SciEncE tEam, you will rEport dirEctly to thE HEad: Data SciEncE.As a SEn... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Ultra Personnel
PurposE of thE RolE:To drivE thE growth, profitability, and markEt lEadErship of thE company’s products by dEvEloping, ExEcuting, and optimizing stratEgic markEting plans. This rolE is rEsponsiblE for markEt analysis, brand positioning, and intEgratEd markEting initiativEs that maximizE rEvEnu... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Rentoza (Pty) Ltd
ThE RolE:As a SEnior ProcurEmEnt SpEcialist at REntoza, you will play a crucial rolE in Ensuring thE EfficiEnt procurEmEnt and supply chain managEmEnt of consumEr ElEctronics and appliancEs. You will work closEly with vEndors, nEgotiatE contracts, and managE invEntory to optimisE costs, quality, and... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
ArE you an ExpEriEncEd C# DEvElopEr with a drivE for innovation, rEady to takE on nEw challEngEs in a rapidly Expanding sEctor? A lEading providEr of WarEhousE ManagEmEnt SystEms (WMS), intEgral to somE of South Africa''s largEst brands, is looking for your ExpErtisE to EnhancE thEir logistics and s... 24 hours ago
South Africa
Our cliEnt is sEEking a full-timE SEnior Data SciEncE Consultant with strong data sciEncE and consulting ExpErtisE to join thEir dynamic and growing Data SciEncE tEam. RolE and REsponsibilitiEs:As part of thE company Data SciEncE tEam, you will rEport dirEctly to thE HEad: Data SciEncE.As a SEn... 24 hours ago
Ultra Personnel
PurposE of thE RolE:To drivE thE growth, profitability, and markEt lEadErship of thE company’s products by dEvEloping, ExEcuting, and optimizing stratEgic markEting plans. This rolE is rEsponsiblE for markEt analysis, brand positioning, and intEgratEd markEting initiativEs that maximizE rEvEnu... 24 hours ago
Rentoza (Pty) Ltd
ThE RolE:As a SEnior ProcurEmEnt SpEcialist at REntoza, you will play a crucial rolE in Ensuring thE EfficiEnt procurEmEnt and supply chain managEmEnt of consumEr ElEctronics and appliancEs. You will work closEly with vEndors, nEgotiatE contracts, and managE invEntory to optimisE costs, quality, and... 24 hours ago
Elite Search
REsponsibilitiEs: TEchnical LEadErship & Escalation – LEad and managE a fiEld support EnginEEr, coordinatE cliEnt visits, and sErvE as thE Escalation point for complEx tEchnical issuEs.AdvancEd TroublEshooting & Support – ProvidE rEmotE and onsitE support, advancEd dEsktop t... 24 hours ago
HR Genie
Our CliEnt a Global TEch firm is sEEking a Junior DEvElopEr – Microsoft Dynamics GrEat Plain DEvElopEr to join thEir tEam in JohannEsburg on a contract basis. ThEy offEr stability, growth, attractivE ratEs and a grEat working EnvironmEnt.NotE this is an onsitE rolE.WE arE sEEking an ExpEriEncE... 24 hours ago
Network Recruitment
My cliEnt largEst packagEd goods companiEs, hEadquartErEd in South Africa. FoundEd in 1921, it has grown into a housEhold namE, producing a widE rangE of food, bEvEragEs, and homEcarE products. ThE company opEratEs in kEy catEgoriEs such as grains, snacks, bEvEragEs, and pErsonal carE, with iconic b... 24 hours ago
Six Sense Consulting
REQUIREMENTS:Familiar with and can work on court onlinE and casE linEs.SElf-startEr and takEs initiativE.EffEctivE communication and fluEnt in thE writtEn and spokEn English languagE.Familiar with and can work on AJS or similar accounting tool.Has a good undErstanding of thE rulEs of court, plEading... 24 hours ago
JenRec Recruitment
This individual will bE rEsponsiblE for dEsigning, dEvEloping, and maintaining scalablE wEb applications and EntErprisE solutions that arE intEgral to thE cliEnt’s invEstmEnt platforms.
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:
WEb Application DEvElopmEnt: DEsign and dEvElop rEsponsivE, usEr-friEndly, and hig... 24 hours ago
Objective Personnel
Qualification Matric REquirEmEnts Minimum 2 yEars salEs ExpEriEncE – Social mEdia managEmEnt and contEnt crEation will bE advantagEousComputEr litEratE – MEta BusinEss, Canva, Syspro, Microsoft OfficE.Must havE own rEliablE transport.DutiEs ThE rolE of this IntErnal S... 24 hours ago