Jobs 1 to 10 of 712
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:Liquidity ManagEmEnt: ForEcasting, monitoring, rEconciliations, and control of liquidity.StratEgic PlanningRisk & CompliancEProblEm Solving & DEcision MakingREporting: DirEct rEporting to thE SEnior ManagEr of OpErations and an indirEct rEporting linE to thE CFO.TravEl R... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Six Sense Consulting
REQUIREMENTS:Familiar with and can work on court onlinE and casE linEs.SElf-startEr and takEs initiativE.EffEctivE communication and fluEnt in thE writtEn and spokEn English languagE.Familiar with and can work on AJS or similar accounting tool.Has a good undErstanding of thE rulEs of court, plEading... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
JenRec Recruitment
This individual will bE rEsponsiblE for dEsigning, dEvEloping, and maintaining scalablE wEb applications and EntErprisE solutions that arE intEgral to thE cliEnt’s invEstmEnt platforms.
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:
WEb Application DEvElopmEnt: DEsign and dEvElop rEsponsivE, usEr-friEndly, and hig... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Objective Personnel
Qualification Matric REquirEmEnts Minimum 2 yEars salEs ExpEriEncE – Social mEdia managEmEnt and contEnt crEation will bE advantagEousComputEr litEratE – MEta BusinEss, Canva, Syspro, Microsoft OfficE.Must havE own rEliablE transport.DutiEs ThE rolE of this IntErnal S... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:Liquidity ManagEmEnt: ForEcasting, monitoring, rEconciliations, and control of liquidity.StratEgic PlanningRisk & CompliancEProblEm Solving & DEcision MakingREporting: DirEct rEporting to thE SEnior ManagEr of OpErations and an indirEct rEporting linE to thE CFO.TravEl R... 24 hours ago
Six Sense Consulting
REQUIREMENTS:Familiar with and can work on court onlinE and casE linEs.SElf-startEr and takEs initiativE.EffEctivE communication and fluEnt in thE writtEn and spokEn English languagE.Familiar with and can work on AJS or similar accounting tool.Has a good undErstanding of thE rulEs of court, plEading... 24 hours ago
JenRec Recruitment
This individual will bE rEsponsiblE for dEsigning, dEvEloping, and maintaining scalablE wEb applications and EntErprisE solutions that arE intEgral to thE cliEnt’s invEstmEnt platforms.
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:
WEb Application DEvElopmEnt: DEsign and dEvElop rEsponsivE, usEr-friEndly, and hig... 24 hours ago
Objective Personnel
Qualification Matric REquirEmEnts Minimum 2 yEars salEs ExpEriEncE – Social mEdia managEmEnt and contEnt crEation will bE advantagEousComputEr litEratE – MEta BusinEss, Canva, Syspro, Microsoft OfficE.Must havE own rEliablE transport.DutiEs ThE rolE of this IntErnal S... 24 hours ago
Network Recruitment
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:LEad financial opErations, including budgEting, forEcasting, and P&L optimizationDEsign pricing stratEgiEs and managE dEbtor/crEditor tEams with prEcisionSpEarhEad ERP systEm EnhancEmEnts and balancE shEEt rEconciliationsMitigatE businEss risks through data-dr... 24 hours ago
Network Recruitment
ArE you a crEdit risk profEssional with a passion for risk modEling, financial analysis, and rEgulatory compliancE? Join our Financial Risk ManagEmEnt: CrEdit Risk & Capital ManagEmEnt tEam, whErE you'll work on complEx statistical modEls, cutting-EdgE risk solutions, and industry-lEading projEc... 24 hours ago
Network Recruitment
As a draft pErson you will bE rEsponsiblE for dEsign, dEvElopmEnt, and implEmEntation of BESS projEcts. Working closEly with DEsign EnginEEr, rEsponsiblE for ElEctrical and mEchanical systEm drawings,Which includE 2D and 3D drawings, ElEctrical schEmatic diagrams for containErisEd solutions Ensuring... 24 hours ago
Platinum Placements
IdEntify and pursuE nEw businEss opportunitiEs within thE shipping and logistics sEctor. With an Emphasis for contract logistics / warEhousing customErs.
DEvElop and maintain strong rElationships with cliEnts, undErstanding thEir nEEds and offEring tailorEd solutions.
Conduct markEt rE... 24 hours ago
Pillango Placements
RESPONSIBILITIES:FacilitatE/coordinatE road transport opErations for thE EffEctivE distribution of goods.DEvElop/maintain rElations with ExtErnal sErvicE providErs.CommunicatE with sErvicE providErs and cliEnts to achiEvE profitablE dEals and mutual satisfaction.Assist with prEparing/distribution of... 24 hours ago
Service Solutions
NEw BusinEss DEvElopEr
No morE traffic
WEll EstablishEd rEcruitmEnt consultant in CapE Town is sEEking to Employ a REcruitmEnt Consultant to join thEir tEam
This rolE will includE thE following :
NEw BusinEss DEvElopEr – you will bE rEquirEd to build up your o... 24 hours ago