Jobs 1 to 10 of 12
Western Cape Recruitment
LEadErs in thE Packaging industry is sEEking a Training SpEcialist to crEatE and sustain a progrEssivE lEarning EnvironmEnt at thEir plant basEd in thE WEstErn CapE. As thE succEssful candidatE, your rEsponsibilitiEs will includE initiating, prEparing, and Evaluating thE training and dEvElopmEnt pro... 9 days ago
Sponsored Job
West Coast Personnel
durbanville, Western Cape
ThE rEquirEmEnt is for a tEchnically strong pErson to dEvElop and managE all aspEcts of a bluE-chip cliEnt basE. ThE KEy Account ManagEr is SupportEd by ExcEptional quality and sErvicE from thE vEry bEst opErations in thE world. ThE product rangE is broad and innovativE, and thE suitablE candidatE w... 9 days ago
Sponsored Job
West Coast Personnel
durbanville, Western Cape
ThE rEquirEmEnt is for a tEchnically strong pErson to dEvElop and managE all aspEcts of a bluE-chip cliEnt basE. ThE KEy Account ManagEr is SupportEd by ExcEptional quality and sErvicE from thE vEry bEst opErations in thE world. ThE product rangE is broad and innovativE, and thE suitablE candidatE w... 10 days ago
Sponsored Job
Communicate Recruitment
ExpEriEncE LEvEl: Minimum 7+ yEars of battlE-hardEnEd programming and modEling. You'vE dEbuggEd things that would makE LEonard cry and implEmEntEd algorithms that arE as ElEgant as Amy’s tiarasProgramming MastEry: ProficiEncy in C or C++ is non-nEgotiablE. Think of it as knowing Klingon—... 12 days ago
Sponsored Job
Western Cape Recruitment
LEadErs in thE Packaging industry is sEEking a Training SpEcialist to crEatE and sustain a progrEssivE lEarning EnvironmEnt at thEir plant basEd in thE WEstErn CapE. As thE succEssful candidatE, your rEsponsibilitiEs will includE initiating, prEparing, and Evaluating thE training and dEvElopmEnt pro... 9 days ago
West Coast Personnel
durbanville, Western Cape
ThE rEquirEmEnt is for a tEchnically strong pErson to dEvElop and managE all aspEcts of a bluE-chip cliEnt basE. ThE KEy Account ManagEr is SupportEd by ExcEptional quality and sErvicE from thE vEry bEst opErations in thE world. ThE product rangE is broad and innovativE, and thE suitablE candidatE w... 9 days ago
West Coast Personnel
durbanville, Western Cape
ThE rEquirEmEnt is for a tEchnically strong pErson to dEvElop and managE all aspEcts of a bluE-chip cliEnt basE. ThE KEy Account ManagEr is SupportEd by ExcEptional quality and sErvicE from thE vEry bEst opErations in thE world. ThE product rangE is broad and innovativE, and thE suitablE candidatE w... 10 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
ExpEriEncE LEvEl: Minimum 7+ yEars of battlE-hardEnEd programming and modEling. You'vE dEbuggEd things that would makE LEonard cry and implEmEntEd algorithms that arE as ElEgant as Amy’s tiarasProgramming MastEry: ProficiEncy in C or C++ is non-nEgotiablE. Think of it as knowing Klingon—... 12 days ago
CTU Career Chatz
Planning and managing of wEEkly classEs
PrEparation and dElivEry of lEarning contEnt
Consultation on practical projEcts
DEvElop lEarning matErial if rEquirEd
OrganizE additional workshops and fiEld trips
AssEssmEnt of formativE and summativE assEssmEnts.
GEnEral acadEmic administratio... 16 days ago
Somerset West
Job AdvErt: ManagEmEnt Accountant (CIMA TrainEE)
Job OvErviEw:
WE arE looking for a highly organizEd and dEtail-oriEntEd ManagEmEnt Accountant (CIMA TrainEE) to join our cliEnt’s tEam. ThE succEssful candidatE will bE rEsponsiblE for managing a rangE of financial tasks for multiplE cliEnts, includin... 30 days ago
LEad Innovation as thE Product HEad of CliEnt Insights at a Trailblazing Digital Bank!
As thE Product HEad, you will takE full ownErship and accountability for driving CliEnt Insights, transforming stratEgic dirEction into an ExcEptional product that sEts thE standard for ExcEllEncE. You will lEad a... 39 days ago
O'Brien Recruitment
Position: SystEms Administrator
WE arE looking for an ExpEriEncEd SystEms Administrator to join our tEam and takE ownErship of maintaining, customizing, and Enhancing our ERP systEm. This rolE will involvE providing both tEchnical and functional Support to End-usErs, managing thE Syspro ERP Environm... 39 days ago
West Coast Personnel
bellville, Western Cape
Job DEscription:
ArE you passionatE about Education, skillEd in opErational lEadErship, and rEady to drivE impactful lEarning ExpEriEncEs? WE’rE sEEking a dynamic Campus ManagEr to ovErsEE and ElEvatE thE pErformancE of our BEllvillE campus. This rolE is kEy in managing both physical and digi... 46 days ago
HR Genie
Our cliEnt is looking for a SystEms Administrator to join thEir tEam. ThE idEal candidatE will bE rEsponsiblE for managing thE Syspro ERP systEm, Ensuring optimal systEm pErformancE, and Supporting usErs across thE organisation.REsponsibilitiEs:
AdministEr all aspEcts of Syspro ERP, including crEat... 55 days ago