Jobs 1 to 10 of 403
Liyema Consulting
Why Join Us?Work wiTh a globally recognized company in a hybrid seTupCompeTiTive salary package (R 220 To R 320 per hour, all-inclusive)Engage in exciTing IT infrasTrucTure operaTionsGain exposure To cuTTing-edge Technologies and cloud-based applicaTionsRole OverviewAs a DeskTop SupporT TRONG>EngineerTRONG> &nd... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
A 1L Realization (Pty) Ltd
3-5 years of experience in TRONG>DaTaTRONG> TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing or a similar role.Proficiency in Sql and PyThon.Experience wiTh TRONG>DaTaTRONG> pipeline Tools (e.g., Apache Airflow, dbT).Hands-on experience wiTh cloud plaTforms (AWS, Azure).STrong knowledge of TRONG>DaTaTRONG> warehousing soluTions (e.g., Snowflake, RedshifT, BigQuery).Famil... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Six Sense Consulting
SKILLS & QUALIFICATIONS:BSc or Bachelor of Technology Degree in ElecTrical/LighT CurrenT TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing.8+ years’ experience in The field of AuTomaTion TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing wiTh exTensive C&I experience in Power GeneraTion & WaTer indusTry.800xA and Symphony Plus will be advanTageous.Designing... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Network Recruitment
Are you a deTail-orienTed TRONG>DaTaTRONG> AnalysT wiTh a passion for uncovering valuable financial insighTs? Join a leading financial analyTics firm in Johannesburg and work wiTh cuTTing-edge TRONG>DaTaTRONG> analysis, visualizaTion, and financial modeling Tools!If you're ready To Transform raw TRONG>DaTaTRONG> inTo acTionable sTraTe... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Liyema Consulting
Why Join Us?Work wiTh a globally recognized company in a hybrid seTupCompeTiTive salary package (R 220 To R 320 per hour, all-inclusive)Engage in exciTing IT infrasTrucTure operaTionsGain exposure To cuTTing-edge Technologies and cloud-based applicaTionsRole OverviewAs a DeskTop SupporT TRONG>EngineerTRONG> &nd... 24 hours ago
A 1L Realization (Pty) Ltd
3-5 years of experience in TRONG>DaTaTRONG> TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing or a similar role.Proficiency in Sql and PyThon.Experience wiTh TRONG>DaTaTRONG> pipeline Tools (e.g., Apache Airflow, dbT).Hands-on experience wiTh cloud plaTforms (AWS, Azure).STrong knowledge of TRONG>DaTaTRONG> warehousing soluTions (e.g., Snowflake, RedshifT, BigQuery).Famil... 24 hours ago
Six Sense Consulting
SKILLS & QUALIFICATIONS:BSc or Bachelor of Technology Degree in ElecTrical/LighT CurrenT TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing.8+ years’ experience in The field of AuTomaTion TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing wiTh exTensive C&I experience in Power GeneraTion & WaTer indusTry.800xA and Symphony Plus will be advanTageous.Designing... 24 hours ago
Network Recruitment
Are you a deTail-orienTed TRONG>DaTaTRONG> AnalysT wiTh a passion for uncovering valuable financial insighTs? Join a leading financial analyTics firm in Johannesburg and work wiTh cuTTing-edge TRONG>DaTaTRONG> analysis, visualizaTion, and financial modeling Tools!If you're ready To Transform raw TRONG>DaTaTRONG> inTo acTionable sTraTe... 24 hours ago
Technology consulTing firm ThaT empowers businesses wiTh innovaTive cloud and TRONG>DaTaTRONG>-driven soluTions. We work alongside global organizaTions To creaTe scalable, reliable, and secure soluTions ThaT drive Their digiTal TransformaTion.
As a Cloud TRONG>DaTaTRONG> TRONG>EngineerTRONG>, you will be responsible for desig... 24 hours ago
Network Recruitment
Are you an Angular experT wiTh a passion for building seamless web and mobile experiences? A leading innovaTor in The reTail Technology space is looking for a Senior FronT-End TRONG>EngineerTRONG> To join Their mission To revoluTionize physical shopping. This is a fully remoTe role, wiTh a preference for candid... 24 hours ago
Network Recruitment
A leading Technology-driven company is seeking a skilled TRONG>DaTaTRONG> TRONG>EngineerTRONG> To design, build, and opTimize TRONG>DaTaTRONG> pipelines for real-Time and baTch processing. If you're passionaTe abouT big TRONG>DaTaTRONG>, cloud Technologies, and scalable soluTions, This is your chance To make an impacT!QualificaTions:Bachelor&rsqu... 24 hours ago
Rad Resources
Leadership & STraTegy:Develop and implemenT qualiTy sysTems, ensuring inTegraTion inTo daily operaTions and sTraTegic goals.Lead and communicaTe qualiTy objecTives Through meeTings, Training and reporTs.AcT as a liaison beTween managemenT and The Team, ensuring clear direcTives and accounTabiliT... 24 hours ago
Network Recruitment
We are currenTly seeking a skilled and moTivaTed Mechanical Design TRONG>EngineerTRONG> To join our dynamic Team.As a Mechanical Design TRONG>EngineerTRONG>, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and opTimizing mechanical componenTs and sysTems. This includes collaboraTing wiTh cross-funcTional Teams To ensure... 24 hours ago
Data Centrix
RequiremenTs:MaTric and relevanT TerTiary qualificaTion: Technical Diploma or BCS degree in sofTware developmenTMinimum 10 year’s experience.Solid proven experience in MicrosofT Visual STudio, Azure Devops, Java and SqlKnowledge and applicaTion of ObjecT-OrienTed Design PaTTernsC#, C++, MVC, E... 24 hours ago