Jobs 1 to 10 of 33

Mid- Senior Sales Executive
The Talent Barn
Cape Town
ChatcommErcE, its a thing, EspEcially in thE currEnt Economy. MorE brands arE lEaning towards it as a form of communication. So comE on board and bE a part of a tEch savvy businEss. Job titlE: Mid-SEnior SalEs ExEcutivE What wE do: WE�rE a fast growing SaaS startup in thE Chat CommErcE and WhatsApp ...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

E-Commerce Specialist
iStaff Recruitment
Southern Suburbs
Minimum REquirEmEnts:GradE 12RElEvant DEgrEE in MarkEtingExpEriEncE in E-CommErcE rEtail industry DutiEs and REsponsibilitiEs:DEvElop and ExEcutE E-commErcE stratEgiEsAnalyzE salEs trEnds for opportunitiEs and challEngEsManagE product listings, pricing, and invEntoryExEcutE onlinE markEting (Em...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Digital Marketing Co-ordinator
iStaff Recruitment
Southern Suburbs
Minimum REquirEmEnts:GradE 12MarkEting/Communications BachElor's dEgrEE1-3 yEars’ ExpEriEncEREtail/WholEsalE markEt knowlEdgESocial/digital mEdia managEmEnt ExpEriEncEGooglE Digital MarkEting, Analytics, and Ads cErtificationsGraphic DEsign skills (AdobE SuitE)Copywriting abilitiEsProficiEncy ...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Customer Success Assistant / Associate
The Talent Barn
Cape Town
ChatcommErcE, its a thing, EspEcially in thE currEnt Economy. MorE brands arE lEaning towards it as a form of communication. So comE on board and bE a part of a tEch savvy businEss. Job titlE: CliEnt SuccEss Assistant / AssociatE What wE do: WE�rE a fast growing SaaS startup in thE Chat CommErcE and...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Mid- Senior Sales Executive
The Talent Barn
Cape Town
ChatcommErcE, its a thing, EspEcially in thE currEnt Economy. MorE brands arE lEaning towards it as a form of communication. So comE on board and bE a part of a tEch savvy businEss. Job titlE: Mid-SEnior SalEs ExEcutivE What wE do: WE�rE a fast growing SaaS startup in thE Chat CommErcE and WhatsApp ...  24 hours ago

E-Commerce Specialist
iStaff Recruitment
Southern Suburbs
Minimum REquirEmEnts:GradE 12RElEvant DEgrEE in MarkEtingExpEriEncE in E-CommErcE rEtail industry DutiEs and REsponsibilitiEs:DEvElop and ExEcutE E-commErcE stratEgiEsAnalyzE salEs trEnds for opportunitiEs and challEngEsManagE product listings, pricing, and invEntoryExEcutE onlinE markEting (Em...  24 hours ago

Digital Marketing Co-ordinator
iStaff Recruitment
Southern Suburbs
Minimum REquirEmEnts:GradE 12MarkEting/Communications BachElor's dEgrEE1-3 yEars’ ExpEriEncEREtail/WholEsalE markEt knowlEdgESocial/digital mEdia managEmEnt ExpEriEncEGooglE Digital MarkEting, Analytics, and Ads cErtificationsGraphic DEsign skills (AdobE SuitE)Copywriting abilitiEsProficiEncy ...  24 hours ago

Customer Success Assistant / Associate
The Talent Barn
Cape Town
ChatcommErcE, its a thing, EspEcially in thE currEnt Economy. MorE brands arE lEaning towards it as a form of communication. So comE on board and bE a part of a tEch savvy businEss. Job titlE: CliEnt SuccEss Assistant / AssociatE What wE do: WE�rE a fast growing SaaS startup in thE Chat CommErcE and...  24 hours ago

Sales & Range Planning Coordinator
The Recruiters
ThE SalEs & RangE Planning Coordinator supports thE rEcrEational salEs tEam in rEfining and administEring rangE planning, salEs projEctions, and forward ordEr managEmEnt. This rolE involvEs compiling and analysing salEs data, managing kEy account and E-commErcE administration, and Ensuring accur...  24 hours ago

Finance & Admin Manager - Northern Suburbs
The Legends Agency
REquirEmEnts: BachElor of CommErcE in Accounting 5 – 10 yEars’ accounting ExpEriEncE in a EnginEEring, REnEwablE EnErgy or Similar  KEy REsponsibilitiEs: EnsurE accuratE information gathEring for monthly managEmEnt and financial rEports. REviEw of all contracts, gEnEratE ...  24 hours ago

Senior Financial Wellness Consultant - Bellville
Energy At Work
ThE SEnior Financial WEllnEss Consultant main rEsponsibilitiEs arE to assist CorporatE EmployEEs to improvE thEir ovErall financial wEllbEing through thE Evaluation of EmployEE�??s financial situation, providing thEm with consolidation and/or pErsonal loan solutions and Educating EmployEEs on basic ...  2 days ago

Finished Artist / Executional Designer - CPT Southern Suburbs
Hewitt Colenbrander Recruitment / HC Recruit
TEchnical CompEtEnciEs & ExpEriEncE: To collaboratE with skillEd intErnational salEs & local dEsign tEams to implEmEnt currEnt crEativE onto a variEty of rEtailEr-basEd tEmplatEs worldwidEDElivEr print assEt configurations & translatE a briEf into diffErEnt E-commErcE sizEs & it...  2 days ago

Marketing Coordinator
Bridgena Barnard & Associates
BEllvillE rEgion MarkEting Coordinator position availablE with a TEchnical EnginEEring groupMatric / GradE 12TErtiary MarkEting, Public RElations or Journalism qualification or EquivalEnt 3+ yEars' ExpEriEncE in markEting, communication or branding prEfErablE within a tEchnical EnvironmEntUndEr...  2 days ago

Social Media Specialist
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who wE arE: A lEading Financial SErvicEs company. What wE do: WE offEr affordablE and rEliablE financial sErvicEs to thE EmErging consumEr. What wE arE looking for: A Social MEdia SpEcialist. What you will do: InitiatE and ExEcutE on crEativE contEnt stratEgiEs that align with thE company brand Cop...  5 days ago