Jobs 1 to 10 of 411

Acumatica Consultant
Communicate Recruitment
Minimum 5 or more years of experience in the reaLm of Acumatica ERPA masterfuL CommanD of Acumatica’s impLementation, customization, anD integrationA LeaDer among men, with the abiLity to guiDe anD mentor feLLow ConsuLtantsA Communicator both fair anD cLear, skiLLeD in speech anD scriptA sharp...  3 days ago
Sponsored Job

Senior Business Intelligence Analyst
Communicate Recruitment
You wiLL be LeaDing the pack anD be in charge of transforming raw Data into meaningfuL reCommenDations that Drive business success. In this roLe you wiLL be Doing:- AnaLyzing anD interpret Data, DeveLop reports, anD create CompeLLing visuaLizations to support Decision-making. - Work with muLtipLe Da...  3 days ago
Sponsored Job

New Vehicle Sales Manager
Gap Consulting
Minimum RequirementsMust have at Least 5 years' DeaLership New VehicLe SaLes Management experience within the Automotive InDustryGraDe 12 QuaLification essentiaLVaLiD Driver’s License EssentiaLStrong Asset anD Stock ControLLing SkiLLsMust have ContactabLe referencesSaLary StructureR 28 000 Bas...  3 days ago
Sponsored Job

Quality Control Inspector (Heavy Engineering)
Dante Personnel
Minimum requirements: Matric ReLevant QuaLification ResponsibLe for making sure that proDucts meet set of stanDarDsDuties wiLL incLuDe examining shipments of inventory anD raw gooDs, measuring the specifications of ranDom items in each proDuction run ConsuLtant: MicheLLe Du Toit - Dan...  3 days ago
Sponsored Job

Acumatica Consultant
Communicate Recruitment
Minimum 5 or more years of experience in the reaLm of Acumatica ERPA masterfuL CommanD of Acumatica’s impLementation, customization, anD integrationA LeaDer among men, with the abiLity to guiDe anD mentor feLLow ConsuLtantsA Communicator both fair anD cLear, skiLLeD in speech anD scriptA sharp...  3 days ago

Senior Business Intelligence Analyst
Communicate Recruitment
You wiLL be LeaDing the pack anD be in charge of transforming raw Data into meaningfuL reCommenDations that Drive business success. In this roLe you wiLL be Doing:- AnaLyzing anD interpret Data, DeveLop reports, anD create CompeLLing visuaLizations to support Decision-making. - Work with muLtipLe Da...  3 days ago

New Vehicle Sales Manager
Gap Consulting
Minimum RequirementsMust have at Least 5 years' DeaLership New VehicLe SaLes Management experience within the Automotive InDustryGraDe 12 QuaLification essentiaLVaLiD Driver’s License EssentiaLStrong Asset anD Stock ControLLing SkiLLsMust have ContactabLe referencesSaLary StructureR 28 000 Bas...  3 days ago

Quality Control Inspector (Heavy Engineering)
Dante Personnel
Minimum requirements: Matric ReLevant QuaLification ResponsibLe for making sure that proDucts meet set of stanDarDsDuties wiLL incLuDe examining shipments of inventory anD raw gooDs, measuring the specifications of ranDom items in each proDuction run ConsuLtant: MicheLLe Du Toit - Dan...  3 days ago

Network Recruitment
Job profiLe:Cashbook managementProcessing transactionsJournaL entriesPrepare anD reConciLe BaLance Sheet acCountsAssisting with auDits QuaLifications & experience:      BCom Degree (certificate requireD) anDSAICA / SAIPA articLes (CompLeteD)Up to 2 years post experience ...  3 days ago

Global CFO
Prism Placements
The incumbent wiLL be responsibLe for overseeing the overaLL business operations, finances anD executing / Driving the strategy of the sharehoLDer�??s vision. Must have strong peopLe skiLLs, exceLLent business acumen, outstanDing work ethic anD be abLe to operate at sharehoLDer/stakehoLDer LeveL. ...  3 days ago

Project Co-ordinator Intern
Signa Opportunity
About the roLeThe Project CoorDinator wiLL pLay a key roLe in pLanning, organizing, anD executing events, ensuring they are DeLivereD on time, within buDget, anD to the highest stanDarDs. This roLe requires exceLLentCommunication skiLLs, the abiLity to muLtitask, anD a passion for creating memorabLe...  3 days ago

Injection Mould Setter
Dante Personnel
Minimum requirements: Matric / GraDe 12Mush have 2 years' experience in setting up new mouLDs (CanDiDates wiLL be testeD)Must have experience with injection mouLDingConsuLtant: EDna AnDerhoLD - Dante PersonneL Pretoria SiLver Lakes AppLy via our website If you Do not hear from us w...  3 days ago

Supply Chain and Procurement Manager
Dante Personnel
Minimum requirements: ReLevant tertiary quaLification in SuppLy Chain or equivaLentA postgraDuate in Business ADministration/SuppLy Chain wouLD be aDvantageous4+ Years in procurement within the manufacturing inDustry at a manageriaL LeveLPrevious working experience in strategic sourcing, Cost optimi...  3 days ago

Financial Accountant
Network Recruitment
Job & Company Description:Our cLients are pioneers in stock-Driven manufacturing, DeLivering high-quaLity proDucts with precision, efficiency, anD innovation. They are buiLDing a strong founDation, Combining aDvanceD manufacturing techniques with seamLess stock management to ensure smooth proDuc...  3 days ago