Jobs 1 to 10 of 411
Communicate Recruitment
Job DEscription:LEad thE dEsign, dEvElopmEnt, and tEsting of high-pErformancE ElEctronic hardwarE solutions.ArchitEct and dEsign schEmatics and multi-layEr PCBs using Altium DEsignEr or EquivalEnt tools.Conduct circuit simulations and analysis to validatE dEsigns f... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.
What wE arE looking for: A SEnior ConcEptual CopywritEr
What you will ... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.
What wE arE looking for:�Mid-SEnior Digital Art DirEctor
What you will... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE:�WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do:�WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.
What wE arE looking for:�A CrEativE DirEctor / SEnior Art DirEctor
Wha... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Communicate Recruitment
Job DEscription:LEad thE dEsign, dEvElopmEnt, and tEsting of high-pErformancE ElEctronic hardwarE solutions.ArchitEct and dEsign schEmatics and multi-layEr PCBs using Altium DEsignEr or EquivalEnt tools.Conduct circuit simulations and analysis to validatE dEsigns f... 24 hours ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.
What wE arE looking for: A SEnior ConcEptual CopywritEr
What you will ... 24 hours ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.
What wE arE looking for:�Mid-SEnior Digital Art DirEctor
What you will... 24 hours ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE:�WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do:�WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.
What wE arE looking for:�A CrEativE DirEctor / SEnior Art DirEctor
Wha... 24 hours ago
Howland Recruiting
Cape Town
ThE rolE of a SAIPA ClErk is variEd and challEnging. You nEEd to bE highly analytical, dEtail oriEntEd and ablE to copE wEll with strEss.
Suitably qualifiEd candidatEs in CapE Town wanting to pursuE a 3-yEar SAIPA clErkship in thEir EndEavour to bEcomE a ProfEssional Accountant (SA) is invitEd to su... 24 hours ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.
What wE arE looking for:�A mid-SEnior FilmmakEr
What you will do:�
WE�... 24 hours ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.
What wE arE looking for:�Mid-lEvEl Graphic DEsignEr
What you will do: ... 24 hours ago
Ad Talent
Cape Town
NotE: This is a fully in-officE position.
Who wE arE: WE arE a multi-disciplinEd crEativE studio dElivEring 350 dEgrEE solutions.
What wE do: WE providE TTL advErtising and vidEo production to post-production and 2D/3D animation.
What wE arE looking for:�SEnior Graphic DEsignEr
What you will do: You... 24 hours ago
Network Recruitment
Qualifications:RElEvant dEgrEE in a rElatEd fiEld.REquirEmEnts:5+ yEars’ ExpEriEncE as a BI Analyst DEvElopEr.Strong skills in EithEr PowEr BI or Qlik.AdvancEd SQL proficiEncy.DEmonstratEd projEct dElivEry succEss.Strong numEracy and analytical thinking.AdvantagEous Skills:ExpEriEncE with MS S... 24 hours ago
Communicate Recruitment
Job DEscription:DEsign LEadErship: LEad thE crEation of prEmium product EnclosurEs, intEgrating advancEd ElEctronics. DEvElop 3D CAD modEls and 2D tEchnical drawings using tools likE SolidWorks, CATIA, or Fusion 360 for production.AEsthEtic & Functional IntEgration: CombinE industrial dEsign and... 24 hours ago