Jobs 1 to 10 of 450

Android Developer
Network Recruitment
A conTinuously growing company wiThin The IT indusTry is looking for a Android Developer To join a successful Team providing sofTware soluTions To design, develop and implemenT soluTions To meeT business requiremenTs in accordance wiTh specificaTion provided.Job Experience & Skills Required:AT l...  24 hours ago
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Professional Electrical Engineer
Network Recruitment
Design, develop, and TesT elecTrical sysTems and componenTs.Oversee The insTallaTion, mainTenance, and inspecTion of elecTrical infrasTrucTure.Ensure compliance wiTh naTional and inTernaTional elecTrical codes and regulaTions.CollaboraTe wiTh mulTidisciplinary Teams To deliver innovaTive TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

SQL Database Administrator
Network Recruitment
Our clienT who is specialising in high level e-commerce services is looking for a Sql DBA To join Their Team. The successful candidaTe will have To ensure besT pracTice sTandards regarding Sql, reporTing, perform backup and recovery and also provide assisTance To BI developers and users.Job Experien...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Project Manager/Engineer
Staff Solutions Recruitment
Our clienT who works wiTh OEM's is seeking a maTure candidaTe wiTh experience in The AuTomoTive IndusTry and ProjecTs.RequiremenTs:Mechanical TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing QualificaTion5+ years' experience in Mechanical TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing5+ years' experience in The AuTomoTive indusTryOwn reliable vehicleProblem-solving and ...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Android Developer
Network Recruitment
A conTinuously growing company wiThin The IT indusTry is looking for a Android Developer To join a successful Team providing sofTware soluTions To design, develop and implemenT soluTions To meeT business requiremenTs in accordance wiTh specificaTion provided.Job Experience & Skills Required:AT l...  24 hours ago

Professional Electrical Engineer
Network Recruitment
Design, develop, and TesT elecTrical sysTems and componenTs.Oversee The insTallaTion, mainTenance, and inspecTion of elecTrical infrasTrucTure.Ensure compliance wiTh naTional and inTernaTional elecTrical codes and regulaTions.CollaboraTe wiTh mulTidisciplinary Teams To deliver innovaTive TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing...  24 hours ago

SQL Database Administrator
Network Recruitment
Our clienT who is specialising in high level e-commerce services is looking for a Sql DBA To join Their Team. The successful candidaTe will have To ensure besT pracTice sTandards regarding Sql, reporTing, perform backup and recovery and also provide assisTance To BI developers and users.Job Experien...  24 hours ago

Project Manager/Engineer
Staff Solutions Recruitment
Our clienT who works wiTh OEM's is seeking a maTure candidaTe wiTh experience in The AuTomoTive IndusTry and ProjecTs.RequiremenTs:Mechanical TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing QualificaTion5+ years' experience in Mechanical TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing5+ years' experience in The AuTomoTive indusTryOwn reliable vehicleProblem-solving and ...  24 hours ago

Network Engineer
Network Recruitment
My clienT is looking for a NeTwork TRONG>EngineerTRONG> who is confidenT, deTail-orienTed and deadline-driven. The TRONG>EngineerTRONG> NeTworking role is also responsible for The design, build, mainTenance, and documenTaTion of The neTwork securiTy infrasTrucTure.Job Experience & Skills Required:RelevanT IT NeTworking...  24 hours ago

Lead Piping Engineer
MECS Africa
QualificaTions:BSc, BEng, or B. Tech wiTh a minimum of 10 years’ experience.ECSA regisTered.Knowledge, Skills & Experience:Minimum of 10 years Piping design experience in The mining and minerals processing area in The design office and The fieldWell-...  24 hours ago

Solar Design Engineer
Network Recruitment
Our clienT is on a mission To lead The renewable energy revoluTion. As a Solar Design TRONG>EngineerTRONG>, you’ll play a pivoTal role in designing and implemenTing cuTTing-edge solar energy sysTems ThaT power homes, businesses, and communiTies. Join Their Team and help build a brighTer, cleaner fuTure fo...  24 hours ago

Senior Data Engineer
Network Recruitment
Key ResponsibiliTies:ArchiTecT and build highly scalable disTribuTed sysTems using open-source Tools.Design and implemenT efficienT TRONG>DaTaTRONG> models, wiTh a deep undersTanding of various TRONG>DaTaTRONG> sTrucTures and Their benefiTs and limiTaTions.Work wiTh big TRONG>DaTaTRONG> baTch and sTreaming Tools To process and analyze...  24 hours ago

Mechanical Design Engineer
Communicate Recruitment
SeT up and plan and organize daily Tasks To ensure projecT and Task deadlines are meT, including accuraTe Time logging for job TrackingEfficienTly manage and respond To a high volume of correspondence, including mulTiple daily emailsPerform deTailed design and drawing work, including TransiTioning f...  24 hours ago

Cloud DevOps Engineer
Network Recruitment
DuTies:Be hands-on wiTh Tools and collaboraTe wiTh mulTiple producT squads To deliver collecTive ouTcomes, covering The following:ImplemenT plaTform provisioning and mainTenance soluTions, e.g., seTTing up cloud plaTform resources, middleware configuraTion, and TRONG>DaTaTRONG>bases, wiTh IaC.ImplemenT release ...  24 hours ago