Jobs 1 to 10 of 51
Network Recruitment
This rEputablE acadEmic institution is sEEking an IT LEcturEr to join its dynamic tEam in dElivEring quality Education, curriculum dEvElopmEnt, and knowlEdgE sharing in thE fiEld of Information TEchnology. ThE succEssful candidatE will play a kEy rolE in Equipping studEnts with practical and thEorEt... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Communicate Recruitment
Join a dynamic, innovativE tEam whErE your skills will shapE thE futurE of hEalthcarE solutions. WE'rE sEEking a Data SciEntist to hElp us unlock thE powEr of data and drivE actionablE insights that will transform thE way wE approach hEalthcarE.KEy REsponsibilitiEs:AnalyzE complEx datasEts to dErivE... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
West Coast Personnel
ThE idEal candidatE should possEss ExcEllEnt communication skills in both writtEn and vErbal English, showcasE a friEndly pErsonality, maintain a wEll-drEssEd and prEsEntablE appEarancE, and bE Enthusiastic about lEarning in a lEgal EnvironmEnt. ThE primary rEsponsibilitiEs will includE cliEnt commu... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
ICT Engage
You will bE rEsponsiblE for dEsigning, dEvEloping, and managing WordPrEss with a focus on crEating and optimising lEarning managEmEnt systEms (LMS) using platforms to crEatE training programmEs. ThE idEal candidatE will havE a strong background in WordPrEss dEvElopmEnt, wEbsitE dEsign, and E-lEarnin... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Network Recruitment
This rEputablE acadEmic institution is sEEking an IT LEcturEr to join its dynamic tEam in dElivEring quality Education, curriculum dEvElopmEnt, and knowlEdgE sharing in thE fiEld of Information TEchnology. ThE succEssful candidatE will play a kEy rolE in Equipping studEnts with practical and thEorEt... 24 hours ago
Communicate Recruitment
Join a dynamic, innovativE tEam whErE your skills will shapE thE futurE of hEalthcarE solutions. WE'rE sEEking a Data SciEntist to hElp us unlock thE powEr of data and drivE actionablE insights that will transform thE way wE approach hEalthcarE.KEy REsponsibilitiEs:AnalyzE complEx datasEts to dErivE... 24 hours ago
West Coast Personnel
ThE idEal candidatE should possEss ExcEllEnt communication skills in both writtEn and vErbal English, showcasE a friEndly pErsonality, maintain a wEll-drEssEd and prEsEntablE appEarancE, and bE Enthusiastic about lEarning in a lEgal EnvironmEnt. ThE primary rEsponsibilitiEs will includE cliEnt commu... 24 hours ago
ICT Engage
You will bE rEsponsiblE for dEsigning, dEvEloping, and managing WordPrEss with a focus on crEating and optimising lEarning managEmEnt systEms (LMS) using platforms to crEatE training programmEs. ThE idEal candidatE will havE a strong background in WordPrEss dEvElopmEnt, wEbsitE dEsign, and E-lEarnin... 24 hours ago
Skill Set Specialists
Cape Town
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:
TEam LEadErship: LEad and managE a divErsE tEam of back-officE profEssionals, Ensuring high lEvEls of EfficiEncy and accuracy in all opErations.
OpErational ManagEmEnt: OvErsEE thE day-to-day opErations of thE back officE, including workflow managEmEnt, procEss optimisation, a... 2 days ago
The Recruiters
Job DEscription: SalEs DirEctor – Africa – REmotE/Hybrid
Our cliEnt is a fast-growing EntErprisE AI softwarE company for Financial SErvicEs. ThEir nExt gEnEration AI platform automatEs thE EntirE lifE cyclE of data sciEncE and machinE lEarning. It hElps organizations to rapidly dE... 2 days ago
The Recruiters
Job DEscription: SalEs DirEctor – Africa – REmotE/Hybrid
Our cliEnt is a fast-growing EntErprisE AI softwarE company for Financial SErvicEs. ThEir nExt gEnEration AI platform automatEs thE EntirE lifE cyclE of data sciEncE and machinE lEarning. It hElps organizations to rapidly dE... 2 days ago
West Coast Personnel
Montague Gardens
REsponsibilitiEs:- TroublEshoot and rEsolvE dEsktop Support issuEs rElatEd to hardwarE and softwarE.- Install and configurE softwarE, hardwarE, PCs, and laptops.- Conduct rEgular systEm backups and maintEnancE.- AccuratEly documEnt tasks and solutions.- ProvidE rEmotE managEmEnt and Support.- ManagE... 2 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
ThE succEssful candidatE will bE rEsponsiblE for data Exploration, fEaturE EnginEEring, and prEdictivE modEling to gEnEratE actionablE insights. ThEy will lEad machinE lEarning and AI initiativEs, conduct statistical analysEs, and optimizE data-drivEn dEcision-making procEssEs. ThE rolE involvEs col... 5 days ago
Sheldon Recruitment and Selection
Applicants arE rEquirEd to mEEt thE following critEria: ICT rElatEd cErtifiEd training qualification rEquirEd (Eg MS CErtifiEd DEsktop Support TEchnician Etc)5+ yEars’ ExpEriEncE in a middlE lEvEl position (NGO ExpEriEncE idEal)Up to datE knowlEdgE of latEst IT and softwarE trEndsMS Offic... 6 days ago