Jobs 1 to 10 of 431

Bulk Materials Handling Mechanical Engineer
Network Recruitment
As a Bulk MaTerials Handling Mechanical TRONG>EngineerTRONG>, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and opTimizing sysTems and equipmenT ThaT handle bulk maTerials in a varieTy of indusTries. You will work on boTh new projecTs and mainTenance improvemenTs for exisTing sysTems, ensuring The highesT ...  24 hours ago
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Business Applications Support Consultant
Gap Consulting
Minimum RequiremenTs:MusT have a minimum of 8 years’ experience in an IT Service Delivery | Service ManagemenT Role in The ManufacTuring IndusTryBSc: CompuTer Science or RelevanT TerTiary EducaTion requiredProficiency in Sage X3 for more Than 500 users | Sage SI ReporTing | CrysTal ReporTing |...  24 hours ago
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Senior Dams Engineer
Ace Staffing
SENIOR DAMS TRONG>EngineerTRONG> Job DescripTion A leading TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing consulTancy is seeking an experienced Dam TRONG>EngineerTRONG> who is regisTered wiTh The DSO as a CaTegory III APP. The successful candidaTe will have The opporTuniTy To lead and manage projecTs for a varieTy of dam faciliTies and associaTed sTrucTur...  24 hours ago
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Electrical Engineer
Network Recruitment
Key ResponsibiliTiesDesign, develop, and oversee The insTallaTion, operaTion, and mainTenance of elecTrical sysTems.Ensure compliance wiTh elecTrical codes, safeTy regulaTions, and indusTry sTandards.TroubleshooT and resolve elecTrical issues in power disTribuTion, conTrol sysTems, and equipmenT.Con...  24 hours ago
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Bulk Materials Handling Mechanical Engineer
Network Recruitment
As a Bulk MaTerials Handling Mechanical TRONG>EngineerTRONG>, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and opTimizing sysTems and equipmenT ThaT handle bulk maTerials in a varieTy of indusTries. You will work on boTh new projecTs and mainTenance improvemenTs for exisTing sysTems, ensuring The highesT ...  24 hours ago

Business Applications Support Consultant
Gap Consulting
Minimum RequiremenTs:MusT have a minimum of 8 years’ experience in an IT Service Delivery | Service ManagemenT Role in The ManufacTuring IndusTryBSc: CompuTer Science or RelevanT TerTiary EducaTion requiredProficiency in Sage X3 for more Than 500 users | Sage SI ReporTing | CrysTal ReporTing |...  24 hours ago

Senior Dams Engineer
Ace Staffing
SENIOR DAMS TRONG>EngineerTRONG> Job DescripTion A leading TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing consulTancy is seeking an experienced Dam TRONG>EngineerTRONG> who is regisTered wiTh The DSO as a CaTegory III APP. The successful candidaTe will have The opporTuniTy To lead and manage projecTs for a varieTy of dam faciliTies and associaTed sTrucTur...  24 hours ago

Electrical Engineer
Network Recruitment
Key ResponsibiliTiesDesign, develop, and oversee The insTallaTion, operaTion, and mainTenance of elecTrical sysTems.Ensure compliance wiTh elecTrical codes, safeTy regulaTions, and indusTry sTandards.TroubleshooT and resolve elecTrical issues in power disTribuTion, conTrol sysTems, and equipmenT.Con...  24 hours ago

Consulting Electrical Engineer
Network Recruitment
We are looking for a skilled and experienced ConsulTing ElecTrical TRONG>EngineerTRONG> To join our Team and play a key role in providing TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing experTise for a range of projecTs.As a ConsulTing ElecTrical TRONG>EngineerTRONG>, you will provide experT advice and innovaTive soluTions To clienTs in various indusTries, f...  24 hours ago

Mechanical Design Engineer
Network Recruitment
Are you a highly skilled Mechanical Design TRONG>EngineerTRONG> wiTh a passion for innovaTion and precision? Our clienT is seeking an experienced professional To lead and execuTe mechanical design projecTs from concepT To implemenTaTion. This role requires experTise in 3D modeling, deTailed drawings, sTress ana...  24 hours ago

Tenders and Bids Engineer
Network Recruitment
As an ElecTrical TRONG>EngineerTRONG> specializing in Bids and Tenders, you will be responsible for preparing and submiTTing compeTiTive bids for elecTrical projecTs, ensuring compliance wiTh cusTomer requiremenTs and indusTry sTandards. You will work closely wiTh The business developmenT and Technical Teams To...  24 hours ago

Design Engineer - Software: R&D
Communicate Recruitment
SofTware DevelopmenT:Engage in The full lifecycle of Process AuTomaTion producTs, including: RequiremenTs gaTheringProjecT planning and execuTionAlgoriThm developmenT and modellingSofTware implemenTaTionDocumenTaTion:CreaTe and mainTain Thorough documenTaTion ThroughouT The producT lifecycle, includ...  24 hours ago

Required QualificaTions & Experience:Bachelor's degree or equivalenT qualificaTion in TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing or a relaTed field.Minimum of 3 years’ experience in a projecT TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing role.AddiTional cerTificaTions in ProjecT ManagemenT are advanTageous.Experience wiTh GanTT charTs is beneficial.Tech...  24 hours ago

Data Science and Analytics Manager
Data Centrix
InherenT RequiremenTsAT leasT 10 years of hands-on involvemenT in TRONG>DaTaTRONG> science projecTs, including managing large-scale iniTiaTives and leading mulTidisciplinary Teams.Degree (Honours, MasTers or PHD) in quanTiTaTive fields such as AcTuarial Science, STaTisTics, CompuTer Science, TRONG>EngineerTRONG>ing, MaThem...  24 hours ago