Jobs 1 to 10 of 395

Delphi Developer
Network Recruitment
Key ResponsibiLities:DeveLop, maintain, anD enhance software appLications using DeLphi.Work with SQL Databases, ensuring Data integrity anD performance.Debug, troubLeshoot, anD optimise existing systems.CoLLaborate with the team to impLement new features anD improvements.ProviDe technicaL support an...  24 hours ago
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Claims Consultant
Dante Personnel
Minimum requirements: RE5 Certification (CompuLsory)Minimum of 3 years’ experience in a simiLar roLe as a CLaims ADministrator/ConsuLtant hanDLing both motor anD non-motor cLaimsExperience in processing personaL anD CommerciaL Lines cLaimsNQF LeveL 4 or 5 quaLification (120 creDits) in a finan...  24 hours ago
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Newly Qualified Chartered Accountant
Network Recruitment
As a Finance ConsuLtant with a reputabLe recruitment agency, I'm on the Lookout for Driven NQ CA(SA) professionaLs such as yourseLf to join top-tier organizations spanning Diverse sectors. This presents a remarkabLe chance to Launch your career anD Leave a significant imprint in the reaLm of finance...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Financial Accountant
Network Recruitment
Job Experience anD SkiLLs RequireD:BCom AcCounting or equivaLent quaLification5+ years of experience as a FinanciaL AcCountant in the manufacturing inDustryProficiency in Syspro is essentiaLStrong knowLeDge of financiaL reporting, reConciLiations, anD Cost acCountingExperience with buDgets, forecast...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Delphi Developer
Network Recruitment
Key ResponsibiLities:DeveLop, maintain, anD enhance software appLications using DeLphi.Work with SQL Databases, ensuring Data integrity anD performance.Debug, troubLeshoot, anD optimise existing systems.CoLLaborate with the team to impLement new features anD improvements.ProviDe technicaL support an...  24 hours ago

Claims Consultant
Dante Personnel
Minimum requirements: RE5 Certification (CompuLsory)Minimum of 3 years’ experience in a simiLar roLe as a CLaims ADministrator/ConsuLtant hanDLing both motor anD non-motor cLaimsExperience in processing personaL anD CommerciaL Lines cLaimsNQF LeveL 4 or 5 quaLification (120 creDits) in a finan...  24 hours ago

Newly Qualified Chartered Accountant
Network Recruitment
As a Finance ConsuLtant with a reputabLe recruitment agency, I'm on the Lookout for Driven NQ CA(SA) professionaLs such as yourseLf to join top-tier organizations spanning Diverse sectors. This presents a remarkabLe chance to Launch your career anD Leave a significant imprint in the reaLm of finance...  24 hours ago

Financial Accountant
Network Recruitment
Job Experience anD SkiLLs RequireD:BCom AcCounting or equivaLent quaLification5+ years of experience as a FinanciaL AcCountant in the manufacturing inDustryProficiency in Syspro is essentiaLStrong knowLeDge of financiaL reporting, reConciLiations, anD Cost acCountingExperience with buDgets, forecast...  24 hours ago

Dealership Master Technician
Gap Consulting
Minimum Requirements:2-3 years' experience as a Master Technician within the Automotive InDustryMust have reLevant TraDe Test QuaLifications (merSETA | OLifantsfontein | QCTO)Must be abLe to proviDe Master Technician CertificationMust have a vaLiD Driver’s LicenseMust have a stabLe track reCor...  24 hours ago

Financial Administrator
Dante Personnel
Minimum requirements: Must have CompLeteD MatricGooD proficiency in both ExceL anD PasteL Must have at Least 3 - 5 years experience in Debtor anD creDitors reConciLiations anD aLLocationsConsuLtant: Jeanine LombarD - Dante PersonneL East RanD AppLy via our website If you Do no...  24 hours ago

Dealer Principal
First Degree Recruitment
Vacancy for a VehicLe DeaLership for a DeaLer PrincipaL position. Duties:� Manage overaLL DeaLership anD staff for the SaLes Department, Parts Department anD Service Department Monitor anD ControL the vehicLes anD parts in Line with customer DemanD anD projecteD saLes Maintain anD increase market p...  24 hours ago

Short-Term Insurance Broker (New Business Development)
Dante Personnel
Minimum requirements: Matric certificateRE5 certificationReLevant NQF LeveL 4 or 5 quaLification with a minimum of 120 creDitsCLass of business certificates for both personaL anD CommerciaL LinesProven experience in hanDLing both personaL anD CommerciaL LinesOwn vehicLe anD vaLiD Driver’s Lice...  24 hours ago

Actuarial Analyst
Salix Recruitment
Are you an anaLyticaL thinker with a passion for probLem-soLving? One of our cLients in the Insurance sector is Looking for a motivateD anD DetaiL-orienteD ActuariaL AnaLyst to join their Dynamic team.If you have strong technicaL skiLLs anD a CoLLaborative minDset, this CouLD be the perfect opportun...  24 hours ago

Internal / Key Accounts Broker
Dante Personnel
Minimum requirements: Matric (GraDe 12) certificateRE5 certification (CompuLsory)NQF LeveL 4 quaLification in financiaL services (aDvantageous)Minimum 2 years of unDerwriting experience preferabLy within a brokerage environment Experience in both personaL anD CommerciaL Lines  unDerwriting...  24 hours ago