Jobs 1 to 10 of 18
Columbus Consulting
REquirEmEnts GathEring and Analysis: idEntification, solicitation and gathEring of cliEnt businEss nEEds and rEquirEmEnts to inform thE dEsign and scalE of a cloud solution/sArchitEcturE DEsign: dEvElopmEnt of a dEtailEd cloud architEcturE Plan, outlining componEnts and sErvicEs rEquirEd to mEEt cli... 5 days ago
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Columbus Consulting
PrEparation and Planning for ChangE: undErstanding thE scopE, impact and stakEholdEr who will bE affEctEd by thE changECommunication and EngagEmEnt: EffEctivE communication of thE changE and EngagEmEnt with stakEholdErs affEctEd by thE changE to build support and commitmEnt thErEforImplEmEntation an... 5 days ago
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Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:DEvElopmEnt of control concEpts for Automation systEms basEd on RFQ’s.DEvElop dEtailEd bill of matErials from control concEpts.DocumEnt thE control concEpt in E-Plan softwarE.Continually improvE dEsign philosophy basEd on intErnational and local ElEctrical standards.Apply ElEctrical pri... 10 days ago
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Signa Opportunity
About thE rolEREsponsiblE for all financial administration, accounting, and managing SagE Accounting. REsponsiblE for assisting customErs with inquiriEs, account information, procEssing applications, and any othEr dutiEs to mEEt businEss objEctivEs. PrEparEs rEports and assists in corrEspondEncE and... 10 days ago
Sponsored Job
Columbus Consulting
REquirEmEnts GathEring and Analysis: idEntification, solicitation and gathEring of cliEnt businEss nEEds and rEquirEmEnts to inform thE dEsign and scalE of a cloud solution/sArchitEcturE DEsign: dEvElopmEnt of a dEtailEd cloud architEcturE Plan, outlining componEnts and sErvicEs rEquirEd to mEEt cli... 5 days ago
Columbus Consulting
PrEparation and Planning for ChangE: undErstanding thE scopE, impact and stakEholdEr who will bE affEctEd by thE changECommunication and EngagEmEnt: EffEctivE communication of thE changE and EngagEmEnt with stakEholdErs affEctEd by thE changE to build support and commitmEnt thErEforImplEmEntation an... 5 days ago
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:DEvElopmEnt of control concEpts for Automation systEms basEd on RFQ’s.DEvElop dEtailEd bill of matErials from control concEpts.DocumEnt thE control concEpt in E-Plan softwarE.Continually improvE dEsign philosophy basEd on intErnational and local ElEctrical standards.Apply ElEctrical pri... 10 days ago
Signa Opportunity
About thE rolEREsponsiblE for all financial administration, accounting, and managing SagE Accounting. REsponsiblE for assisting customErs with inquiriEs, account information, procEssing applications, and any othEr dutiEs to mEEt businEss objEctivEs. PrEparEs rEports and assists in corrEspondEncE and... 10 days ago
Signa Opportunity
About thE rolEREsponsiblE for all financial administration, accounting, and managing SagE Accounting. REsponsiblE for assisting customErs with inquiriEs, account information, procEssing applications, and any othEr dutiEs to mEEt businEss objEctivEs. PrEparEs rEports and assists in corrEspondEncE and... 10 days ago
Sentinel Staffing Services
West Rand
Primary REsponsibilitiEs:SErvE as a liaison bEtwEEn EmployEEs and managEmEnt to addrEss and rEsolvE concErns, fostEring a positivE and EfficiEnt work EnvironmEnt.Conduct rEgular audits of staff filEs, Ensuring 100% accuracy and complEtEnEss in both digital and physical formats.ManagE thE rEcruitmEnt... 11 days ago
Mirror Images
REquirEmEnts:Focusing on nEw businEss only with 5 to 8 yEars ExpEriEncE in rEnEwablE EnErgyREprEsEnt our company’s products and sErvicEs, starting with a dEEp and comprEhEnsivE undErstanding and following with consumEr rEsEarch to idEntify how our solutions mEEt nEEdsMEEt wEEkly, monthly, and ... 13 days ago
WE arE sEEking a dynamic and ExpEriEncEd HR LEad to managE and EnhancE our human rEsourcEs opErations. ThE idEal candidatE will havE 3-5 yEars of HR ExpEriEncE with provEn skills in EmployEE EngagEmEnt, talEnt acquisition, pErformancE managEmEnt, and HR policy implEmEntation. As thE HR LEad, you wil... 18 days ago
Deka Minas Pty Ltd
ThE StratEgic Portfolio ManagEr has accountablE ovErsight to a portfolio of work within STI, applying industry bEst practicEs to managE thE intakE, scoping, Planning, staffing, ExEcution mEthodology, and long-tErm road mapping of projEcts within thE portfolio. ThE position is for a highly skillEd lE... 23 days ago
Fusion Personnel
Minimum REquirEmEntsMinimum 8 yEars ExpEriEncE in thE gEnErator businEss altErnativEly hEavy construction EquipmEnt At lEast 5 yEars ExpEriEncE in a managEmEnt rolE Minimum BachElors DEgrEE prEfErably in EnginEEring / mEchanical-industrial ElEctrical ExcEllEnt knowlEdgE of DiEsEl Engi... 27 days ago