Jobs 1 to 10 of 136

QA Manager - Meat processing industry - Elsies River
RMV Solution
QA ElsiEs RivEr Must havE a drivEr''''s licEnsE and own vEhiclE Job PurposE OvErsEE a comprEhEnsivE, documEntEd quality assurancE systEm that EnforcEs a zEro-tolErancE policy for non-conformitiEs, including but not limitEd to customEr complaints, quality dEfEcts, and rEsourcE wastE from raw matErial...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

QA Manager - Food processing - Malmesbury
RMV Solution
QA MalmEsbury Must havE a drivEr''s licEnsE and own a vEhiclE About Our CliEnt At our cliEnt, thEy arE dEdicatEd to providing top-quality products to thEir EstEEmEd rEtail partnErs. ThEir commitmEnt to ExcEllEncE fuEls our succEss, and thEy arE in sEarch of a motivatEd and dEtail-oriEntEd Quality As...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

Project Manager
Our cliEnt a lEading Modular construction company rEquirE a ProjEct ManagEr to managE  ongoing projEcts on a part timE basis. ThE succEssful candidatE will nEEd to visit sitEs throughout thE WEstErn CapE probably EvEry fortnight for sitE mEEtings with thE cliEnt. Can work from thEir homE on...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

Senior Program Manager- Cape Town - Contract - EE
HR Genie
Western Cape
ThE tEam has a position availablE for a Program ManagEr who will bE basEd at our HEad OfficE in CapE Town, TygErvallEy.JOB DESCRIPTIONThE Program ManagEr works undEr thE supErvision of a sEnior managEr in thE businEss and works closEly with a variEty of stakEholdErs, including businEss, vEndors, pro...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

QA Manager - Meat processing industry - Elsies River
RMV Solution
QA ElsiEs RivEr Must havE a drivEr''''s licEnsE and own vEhiclE Job PurposE OvErsEE a comprEhEnsivE, documEntEd quality assurancE systEm that EnforcEs a zEro-tolErancE policy for non-conformitiEs, including but not limitEd to customEr complaints, quality dEfEcts, and rEsourcE wastE from raw matErial...  2 days ago

QA Manager - Food processing - Malmesbury
RMV Solution
QA MalmEsbury Must havE a drivEr''s licEnsE and own a vEhiclE About Our CliEnt At our cliEnt, thEy arE dEdicatEd to providing top-quality products to thEir EstEEmEd rEtail partnErs. ThEir commitmEnt to ExcEllEncE fuEls our succEss, and thEy arE in sEarch of a motivatEd and dEtail-oriEntEd Quality As...  2 days ago

Project Manager
Our cliEnt a lEading Modular construction company rEquirE a ProjEct ManagEr to managE  ongoing projEcts on a part timE basis. ThE succEssful candidatE will nEEd to visit sitEs throughout thE WEstErn CapE probably EvEry fortnight for sitE mEEtings with thE cliEnt. Can work from thEir homE on...  2 days ago

Senior Program Manager- Cape Town - Contract - EE
HR Genie
Western Cape
ThE tEam has a position availablE for a Program ManagEr who will bE basEd at our HEad OfficE in CapE Town, TygErvallEy.JOB DESCRIPTIONThE Program ManagEr works undEr thE supErvision of a sEnior managEr in thE businEss and works closEly with a variEty of stakEholdErs, including businEss, vEndors, pro...  2 days ago

Management Accountant
Communicate Recruitment
Job DEscription:ThE succEssful candidatE will bE rEsponsiblE for, but not limitEd to:KEy rolE in daily and month-End accounting ovEr various sub-procEssEsFinancial rEporting to thE BoD, KIM (HEad officE) & ExtErnal stakEholdErsAnalysis of monthly rEsults & ad hoc assistancE to HEads of dEpar...  2 days ago

Junior Manager Sales & Trading
Cletech Recruitment
REquirEmEntsEssEntial: CommErcial (E.g. B. Com) or TEchnical (E.g. B.Sc. ChEm. Eng.) dEgrEEPrEfErablE: SalEs and / or markEting qualificationIntErnational bunkEr trading UndErstanding thE fundamEntals of pricing and hEdging BudgEt procEssEs CompEtition law DEvElopmEnt of businEss...  2 days ago

Test Analyst (Manual)
Network Recruitment
TEst Analyst (Manual)FixEd tErm contract (12 Months), CapE Town, Hybrid Qualifications: RElEvant DEgrEE (BusinEss / CommErcE / IT)Training in tEsting fundamEntals or a rElEvant tEst cErtification is a plusREquirEmEnts: 4 yEars of manual tEsting ExpEriEncEProficiEncy in basic SQLFamiliarity with...  4 days ago

Mid Level Python JavaScript Developer – Cape Town / Hybrid – R760k PA
WE arE currEntly in SEarch for a Mid LwEvEl Python JavaScript DEvElopEr with plus 4 yEars’ commErcial ExpEriEncE working with Python, JavaScript, SEvErlEss Products and AWS   You nEEd to bE ablE to dEmonstratE ExpErt knowlEdgE and managEmEnt of a mission critical, 24x7 production systE...  4 days ago

Operations Assistant
Hutech Head Office
Position:                           OpErations Assistant  Industry:                 &...  5 days ago

Financial Accountant
Lexdan Select
Functions:PrEparE journal EntriEsCapturE cash books and rEconcilEPErform intErcompany rEconciliationsPrEparE fixEd assEt purchasE approval documEntsVErify stock transactions and rEconcilE stock takEs and rEport variancEsAssist with production of financial and managEmEnt accountsAssist with thE prEpa...  7 days ago