Jobs 1 to 10 of 55
The Legends Agency
Job TitlE: BusinEss DEvElopmEnt REprEsEntativE US MarkEt (SaaS)
Location: CapE Town, South Africa (OfficE-BasEd)
Salary: R25,000 - R45,000 (DEpEnding on ExpEriEncE)
Working Hours: Monday to Friday, 2:00 PM - 11:00 PM SAST (EST US Hours)
About thE Company:
Join an innovativE E-lEarning softwarE ... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Skill Set Specialists
Cape Town
RolE OvErviEw:
As thE Training/Facilitator, you will play a critical rolE in dEsigning, implEmEnting, and managing training programs that EnhancE thE skills and pErformancE of our EmployEEs. Your focus will bE on dEvEloping tailorEd training solutions that addrEss thE uniquE nEEds of our startup fin... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
Oxyon Human Capital Solutions
Cape Town
Job Summary:
ThE Data EnginEEr will managE and analyzE thE company's data from battEry systEms, microgrids, and EnErgy managEmEnt solutions. This rolE includEs dEsigning databasEs, dEvEloping analytics/rEporting systEms, and applying machinE lEarning (ML) for actionablE insights. ThE Data EnginEEr w... 3 days ago
Sponsored Job
Network Recruitment
ArE you an IntErmEdiatE DEvElopEr looking to takE thE nExt stEp in your carEEr? WE arE sEEking a passionatE and skillEd dEvElopEr to join a growing tEam, working in a hybrid EnvironmEnt from StEllEnbosch. If you havE ExpEriEncE with Java, Spring Boot, and SQL and want to play a crucial rolE in Enhan... 4 days ago
Sponsored Job
The Legends Agency
Job TitlE: BusinEss DEvElopmEnt REprEsEntativE US MarkEt (SaaS)
Location: CapE Town, South Africa (OfficE-BasEd)
Salary: R25,000 - R45,000 (DEpEnding on ExpEriEncE)
Working Hours: Monday to Friday, 2:00 PM - 11:00 PM SAST (EST US Hours)
About thE Company:
Join an innovativE E-lEarning softwarE ... 24 hours ago
Skill Set Specialists
Cape Town
RolE OvErviEw:
As thE Training/Facilitator, you will play a critical rolE in dEsigning, implEmEnting, and managing training programs that EnhancE thE skills and pErformancE of our EmployEEs. Your focus will bE on dEvEloping tailorEd training solutions that addrEss thE uniquE nEEds of our startup fin... 2 days ago
Oxyon Human Capital Solutions
Cape Town
Job Summary:
ThE Data EnginEEr will managE and analyzE thE company's data from battEry systEms, microgrids, and EnErgy managEmEnt solutions. This rolE includEs dEsigning databasEs, dEvEloping analytics/rEporting systEms, and applying machinE lEarning (ML) for actionablE insights. ThE Data EnginEEr w... 3 days ago
Network Recruitment
ArE you an IntErmEdiatE DEvElopEr looking to takE thE nExt stEp in your carEEr? WE arE sEEking a passionatE and skillEd dEvElopEr to join a growing tEam, working in a hybrid EnvironmEnt from StEllEnbosch. If you havE ExpEriEncE with Java, Spring Boot, and SQL and want to play a crucial rolE in Enhan... 4 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
WElcomE to thE big lEaguEs of data sciEncE! This isn’t just crunching numbErs—this is rEvolutionizing how pEoplE shop. As a SEnior Data SciEntist, you’ll divE dEEp into complEx datasEts, uncovEr hiddEn insights, and dEploy machinE lEarning modEls to transform rEtail ExpEriEncEs. Yo... 8 days ago
KEy REsponsibilitiEs: TEchnical LEadErship: LEad a tEam of dEvElopErs, Ensuring bEst practicEs in softwarE dEvElopmEnt, architEcturE, and dEploymEnt, EspEcially on back-End of systEmHands-on DEvElopmEnt: WritE high-quality, scalablE, and maintainablE codE whEn nEcEssary, particularly for compl... 9 days ago
Talented Recruitment
This rolE offErs a pErfEct blEnd of markEting, product dEvElopmEnt, and data analysis, providing a comprEhEnsivE lEarning ExpEriEncE for futurE industry lEadErs.KEy REsponsibilitiEs:Assist in managing thE signagE catEgory, including matErials and tEchnical spEcificationsLEad cost-saving initiativEs ... 9 days ago
Network Recruitment
This rEputablE acadEmic institution is sEEking an IT LEcturEr to join its dynamic tEam in dElivEring quality Education, curriculum dEvElopmEnt, and knowlEdgE sharing in thE fiEld of Information TEchnology. ThE succEssful candidatE will play a kEy rolE in Equipping studEnts with practical and thEorEt... 10 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
Join a dynamic, innovativE tEam whErE your skills will shapE thE futurE of hEalthcarE solutions. WE'rE sEEking a Data SciEntist to hElp us unlock thE powEr of data and drivE actionablE insights that will transform thE way wE approach hEalthcarE.KEy REsponsibilitiEs:AnalyzE complEx datasEts to dErivE... 10 days ago
ICT Engage
You will bE rEsponsiblE for dEsigning, dEvEloping, and managing WordPrEss with a focus on crEating and optimising lEarning managEmEnt systEms (LMS) using platforms to crEatE training programmEs. ThE idEal candidatE will havE a strong background in WordPrEss dEvElopmEnt, wEbsitE dEsign, and E-lEarnin... 10 days ago