Jobs 1 to 10 of 19

Business Manager
Hewitt Colenbrander Recruitment / HC Recruit
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:OvErsEE salEs, assEmbly, and distribution opErations to achiEvE businEss targEts.DrivE financial pErformancE, managE budgEts, and EnsurE cost EfficiEncy.EnsurE on-timE dElivEry and ExcEllEnt customEr sErvicE.ManagE production planning, logistics, and invEntory control.EnsurE com...  24 hours ago
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Debtors Manager
Network Recruitment
Job & Company DEscription:A lEading wastE managEmEnt company spEcializing in sustainablE and EfficiEnt wastE disposal solutions. With a strong industry prEsEncE, it focusEs on EnvironmEntal rEsponsibility, rEcycling initiativEs, and innovativE wastE rEduction stratEgiEs. SErving various industri...  2 days ago
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Hazardous Waste Facility Manager
Objective Personnel
Kempton Park
Qualification Matric BSc ChEm or similar ExpEriEncEREquirEmEnts ExpEriEncE in liquid trEatmEnt plants and hazardous wastE and or facilitiEs managEmEnt.CodE 08 licEnsE and own transport is a must.DutiEs To control thE hazardous wastE disposal and liquids trEatmEnt activitiEs in Ga...  3 days ago
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Procurement Administrator
Signa Opportunity
REsponsibilitiEs:FinancE, Risk and CompliancE:Comply with work rulEs, standards, and mEthods.TakE carE to minimisE wastE.ProvidE fEEdback on cost saving initiativEs in arEa of control.Obtain and chEck information and CapturE data accuratEly.FilE documEnts as pEr procEdurE. OpErational ExcEllEncE/SEr...  7 days ago
Sponsored Job

Business Manager
Hewitt Colenbrander Recruitment / HC Recruit
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:OvErsEE salEs, assEmbly, and distribution opErations to achiEvE businEss targEts.DrivE financial pErformancE, managE budgEts, and EnsurE cost EfficiEncy.EnsurE on-timE dElivEry and ExcEllEnt customEr sErvicE.ManagE production planning, logistics, and invEntory control.EnsurE com...  24 hours ago

Debtors Manager
Network Recruitment
Job & Company DEscription:A lEading wastE managEmEnt company spEcializing in sustainablE and EfficiEnt wastE disposal solutions. With a strong industry prEsEncE, it focusEs on EnvironmEntal rEsponsibility, rEcycling initiativEs, and innovativE wastE rEduction stratEgiEs. SErving various industri...  2 days ago

Hazardous Waste Facility Manager
Objective Personnel
Kempton Park
Qualification Matric BSc ChEm or similar ExpEriEncEREquirEmEnts ExpEriEncE in liquid trEatmEnt plants and hazardous wastE and or facilitiEs managEmEnt.CodE 08 licEnsE and own transport is a must.DutiEs To control thE hazardous wastE disposal and liquids trEatmEnt activitiEs in Ga...  3 days ago

Procurement Administrator
Signa Opportunity
REsponsibilitiEs:FinancE, Risk and CompliancE:Comply with work rulEs, standards, and mEthods.TakE carE to minimisE wastE.ProvidE fEEdback on cost saving initiativEs in arEa of control.Obtain and chEck information and CapturE data accuratEly.FilE documEnts as pEr procEdurE. OpErational ExcEllEncE/SEr...  7 days ago

Portfolio Manager (2 month contract)
Isilumko Staffing (JHB)
Our cliEnt in thE banking industry is sEEking an ExpEriEncEd profEssional to drivE thE dElivEry and implEmEntation of a GrEEn Economy stratEgy, alignEd with thE vision and purposE of thE organisation. This rolE rEquirEs ExpErtisE in thE fiElds of CorporatE Social InvEstmEnt (CSI), CorporatE Social R...  8 days ago

Operations Manager (Safari Lodge)
DutiEs & REsponsibilitiEs: OpErational ManagEmEnt: OvErsEE all aspEcts of lodgE opErations alongsidE thE LodgE REsidEnt ManagEr. ManagE budgEts, track rEvEnuE and ExpEnsEs, and implEmEnt stratEgiEs to maximizE profitability. PrEparE rEgular pErformancE rEports, including occupancy ratEs, rEvEnuE, a...  9 days ago

Production Operations Manager (FMCG packaging)
Boikago Group
Production OpErations ManagEr (FMCG) A wEll known packaging manufacturing company basEd in JHB South is looking for a Production ManagEr to managE and lEad a production tEam KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Must achiEvE Minimum 85% as pEr EfficiEncy logs WastE of lEss than 1.4% of matErial issuEd as pEr w...  11 days ago

Project Engineer
As a ProjEct EnginEEr, you will play a crucial rolE in dElivEring intEgratEd micro-utility solutions, including powEr, watEr, wastE, connEctivity, and EnErgy storagE systEms. You will rEport to thE EnginEEring ManagEr, collaborating with thE ProjEct ManagEr and multi-disciplinary tEams to implEmEnt ...  17 days ago

Procurement Officer
RolE: ProcurEmEnt OfficErLocation:  City of JohannEsburg, GautEng, SouthIndustry:  WastE ManagEmEntStart DatE : ImmEdiatE PurposE of thE RolEProcEss purchasE rEquisition for matErial and sErvicE in linE with approvEd ProjEct / End-usEr spEcifications whilE Ensuring cost compEtitivEnEs...  19 days ago

Production Manager
REsponsibilitiEs:Monitor production schEdulEs, adjust workflow as nEEdEd, and optimizE EfficiEncyEnsurE compliancE with food safEty rEgulations (HACCP, ISO, FSSC 22000) and othEr industry standardsLEad, train, and dEvElop production staff, fostEring a culturE of ExcEllEncE and accountabilityIdEntify...  20 days ago