Jobs 1 to 10 of 101
Omega Human Capital
My cliEnt is a lEading tExtilE and clothing manufacturing company committEd to dElivEring high-quality products to thEir customErs. ThEir focus is on innovation, EfficiEncy, and ExcEllEncE in thE tExtilE industry. ThEy arE sEEking a skillEd Industrial EnginEEr to join thEir tEam in NEwcastlE, KZN
Th... 24 hours ago
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Number Two Piggeries
RESPONSIBILITIES:OvErsEE Daily OpErations: ManagE and coordinatE all dEboning activitiEs to mEEt production targEts and EnsurE EfficiEnt workflowTEam LEadErship: SupErvisE, train, and motivatE a tEam of dEboning staff, Ensuring adhErEncE to company policiEs and procEdurEs.Quality Control: Monitor pr... 24 hours ago
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HR Genie
PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR – N-Subs (CapE Town) OR Jhb (GautEng)12 Month FixEd TErm Contract (WillingnEss to travEl)R20 000 – R30 000 PEr Month NEgotiablE on Qualification and ExpEriEncEOur cliEnt, highly rEputablE and EstablishEd WastE ManagEmEnt concErn is sEarch of a ProjEct ... 2 days ago
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Bright Search Recruitment (Pty) Ltd
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:Assist in managing thE daily kitchEn opErations, Ensuring smooth and EfficiEnt sErvicE.Plan and ExEcutE a sEasonal, high-End mEnu fEaturing frEsh and locally sourcEd ingrEdiEnts.Maintain ExcEptional food prEsEntation and quality in linE with 5-star standards.Train and mEntor jun... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
Omega Human Capital
My cliEnt is a lEading tExtilE and clothing manufacturing company committEd to dElivEring high-quality products to thEir customErs. ThEir focus is on innovation, EfficiEncy, and ExcEllEncE in thE tExtilE industry. ThEy arE sEEking a skillEd Industrial EnginEEr to join thEir tEam in NEwcastlE, KZN
Th... 24 hours ago
Number Two Piggeries
RESPONSIBILITIES:OvErsEE Daily OpErations: ManagE and coordinatE all dEboning activitiEs to mEEt production targEts and EnsurE EfficiEnt workflowTEam LEadErship: SupErvisE, train, and motivatE a tEam of dEboning staff, Ensuring adhErEncE to company policiEs and procEdurEs.Quality Control: Monitor pr... 24 hours ago
HR Genie
PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR – N-Subs (CapE Town) OR Jhb (GautEng)12 Month FixEd TErm Contract (WillingnEss to travEl)R20 000 – R30 000 PEr Month NEgotiablE on Qualification and ExpEriEncEOur cliEnt, highly rEputablE and EstablishEd WastE ManagEmEnt concErn is sEarch of a ProjEct ... 2 days ago
Bright Search Recruitment (Pty) Ltd
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:Assist in managing thE daily kitchEn opErations, Ensuring smooth and EfficiEnt sErvicE.Plan and ExEcutE a sEasonal, high-End mEnu fEaturing frEsh and locally sourcEd ingrEdiEnts.Maintain ExcEptional food prEsEntation and quality in linE with 5-star standards.Train and mEntor jun... 2 days ago
SA Metal
Cape Town
JOB DESCRIPTIONThE SatEllitE SitEs tEam rEquirEs a committEd, hardworking and motivatEd individual to join thEir tEam as a ClEanEr. ThE succEssful candidatE will bE rEquirEd to work within thE SatEllitE SitEs BranchEs at our KraaifontEin and BlackhEath branchEs and must bE ablE to travEl bEtwEEn thE... 3 days ago
Staff Solutions Recruitment
Job DEscription: REsponsiblE for machinE improvEmEnts with thE goal to incrEasing EfficiEncyInstrumEntal in A3 problEm solving activitiEs to EliminatE wastE & improvE production within arEas of control”ManagE and improvE 5S in thE arEa of rEsponsibility according to thE 5S Audit ShEEt... 3 days ago
We find talent
KEY RESPONSIBILITIESManaging thE Manufacturing supply and dElivEry of projEct matErials.Finalizing agrEEmEnts with suppliErs and compiling ordErs.ProcEssing Bill of matErials and Ensuring dEpartmEnts rEcEivE nEcEssary goods.Maintaining positivE EngagEmEnts with vEndors and suppliErs.NEgotiating cont... 3 days ago
As a ProjEct EnginEEr, you will play a crucial rolE in dElivEring intEgratEd micro-utility solutions, including powEr, watEr, wastE, connEctivity, and EnErgy storagE systEms. You will rEport to thE EnginEEring ManagEr, collaborating with thE ProjEct ManagEr and multi-disciplinary tEams to implEmEnt ... 4 days ago
Phoenix Recruitment
DutiEs: GEnErating rEvEnuE and cutting costsControlling wEEkly ordErsWastE and BrEakagEs ManagEmEntEnsuring thE kitchEn works as a tEamTraining nEw & currEnt staff mEmbErs and Educating thEm on thE mEnuAct as thE LEadEr in thE KitchEnGEnErating rEvEnuE and cutting costsEnsurE that all ordE... 4 days ago
Phoenix Recruitment
DutiEs: Training of othEr rEstaurant staffEnsurE prEsEntation and tEmpEraturE of all drinks arE corrEctUpdating winE list as nEcEssaryPlacing ordEr for all winEs and othEr bEvEragEsMEEt with suppliErs and find nEw and Exciting winEs to add to our portfolioEnsurE that winE sErvicE arEa is sEt u... 4 days ago