Jobs 1 to 10 of 140

Complete Healthcare Services
ROLES OF ENA 1. Promotion and maintEnancE of thE hEalth of thE patiEnt, family and community 2. carE of thE patiEnt and ExEcution of nursing carE Plan for a patiEnt. 3. Promotion and maintEnancE of hygiEnE of a patiEnt. 4. Promotion and maintEnancE of physical comfort, rEst, slEEp, ExErcisE and ...  3 days ago
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Sales Consultant Hardware Power Tools
Shani''s Recruitment Agency
EnErgEtic hardworking consultant in thE HardwarE PowEr Tool industry with provEn ExpEriEncE.  HandlE intErnal & ExtErnal customEr EnquiriEs.  Do quotations and follow up, communicating EfficEntly & timEously, EnsurE customEr ExpEriEncE drivEs thE businEss into bEing a prEfErrEd sup...  4 days ago
Sponsored Job

Manager Acquisition: Capital Projects
ThE purposE of this rolE is to:DrivE and ExEcutE thE capital projEcts procurEmEnt Plan.EnsurE thE dEvElopmEnt of appropriatE tEndEr spEcifications and tErms or rEfErEncEs, ovErsEE bid procEssEs and support thE ProjEct ManagEmEnt & ImplEmEntation Division (PMID) with contract managEmEnt through thE f...  6 days ago
Sponsored Job

Project Manager (with experience in Data projects)
Data Centrix
ExpEriEncE / Qualifications / KnowlEdgE:ThE idEal candidatE should havE at lEast 10 yEars’ ExpEriEncE, track rEcord, and bE ablE to dEmonstratE ProjEct ManagEmEnt capabilitiEs, knowlEdgE and know-how in Financial SErvicEs, this rEquirEmEnt must bE considErEd part of thE submission for this rol...  6 days ago
Sponsored Job

Complete Healthcare Services
ROLES OF ENA 1. Promotion and maintEnancE of thE hEalth of thE patiEnt, family and community 2. carE of thE patiEnt and ExEcution of nursing carE Plan for a patiEnt. 3. Promotion and maintEnancE of hygiEnE of a patiEnt. 4. Promotion and maintEnancE of physical comfort, rEst, slEEp, ExErcisE and ...  3 days ago

Sales Consultant Hardware Power Tools
Shani''s Recruitment Agency
EnErgEtic hardworking consultant in thE HardwarE PowEr Tool industry with provEn ExpEriEncE.  HandlE intErnal & ExtErnal customEr EnquiriEs.  Do quotations and follow up, communicating EfficEntly & timEously, EnsurE customEr ExpEriEncE drivEs thE businEss into bEing a prEfErrEd sup...  4 days ago

Manager Acquisition: Capital Projects
ThE purposE of this rolE is to:DrivE and ExEcutE thE capital projEcts procurEmEnt Plan.EnsurE thE dEvElopmEnt of appropriatE tEndEr spEcifications and tErms or rEfErEncEs, ovErsEE bid procEssEs and support thE ProjEct ManagEmEnt & ImplEmEntation Division (PMID) with contract managEmEnt through thE f...  6 days ago

Project Manager (with experience in Data projects)
Data Centrix
ExpEriEncE / Qualifications / KnowlEdgE:ThE idEal candidatE should havE at lEast 10 yEars’ ExpEriEncE, track rEcord, and bE ablE to dEmonstratE ProjEct ManagEmEnt capabilitiEs, knowlEdgE and know-how in Financial SErvicEs, this rEquirEmEnt must bE considErEd part of thE submission for this rol...  6 days ago

Manager Acquisition
ThE purposE of this rolE is to:EnsurE thE ExEcution of thE corporatE procurEmEnt Plan. Support thE dEvElopmEnt of fit for purposE spEcifications and TErms of rEfErEncEs, bid procEss and managEmEnt rEporting through thE facilitation of intEgratEd functional tEams.THE KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS OF THE ROLE...  7 days ago

SCM Specialist: Capital Projects
ThE main purposE of this rolE is, not limitEd to: ExEcutE and facilitatE thE RFB procEss in capital projEcts. EnsurE thE compilation of accuratE tEndEr spEcifications, tEndEr documEnts and facilitatE thE EntirE tEndEr procEss until conclusion. THE KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS OF THE ROLE IN FOCUS, ARE: 1.E...  7 days ago

Executive Assistant
MECS Africa
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:AdministrativE Support:ManagE complEx calEndars, appointmEnts, and corrEspondEncE.Draft and Edit rEports, prEsEntations, and communications.CoordinatE travEl arrangEmEnts, including intErnational and domEstic logistics.HandlE sEnsitivE and confidEntial information with profEssio...  8 days ago

Manager Acquisition: Corporate â?? Centurion
MECS Africa
Honours dEgrEE or EquivalEnt in CommErcE, Logistics, Purchasing or rElatEd.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in thE managEmEnt of SCM particularly thE acquisition procEss for thE procurEmEnt of gEnEral corporatE goods and sErvicEs.Minimum of 5 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in pEoplE managEmEnt EspEcial...  8 days ago

SCM Specialist: Capital Projects (Infrastructure/Civils) â?? Centurion
MECS Africa
B DEgrEE or B. TEch qualification in ProcurEmEnt / Supply Chain ManagEmEnt or any othEr rElEvant fiEld of study.KnowlEdgE of various forms of contract such as FIDIC, NEC3, JBCC.A qualification in thE built EnvironmEnt would bE advantagEous.Minimum of 8 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in a purchasing and pro...  8 days ago

Performance Tester
Nambiti Technologies
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:UndErstand and analysE non-functional rEquirEmEnts.Work with TEchnical ArchitEcturE, InfrastructurE and Tools tEams to EvaluatE, sElEct, sEtup & managE appropriatE tool suitE.ProducE thE PErformancE TEst Plan.DEfinE approach and mEthodology for all non-functional tEsting.DEv...  8 days ago