Jobs 1 to 10 of 149
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who arE wE:
WE arE a globally rEcognisEd dEstination managEmEnt organisation.
Who arE wE looking for:
A visionary lEadEr to craft a futurE-forward markEting stratEgy that inspirEs thE world to ExplorE who can:
Craft transformativE campaigns that connEct with millions of travEllErs?
LEvEragE t... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Time Personnel
Montague Gardens
REQUIREMENTSMatric, Min 2 yEarsâ?? ExpEriEncE managing CustomEr AccountsExcEllEnt communication in English and AfrikaansAbility to think on your fEEt and problEm solvE succEssfullyAbility to build rElationships and managE multiplE kEy accountsExposEd to markEting to incrEasE salEs within thE businE... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
Time Personnel
Montague Gardens
REQUIREMENTSMatric, Min 2 yEars’ ExpEriEncE managing CustomEr AccountsExcEllEnt communication in English and AfrikaansAbility to think on your fEEt and problEm solvE succEssfullyAbility to build rElationships and managE multiplE kEy accountsExposEd to markEting to incrEasE salEs within th... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
Communicate Recruitment
Cash collEctions managEmEntWorking capital OptimisationCash paymEnts managEmEntCrEdit Risk ManagEmEntCollaboratE closEly with financE, accounting, lEgal, taxEs, salEs, opErations, and procurEmEnt tEams globally, to align working capital managEmEnt initiativEs with businEss objEctivEs and drivE cross... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who arE wE:
WE arE a globally rEcognisEd dEstination managEmEnt organisation.
Who arE wE looking for:
A visionary lEadEr to craft a futurE-forward markEting stratEgy that inspirEs thE world to ExplorE who can:
Craft transformativE campaigns that connEct with millions of travEllErs?
LEvEragE t... 24 hours ago
Time Personnel
Montague Gardens
REQUIREMENTSMatric, Min 2 yEarsâ?? ExpEriEncE managing CustomEr AccountsExcEllEnt communication in English and AfrikaansAbility to think on your fEEt and problEm solvE succEssfullyAbility to build rElationships and managE multiplE kEy accountsExposEd to markEting to incrEasE salEs within thE businE... 2 days ago
Time Personnel
Montague Gardens
REQUIREMENTSMatric, Min 2 yEars’ ExpEriEncE managing CustomEr AccountsExcEllEnt communication in English and AfrikaansAbility to think on your fEEt and problEm solvE succEssfullyAbility to build rElationships and managE multiplE kEy accountsExposEd to markEting to incrEasE salEs within th... 2 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
Cash collEctions managEmEntWorking capital OptimisationCash paymEnts managEmEntCrEdit Risk ManagEmEntCollaboratE closEly with financE, accounting, lEgal, taxEs, salEs, opErations, and procurEmEnt tEams globally, to align working capital managEmEnt initiativEs with businEss objEctivEs and drivE cross... 2 days ago
Time Personnel
REQUIREMENTSDEgrEE in businEss administration or MarkEting6 yEars’ ExpEriEncE in markEting analysis, brand building to thE rolE of mEdia, public rElations, digital and tradE markEtingKnowlEdgE of thE luxury / liquor industry (salEs, markEting, businEss dEvElopmEnt)Solid knowlEdgE in financial ... 2 days ago
Minimum Qualifications, ExpEriEncE, and Skills REquirEd: - BachElor's dEgrEE (3 yEars) - At lEast 6 yEars of solid ExpEriEncE in SalEs, ChannEl and ConsumEr MarkEting, Logistics, or Supply Chain - ProficiEnt in English with ExcEllEnt communication and intErpErsonal skills - Highly pro... 2 days ago
West Coast Personnel
DEscriptionWE arE looking for a dynamic and ambitious Salon NEw and Existing BusinEss DEvElopmEnt SpEcialist to join our tEam. ThE idEal candidatE must havE strong skincarE knowlEdgE and ExpEriEncE in thE profEssional bEauty industry, with a provEn track rEcord of opEning nEw doors and Expanding bus... 2 days ago
Time Personnel
REQUIREMENTSMatric, BachElor’s dEgrEE in BusinEss Administration with a major in salEs / markEting or rElEvant fiEld. A postgraduatE qualification would bE advantagEous.SuccEssful work ExpEriEncE as a salEs and markEting associatE, markEting assistant, or similar position with at lEast 3 yEars... 3 days ago
Signa Opportunity
About thE rolEIn this rolE, you will bE rEsponsiblE for rEsEarching. You will also hElp thE CrEativE PartnEr/Social MEdia ContEnt ManagEr to crEatE and ExEcutE a contEnt calEndar. A dEEp intErEst in currEnt social mEdia trEnds is rEquirEd to bE succEssful in this rolE.REsponsibilitiEsDocumEnting and... 3 days ago
iGrow Wealth Investments
Cape Town
IGrow WEalth InvEstmEnts, South Africa’s #1 PropErty InvEstmEnt Company, is looking for a 3D IntErior Visualization SpEcialist to join thEir tEam in CapE Town.
Do you havE a passion for crEating stunning intErior visualizations that bring rEal EstatE projEcts to lifE?
WE arE sEEking a skillEd 3D I... 3 days ago