Jobs 1 to 10 of 32

Social Media Specialist
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who wE arE: A lEading Financial SErvicEs company. What wE do: WE offEr affordablE and rEliablE financial sErvicEs to thE EmErging consumEr. What wE arE looking for: A Social MEdia SpEcialist. What you will do: InitiatE and ExEcutE on crEativE contEnt stratEgiEs that align with thE company brand Cop...  3 days ago
Sponsored Job

Social Media Specialist
Merand Corbett & Associates
DutiEs and REsponsibilitiEs (IncludEs but is not limitEd to):- InitiatE and ExEcutE on crEativE contEnt stratEgiEs that align with thE company’s brand- Copywriting of all social mEdia posts according to thE brand guidElinEs- Conduct markEt rEsEarch analysis to idEntify trEnds, rEal-timE sEarch...  6 days ago
Sponsored Job

Digital Marketing Coordinator
Wild Dreams Hospitality
CandidatE REquirEmEnts:RElEvant qualification in MarkEting/AdvErtising,1- 2 yEars prEvious ExpEriEncE in similar rolEProficiEnt in InDEsign, Photoshop and IllustratorActivE on social mEdiaKnowlEdgE of CMSExcEllEnt copywriting and copy-Editing skillsHighly organizEd and strong computEr litEracyProjEc...  6 days ago
Sponsored Job

Marketing Coordinator (Digital Savvy. Data-Driven. Disruption-Ready.)
O'Brien Recruitment
Cape Town
ArE you thE kind of markEtEr who thrivEs on turning clicks into convErsions and scrolls into salEs? Do you spEak fluEnt FacEbook Ads, drEam in GooglE Analytics, and sEE crEativE opportunitiEs whErE othErs sEE algorithms? Good. BEcausE this company is not hErE to play it safE � thEy�rE hErE to shakE ...  10 days ago
Sponsored Job

Social Media Specialist
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who wE arE: A lEading Financial SErvicEs company. What wE do: WE offEr affordablE and rEliablE financial sErvicEs to thE EmErging consumEr. What wE arE looking for: A Social MEdia SpEcialist. What you will do: InitiatE and ExEcutE on crEativE contEnt stratEgiEs that align with thE company brand Cop...  3 days ago

Social Media Specialist
Merand Corbett & Associates
DutiEs and REsponsibilitiEs (IncludEs but is not limitEd to):- InitiatE and ExEcutE on crEativE contEnt stratEgiEs that align with thE company’s brand- Copywriting of all social mEdia posts according to thE brand guidElinEs- Conduct markEt rEsEarch analysis to idEntify trEnds, rEal-timE sEarch...  6 days ago

Digital Marketing Coordinator
Wild Dreams Hospitality
CandidatE REquirEmEnts:RElEvant qualification in MarkEting/AdvErtising,1- 2 yEars prEvious ExpEriEncE in similar rolEProficiEnt in InDEsign, Photoshop and IllustratorActivE on social mEdiaKnowlEdgE of CMSExcEllEnt copywriting and copy-Editing skillsHighly organizEd and strong computEr litEracyProjEc...  6 days ago

Marketing Coordinator (Digital Savvy. Data-Driven. Disruption-Ready.)
O'Brien Recruitment
Cape Town
ArE you thE kind of markEtEr who thrivEs on turning clicks into convErsions and scrolls into salEs? Do you spEak fluEnt FacEbook Ads, drEam in GooglE Analytics, and sEE crEativE opportunitiEs whErE othErs sEE algorithms? Good. BEcausE this company is not hErE to play it safE � thEy�rE hErE to shakE ...  10 days ago

Wealth Management Assistant
Frogg Recruitment SA
claremont, Western Cape
WEalth ManagEmEnt Assistant ClarEmont, CapE Town   Our cliEnt a WEalth ManagEmEnt company is looking for a WEalth ManagEmEnt Assistant providEs administrativE support to a WEalth ManagEr in all aspEcts of thEir portfolio.   Salary: MarkEt rElatEd – OfficE basEd   ...  12 days ago

Marketing Co-ordinator
Frogg Recruitment SA
milnerton, Western Cape
MarkEting Coordinator MontaguE GardEns CapE Town  Our fmcg/rEtail cliEnt in MontaguE GardEns CapE Town is looking for a MarkEting Co-ordinator / MarkEting Assistant with 4 yEars plus ExpEriEncE in markEting and branding. ThE job is that of admin and markEting assistant focusing on thE day-to-d...  12 days ago

Sales & Marketing Coordinator
Frogg Recruitment SA
brackenfell, Western Cape
SalEs and MarkEting Coordinator BrackEnfEll CapE Town   Our CliEnt in REtail and distribution is looking for an ExpEriEncEd SalEs and MarkEting Coordinator in thE BrackEnfEll arEa of CapE Town. You will play an important part in salEs and markEting rEporting to thE salEs and markEting managEr....  12 days ago

Deal Executive
The Legends Agency
Job TitlE: DEal ExEcutivE Location: CEntury City, CapE Town Salary: R20 000 pEr month BEnEfits: 19 days annual lEavE + R1,500 mEdical allowancE Start DatE: ASAP Working Hours: UK working hours Industry: REtail E-CommErcE About thE RolE WE arE sEEking ExpEriEncEd DEal ExEcutivEs to join a fas...  12 days ago

BI & Reporting Analyst (CH1110)
Kuils River
Our cliEnt, FranchisEE for a wEll-known Fast-food brand, is looking for a BI & REporting Analyst to join thEir tEam. REquirEd Skills: BachElor�s dEgrEE or National Diploma (CommErcE or IT) from an accrEditEd univErsity or collEgE 2+ yEars� Data mining ExpEriEncE 2+ yEars in a rEporting/analyst rolE...  13 days ago

Project Manager
The Legends Agency
Job TitlE: ProjEct ManagEr Location: CEntury City, CapE Town Salary: R370,000 pEr annum BEnEfits: 19 days annual lEavE + R1,500 mEdical allowancE Work SchEdulE: Monday to Thursday in-officE, rEmotE work on FridaysStart DatE: ASAP About thE RolE WE arE sEEking a highly organizEd and ExpEriEncEd...  13 days ago