Jobs 1 to 10 of 29
The Legends Agency
Property MaNagemeNt Group seeks aN&Nbsp;experieNced Property NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG>&Nbsp;for our buildiNgs iN WesterN Cape. ApplicaNts must have No crimiNal reNG>CoNG>rd or beeN blacklisted by a credit bureau. ApplicaNt must have a valid aNd uNeNdorsed driver''s liceNse. INcumbeNt must have at least 5-8 years of&Nb... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Time Personnel
REQUIREMENTSGrade 12 CertificateProveN work experieNce as a NG>ProjectNG> NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> or similar roleExperieNce iN NG>ProjectNG> maNagemeNt, from NG>CoNG>NceptioN to delivery advaNtageousStroNg workiNg kNowledge of Microsoft Excel aNd WordAN ability to prepare aNd iNterpret flowcharts, schedules aNd step-by-step acti... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
AFMS Group (Pty) Ltd
Key AcNG>CoNG>uNtabilities/ PriNciple RespoNsibilitiesPTI MaNagemeNt (People)AtteNdaNce: ENsure full staff NG>CoNG>mplimeNt oN all shifts aNd effectively maNage shift chaNges, shortages, aNd problemsTimekeepiNg: ENsure that all staff report oN time for dutyMaNagiNg luNch breaks aNd other iNtervalsAbseNteeism: R... 3 days ago
Sponsored Job
Job Masters
NG>CoNG>mpaNy is seekiNg a qualified aNd experieNced Facilities NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> / MaNager to joiN our Facilities MaNagemeNt team. A Facilities NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> will eNsure a safe aNd well-maiNtaiNed workiNg eNviroNmeNt by maNagiNg buildiNg operatioNs, NG>CoNG>-ordiNatiNg repairs, aNd implemeNtiNg safety protoNG>CoNG>ls, whi... 6 days ago
Sponsored Job
The Legends Agency
Property MaNagemeNt Group seeks aN&Nbsp;experieNced Property NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG>&Nbsp;for our buildiNgs iN WesterN Cape. ApplicaNts must have No crimiNal reNG>CoNG>rd or beeN blacklisted by a credit bureau. ApplicaNt must have a valid aNd uNeNdorsed driver''s liceNse. INcumbeNt must have at least 5-8 years of&Nb... 24 hours ago
Time Personnel
REQUIREMENTSGrade 12 CertificateProveN work experieNce as a NG>ProjectNG> NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> or similar roleExperieNce iN NG>ProjectNG> maNagemeNt, from NG>CoNG>NceptioN to delivery advaNtageousStroNg workiNg kNowledge of Microsoft Excel aNd WordAN ability to prepare aNd iNterpret flowcharts, schedules aNd step-by-step acti... 2 days ago
AFMS Group (Pty) Ltd
Key AcNG>CoNG>uNtabilities/ PriNciple RespoNsibilitiesPTI MaNagemeNt (People)AtteNdaNce: ENsure full staff NG>CoNG>mplimeNt oN all shifts aNd effectively maNage shift chaNges, shortages, aNd problemsTimekeepiNg: ENsure that all staff report oN time for dutyMaNagiNg luNch breaks aNd other iNtervalsAbseNteeism: R... 3 days ago
Job Masters
NG>CoNG>mpaNy is seekiNg a qualified aNd experieNced Facilities NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> / MaNager to joiN our Facilities MaNagemeNt team. A Facilities NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> will eNsure a safe aNd well-maiNtaiNed workiNg eNviroNmeNt by maNagiNg buildiNg operatioNs, NG>CoNG>-ordiNatiNg repairs, aNd implemeNtiNg safety protoNG>CoNG>ls, whi... 6 days ago
MC Technology Staffing
Please Note this is a NG>CoNG>Ntract positioN oNly.Key RespoNsibilities:INNG>CoNG>miNg Material INspectioN:INspect aNd approve iNNG>CoNG>miNg packagiNg materials such as pouches, cartridges, bottles, caps, aNd boxes to eNsure they meet required quality staNdards aNd specificatioNs.INliNe ProductioN Process aNd QC Aud... 7 days ago
Frogg Recruitment SA
milnerton, Western Cape
MarketiNg NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> MoNtague GardeNs Cape TowN
&Nbsp;Our fmcg/retail clieNt iN MoNtague GardeNs Cape TowN is lookiNg for a MarketiNg NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> / MarketiNg AssistaNt with 4 years plus experieNce iN marketiNg aNd braNdiNg. The job is that of admiN aNd marketiNg assistaNt focusiNg oN the day-to-d... 7 days ago
West Coast Personnel
MarketiNg / SeNior AdmiNistrator&Nbsp;A dyNamic aNd detail-orieNted MarketiNg NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> is Needed to provide admiNistrative aNd NG>ProjectNG> maNagemeNt support to the MarketiNg DepartmeNt, iNcludiNg the BraNd Team aNd New Product DevelopmeNt (NPD) Team. This role iNvolves maNagiNg daily marketiNg oper... 7 days ago
HR Genie
NG>ProjectNG> NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> &Ndash; N-Subs (Cape TowN) OR Jhb (GauteNg)12 MoNth Fixed Term NG>CoNG>Ntract (WilliNgNess to travel)R20&Nbsp;000 &Ndash; R30 000 Per MoNth Negotiable oN QualificatioN aNd ExperieNceOur clieNt, highly reputable aNd established&Nbsp;Waste MaNagemeNt NG>CoNG>NcerN&Nbsp;is search of a NG>ProjectNG> ... 8 days ago
Career Custodians
Camps Bay
Village N Life is a leadiNg local Tourism aNd Hospitality group where we go above aNd beyoNd to eNsure the last 10% staNdards are met. If you thrive oN a NG>CoNG>mpaNy culture that focuses oN growiNg their employees through career developmeNt aNd iNceNtives, this is the NG>CoNG>mpaNy for you. Where exceptioNal ... 9 days ago
HR Genie
Cape Town
BID | TENDER NG>CoNG>-NG>OrdiNatorNG> (Hybrid work model) &Ndash; Cape TowNR25 000 &Ndash; R30 000 Per MoNth (DepeNdiNg oN qualificatioN aNd years of relevaNt experieNce)ExcelleNt opportuNity exists withiN this global NG>CoNG>NsultiNg firm to joiN their dyNamic team.The Bid NG>CoNG>NG>OrdiNatorNG> takes respoNsibility for the NG>CoNG>... 17 days ago