Jobs 1 to 10 of 131
Network Recruitment
QualifiCations: Relevant tertiary qualifiCationRequirements: 3 to 5 years' experienCe in ReaCt development with a foCus on EleCtron experienCeJavaSCript, HTML, CSS, ReaCt and API experienCeGitHub experienCeStrong debugging experienCeNode.js experienCeSQL Server / T-SQL KPA’s: Build deskto... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Penny The Recruiter
What you will be doing: The ideal Candidate for this position should have a strong knowledge and experienCe in ASP.Net/ASP.Net Core development. They should have hands-on experienCe in developing ASP.Net Core API’s and be profiCient in C#.Must have a good understanding of objeCt-oriented... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Responsibilities:C# Development: Collaborate with Cross-funCtional teams to design, develop, and maintain robust C# appliCations.MiCrosoft Azure: Utilize MiCrosoft Azure serviCes to build, deploy, and manage Cloud-based solutions, ensuring sCalability, seCurity, and reliability.API Integration: Crea... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Network Recruitment
Are you a visionary Full StaCk C# Developer ready to work on Cutting-edge projeCts that Challenge your teChniCal abilities and fuel your Career growth? Do you thrive in an environment where innovation, Collaboration, and impaCt are at the Core of what you do? If so, I want to help take your Career t... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Network Recruitment
QualifiCations: Relevant tertiary qualifiCationRequirements: 3 to 5 years' experienCe in ReaCt development with a foCus on EleCtron experienCeJavaSCript, HTML, CSS, ReaCt and API experienCeGitHub experienCeStrong debugging experienCeNode.js experienCeSQL Server / T-SQL KPA’s: Build deskto... 24 hours ago
Penny The Recruiter
What you will be doing: The ideal Candidate for this position should have a strong knowledge and experienCe in ASP.Net/ASP.Net Core development. They should have hands-on experienCe in developing ASP.Net Core API’s and be profiCient in C#.Must have a good understanding of objeCt-oriented... 24 hours ago
Responsibilities:C# Development: Collaborate with Cross-funCtional teams to design, develop, and maintain robust C# appliCations.MiCrosoft Azure: Utilize MiCrosoft Azure serviCes to build, deploy, and manage Cloud-based solutions, ensuring sCalability, seCurity, and reliability.API Integration: Crea... 24 hours ago
Network Recruitment
Are you a visionary Full StaCk C# Developer ready to work on Cutting-edge projeCts that Challenge your teChniCal abilities and fuel your Career growth? Do you thrive in an environment where innovation, Collaboration, and impaCt are at the Core of what you do? If so, I want to help take your Career t... 24 hours ago
An AfriCan finanCial serviCes organisation that offers a broad speCtrum of finanCial solutions and offers great Culture, leadership, learning opportunities, Challenges, rewards and reCognition to its employees seeks an Intermediate Data SCientist who will be aCCountable for designing, produCing, ana... 24 hours ago
Network Recruitment
QualifiCations: BSC ACtuarial SCienCe or BSC ITRequirements: Minimum 6 years' experienCe in SQL developmentMiCrosoft T-SQL experienCeFluently Code in stored proCeduresUnderstand the fundamentals of indexingDatabase administrationKnowledge of finanCe (aCCounting and investments) is requiredRelational... 24 hours ago
TrudyQ Consulting
This dynamiC LogistiCs Company differentiates themselves from their Competitors through their unique Customer ServiCes Driven Strategies.
Minimum Requirements:
MatriC or equivalent qualifiCation
ExCellent and updated knowledge of INCOTERMS
Minimum of 2-4 years working experienCe in a s... 24 hours ago
Prostaff Holdings
Minimum requirements for the role:Minimum Grade 12 is essential for this role with a degree in ACCounting is essential for this role.At least 5 years’ experienCe working in an aCCounting role.Must have a mastery in finanCial and aCCounting prinCiples and the ability to use this knowledge to in... 2 days ago
Prostaff Holdings
Minimum requirements for the role:A minimum B.Eng (MeChaniCal Engineering) is essential for this role.AdvanCed CertifiCate in projeCt management or similar.Previous experienCe having worked in a ProjeCts Manager role working within the mineral / proCess and mining industries driving and managing var... 2 days ago
Fusion Personnel
Minimum RequirementsMatriC5 – 10 years’ experienCe in a teChniCal environmentNQF Level 4 EleCtriCal or MeChaniCal QualifiCation or Equivalent (Highly Advantageous)MS OffiCe and ExCel(Intermediate)Strong EleCtriCal BaCkground is CritiCalIndustry ExperienCe: Material Handling Equipment / O... 2 days ago