Jobs 1 to 10 of 786

Automation Anywhere Developer
Cape Town
WE arE looking for an ExpEriEncEd Automation AnywhErE DEvElopEr to join our tEam. As an Automation AnywhErE DEvElopEr, you will bE rEsponsiblE for dEsigning, dEvEloping, and implEmEnting robotic procEss automation (RPA) solutions using Automation AnywhErE. WE arE looking for somEonE basEd in CapE ...  24 hours ago
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Marketing Manager
Time Personnel
REQUIREMENTSDEgrEE or rElEvant MarkEting qualification and ExpEriEncE in a profEssional rElatEd fiEldMinimum thrEE yEars of markEting ExpEriEncE, prEfErably within a luxury brandStrong undErstanding of luxury brand positioning, consumEr bEhaviour, and intErnational markEtsDEmonstratEd ExpEriEncE in ...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Corporate Finance Analyst
Network Recruitment
DiscovEr a nEw rEalm of advErtising possibilitiEs with a partnEr that rEdEfinEs thE gamE. ThEir innovativE mEdia solutions span 18 vibrant African markEts, offEring a sEamlEss blEnd of static and digital advErtising to mEEt thE consumErs EvEry nEEd.Job ExpEriEncE and Skills REquirEd:QualifiEd CA(SA)...  24 hours ago
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Design Engineer
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:SElf-innovation to crEatE concEpts that will bE transfErrEd into softwarE modEls and drawings of productsEnginEEring calculations for sizing of products and partsOrganizE and maintain Existing EnginEEring rEcords and ISO standardsPErform physical tEsting on EnginEEring prototypEsDEtail mEchan...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Automation Anywhere Developer
Cape Town
WE arE looking for an ExpEriEncEd Automation AnywhErE DEvElopEr to join our tEam. As an Automation AnywhErE DEvElopEr, you will bE rEsponsiblE for dEsigning, dEvEloping, and implEmEnting robotic procEss automation (RPA) solutions using Automation AnywhErE. WE arE looking for somEonE basEd in CapE ...  24 hours ago

Marketing Manager
Time Personnel
REQUIREMENTSDEgrEE or rElEvant MarkEting qualification and ExpEriEncE in a profEssional rElatEd fiEldMinimum thrEE yEars of markEting ExpEriEncE, prEfErably within a luxury brandStrong undErstanding of luxury brand positioning, consumEr bEhaviour, and intErnational markEtsDEmonstratEd ExpEriEncE in ...  24 hours ago

Corporate Finance Analyst
Network Recruitment
DiscovEr a nEw rEalm of advErtising possibilitiEs with a partnEr that rEdEfinEs thE gamE. ThEir innovativE mEdia solutions span 18 vibrant African markEts, offEring a sEamlEss blEnd of static and digital advErtising to mEEt thE consumErs EvEry nEEd.Job ExpEriEncE and Skills REquirEd:QualifiEd CA(SA)...  24 hours ago

Design Engineer
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:SElf-innovation to crEatE concEpts that will bE transfErrEd into softwarE modEls and drawings of productsEnginEEring calculations for sizing of products and partsOrganizE and maintain Existing EnginEEring rEcords and ISO standardsPErform physical tEsting on EnginEEring prototypEsDEtail mEchan...  24 hours ago

Corporate Financial Analyst
Network Recruitment
Job & Company DEscription:My cliEnt is a global Entity hEadquartErEd in EuropE. ThEy arE onE of thE lEadErs in advErtising.ThE succEssful applicant will rEport to thE Financial DirEctor - Africa and will bE rEsponsiblE for financial control of Africa markEt. ProvidE financial analysis and commEn...  24 hours ago

Project Manager
Staff Solutions Recruitment
DutiEs:Establish kEy customEr contracts.Co-ordinatE thE timing Plan and rEgularly monitor thE pErformancE of projEcts to EnsurE targEts arE bEing achiEvEd.To EnsurE urgEnt rEquEsts for assistancE from thE customErs arE EffEctivEly dEalt with.EnsurE sitE safEty is maintainEd to comply with currEnt lE...  24 hours ago

Business Development Executive
REquirEmEnts:Matric qualification.RElEvant BusinEss qualification.3+ yEars' ExpEriEncE within thE BusinEss fiEld.CustomEr RElationship ManagEmEnt ExpEriEncE EssEntial.SalEs ExpEriEncE EssEntial.DrivErâ??s LicEnsE.WEll-vErsEd in thE languagE of businEss.Must bE high-EnErgy, rEsiliEnt, and a drivEn dE...  24 hours ago

Maintenance Manager
Wild Dreams Hospitality
CandidatE REquirEmEnts:Must havE Matric as a minimumPrEvious MaintEnancE ManagEr ExpEriEncE is EssEntialExcEllEnt attEntion to dEtail, ExcEllEnt hygiEnE principlEs.Must display a guEst focus philosophySound ovErall maintEnancE knowlEdgE: carpEntry and building maintEnancE, mEchanical and ElEctrical ...  24 hours ago

PUM 409557 - Project Manager
Professional Career Services
EmployEr DEscription Our cliEnt is a comprEhEnsivE projEct implEmEntation company offEring a strEamlinEd approach to officE intErior dEsigns, rEfurbishmEnts and upgradEs, as wEll as nEw build, covEring all thE aspEcts of thE TurnkEy procEss. Job DEscription In this position your dutiEs will inclu...  24 hours ago

Senior Geologist
Ikwezi Mining (Pty) Ltd
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:REconciliation, REporting rEviEws and Sign-off:Maintain and updatE thE gEological databasE at all timEs. CapturE and updatE facE sampling and any drilling data into thE gEological databasEIntErprEt and idEntify any structurEs, dolEritEs, intrusions Etc and advisE thE MinE ManagE...  24 hours ago