Jobs 1 to 10 of 575

Head: Risk Monitoring & Model Validation
Six Sense Consulting
Minimum Education and ExpEriEncE: Post GraduatE qualification in accounting, mathEmatics, statistics, crEdit risk, and rElatEd8-12 yEars CrEdit risk managEmEnt ExpEriEncE4-8 yEars ManagErial ExpEriEncECritical CompEtEnciEs: Microsoft OfficEModEl govErnancE and validationCrEdit Granting systEms / too...  24 hours ago
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Head Enterprise Risk
Edge Executives
In this rolE, you will bE rEsponsiblE to providE stratEgic lEadErship, dirEction and implEmEntation of EntErprisE risk managEmEnt to thE rEspEctivE functional businEss arEas supportEd and act as a trustEd EntErprisE risk managEmEnt businEss partnEr that Equips businEss with thE tools to mitigatE fin...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

1111_Operations Engineer (Senior)
Liyema Consulting
What You'll Do:BE a hEro bEhind thE scEnEs, Ensuring thE smooth opEration of our IT infrastructurE 24/7.Apply your Linux ExpErtisE to kEEp our systEms up-to-datE with thE latEst sEcurity patchEs.PrEparE DEll sErvErs for migration to a nEw vEndor, Ensuring a sEamlEss transition.TacklE incidEnts HEad-...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Head of Enterprise Architecture
Liyema Consulting
REsponsibilitiEs:TEam ManagEmEnt:ProvidE visionary lEadErship and fostEr a collaborativE, innovativE culturE.EngagE with ExEcutivEs and lEadErs to dEvElop bEttEr EntErprisE framEworks.MEntor and coach solution architEcts, promoting profEssional growth.AllocatE rEsourcEs EfficiEntly and managE tEam p...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Head: Risk Monitoring & Model Validation
Six Sense Consulting
Minimum Education and ExpEriEncE: Post GraduatE qualification in accounting, mathEmatics, statistics, crEdit risk, and rElatEd8-12 yEars CrEdit risk managEmEnt ExpEriEncE4-8 yEars ManagErial ExpEriEncECritical CompEtEnciEs: Microsoft OfficEModEl govErnancE and validationCrEdit Granting systEms / too...  24 hours ago

Head Enterprise Risk
Edge Executives
In this rolE, you will bE rEsponsiblE to providE stratEgic lEadErship, dirEction and implEmEntation of EntErprisE risk managEmEnt to thE rEspEctivE functional businEss arEas supportEd and act as a trustEd EntErprisE risk managEmEnt businEss partnEr that Equips businEss with thE tools to mitigatE fin...  24 hours ago

1111_Operations Engineer (Senior)
Liyema Consulting
What You'll Do:BE a hEro bEhind thE scEnEs, Ensuring thE smooth opEration of our IT infrastructurE 24/7.Apply your Linux ExpErtisE to kEEp our systEms up-to-datE with thE latEst sEcurity patchEs.PrEparE DEll sErvErs for migration to a nEw vEndor, Ensuring a sEamlEss transition.TacklE incidEnts HEad-...  24 hours ago

Head of Enterprise Architecture
Liyema Consulting
REsponsibilitiEs:TEam ManagEmEnt:ProvidE visionary lEadErship and fostEr a collaborativE, innovativE culturE.EngagE with ExEcutivEs and lEadErs to dEvElop bEttEr EntErprisE framEworks.MEntor and coach solution architEcts, promoting profEssional growth.AllocatE rEsourcEs EfficiEntly and managE tEam p...  24 hours ago

Senior Guide
Wild Dreams Hospitality
CandidatE REquirEmEnts:All rElEvant documEntation as pEr standard applications (NQF4 NaturE SitE GuidE, Trails qualifications will bE an advantagE, PDP, ARH, Valid First aid cErtificatE)DutiEs will includE, but not bE limitEd to: Two safari drivEs pEr day and additional activitiEs as pEr guEst rEsEr...  24 hours ago

Head of Enterprise Architecture
Liyema Consulting
ArE you a visionary lEadEr rEady to shapE thE futurE of EntErprisE tEchnology? Do you thrivE in driving innovation, crafting stratEgiEs, and guiding talEntEd tEams toward succEss? ThEn this is your nExt big movE!What You'll Do:LEad & InspirE: ProvidE visionary lEadErship, mEntor solution architE...  24 hours ago

Lead: Partnership Development & Ecosystem Coordination
Six Sense Consulting
Minimum Education and ExpEriEncE: DEgrEE in CommErcE / SciEncE / AgriculturEA minimum of 7 yEars ExpEriEncE at managEmEnt lEvElA minimum of 3 yEars ExpEriEncE in stratEgic partnErships dEvElopmEnt and implEmEntationCritical CompEtEnciEs: BusinEss dEvElopmEnt and nEtworkingBringing nEw products or so...  24 hours ago

Head Chef
Wild Dreams Hospitality
Sabi Sands
CandidatE REquirEmEnts:Must havE a formal ChEf QualificationAt lEast 3+ yEars of ChEf ExpEriEncE rEquirEd in 5-star lodgEsAbility to cost mEnusThE ability to lEad and motivatE staff to consistEntly dElivEr at a 5-star lEvElGood knowlEdgE of kitchEn administration including HR mattErs and rostEring o...  24 hours ago

Head of Sourcing
Talented Recruitment
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:Sourcing and VEndor StratEgy ManagEmEnt:ParticipatE in Strat-X and thE dEvElopmEnt of thE Group stratEgy, Ensuring that sourcing plans and targEts arE appropriatEly rEprEsEntEd and dEfinEd.LEad thE dEvElopmEnt and institutionalisation of a 1-3 yEar sourcing and vEndor managEmEnt...  24 hours ago

Sales Representative - Pharmaceutical OTC
Emporium Human Capital
SalEs REprEsEntativE – PharmacEutical (POS24315)Maitland, CapE TownR 500 000 to R 550 000 pEr annumPurposE:To call on PharmaciEs and promotE PharmacEutical and OTC BusinEss Unit Products.REquirEmEnts: A tErtiary qualification in CommErcE and/or SciEncEMinimum of two (2) yEars’ ...  24 hours ago