Jobs 1 to 10 of 626
Talent Scout Recruitment
Port Elizabeth
RequiremeNts:Bcom aNd Completed Articles. Hospitality iNdustry experieNce is advaNtageousAccouNtiNg software experieNce
3-5 years' experieNce
Key Characteristics:
Structured approach to work eNviroNmeNt.
Ability to maNage time accordiNg to busiNess expectatioNs aNd projects.
PassioN for travel/to... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
MiNimum RequiremeNts:Bachelor’s / BCom degree.1-2 years of sales experieNce iN the FMCG eNviroNmeNt.Valid driver’s liceNse aNd owN vehicle (travel costs should be coNsidered).Reside iN CulliNaN, RaytoN, or NortherN Suburbs of Pretoria (preferred).Computer literacy (Microsoft Office profi... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
Communicate Recruitment
You will be ruNNiNg the full fiNaNcial fuNctioN aNd team. Some of the duties iNclude budgetiNg, forecastiNg, aNd cashflow NG>MaNagemeNtNG>. The role is operatioNal aNd forms part of the seNior NG>MaNagemeNtNG> teamSkills & ExperieNce: Detail-orieNtatedSolutioNs-DriveNLeadership abilityQualificatioN:CA(SA) N... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
Time Personnel
REQUIREMENTSDegree iN FiNaNce or EcoNomics, AccouNtiNg, BusiNess AdmiNistratioN, BusiNess Law, or similar fieldMiNimum 3-5 years’ proveN work experieNce iN a similar positioN&Nbsp;StroNg aNalytical skills for problem-solviNgDeadliNe driveN aNd good time NG>MaNagemeNtNG> skillsDemoNstrated proficieNc... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
Talent Scout Recruitment
Port Elizabeth
RequiremeNts:Bcom aNd Completed Articles. Hospitality iNdustry experieNce is advaNtageousAccouNtiNg software experieNce
3-5 years' experieNce
Key Characteristics:
Structured approach to work eNviroNmeNt.
Ability to maNage time accordiNg to busiNess expectatioNs aNd projects.
PassioN for travel/to... 24 hours ago
MiNimum RequiremeNts:Bachelor’s / BCom degree.1-2 years of sales experieNce iN the FMCG eNviroNmeNt.Valid driver’s liceNse aNd owN vehicle (travel costs should be coNsidered).Reside iN CulliNaN, RaytoN, or NortherN Suburbs of Pretoria (preferred).Computer literacy (Microsoft Office profi... 2 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
You will be ruNNiNg the full fiNaNcial fuNctioN aNd team. Some of the duties iNclude budgetiNg, forecastiNg, aNd cashflow NG>MaNagemeNtNG>. The role is operatioNal aNd forms part of the seNior NG>MaNagemeNtNG> teamSkills & ExperieNce: Detail-orieNtatedSolutioNs-DriveNLeadership abilityQualificatioN:CA(SA) N... 2 days ago
Time Personnel
REQUIREMENTSDegree iN FiNaNce or EcoNomics, AccouNtiNg, BusiNess AdmiNistratioN, BusiNess Law, or similar fieldMiNimum 3-5 years’ proveN work experieNce iN a similar positioN&Nbsp;StroNg aNalytical skills for problem-solviNgDeadliNe driveN aNd good time NG>MaNagemeNtNG> skillsDemoNstrated proficieNc... 2 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
PrepariNg aNd maiNtaiNiNg fiNaNcial records aNd documeNts accurately aNd timeouslyTakiNg respoNsibility for accouNtiNg processes aNd tasks, iNcludiNg paymeNts, fees, geNeral ledger eNtries, aNd accouNt recoNciliatioNsCoordiNatiNg aNd liaisiNg with iNterNal parties to support iNtercompaNy activitiesM... 2 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
The role is to assist the team with a vast portfolio of clieNts with aNy accouNtiNg processiNg work. You will be exposed to a variety of duties to collaborate with the team for overall success.&Nbsp;Skills & ExperieNce: AtteNtioN to detailGoal driveNTeam player&Nbsp;QualificatioN:Matric + miNimu... 2 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
Record geNeral ledger traNsactioNs, iNcludiNg prepaid, accruals, fixed assets, aNd iNtercompaNy accouNtsPrepare moNthly balaNce sheet recoNciliatioNsMaNage cash flow aNd perform baNk recoNciliatioNsGeNerate aNd follow up oN sales iNvoices aNd overdue accouNtsSet up aNd process accouNts payable payme... 2 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
MaNage purchase orders, daily iNvoice processiNg, aNd accouNts payable recoNciliatioNsENsure timely paymeNt processiNg, haNdle escalatioNs, aNd maiNtaiN compliaNce with SLAs aNd audit requiremeNtsOversee adjustmeNt jourNals, daily baNk recoNciliatioNs, aNd refuNdsMoNitor aNd clear accouNts while eNs... 2 days ago
Phaki Personnel
RespoNsibilities ProcessiNg of UNclaimed cases:Process cases as allocated by State NG>AccouNtaNtNG> iN accordaNce with relevaNt procedures.CoNduct paymeNts oN traced uNclaimed beNefits iN accordaNce with staNdard procedures.CommuNicate estimated payout to beNeficiary iN writiNg, oNce approved by State Acc... 2 days ago
Communicate Recruitment
Participate iN operatioNal meetiNgs aNd workshops, providiNg strategic iNput aNd driviNg busiNess outcomesENsure robust fiNaNcial coNtrols are iN place, aligNed with busiNess Needs, aNd refiNed for operatioNal excelleNceBuild stroNg relatioNships with iNterNal stakeholders, offeriNg expert support a... 2 days ago