


Work/life balance



Adviceworx Reviews


Acquiring new skills

I am charismatic and love challenges. Customer service is my passion. It is very rewarding to help people solve problems, especially technologically challenged people. We live in a fast paced world where there are new applications are launched every waking moment. We need to keep up. I am here to help the customer. Thank you for your consideration.

Pros: Eagerness, open to change
Cons: Pay unnecessary too much to details, lose work-life balance

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I will not be bullied by any indiv or organisation. I ai helieve in hard work, commitment and loyalty. Be a leadee and not a boss! Treat everyone with respect and kindness irrespective of their job title or colur. Lift someone up rather than watch them faill. Team work.

Pros: Growing company
Cons: No growth

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Acquiring new skills

To whom it may concern Learnig , as listening is an acquired skill. I have strong IT background which makes me the best candidate for the job as this kind of experience always requires attention to detail.

Pros: Eagerness, open to change
Cons: Pay unnecessary too much to details, lose work-life balance

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Excellent learning curve

I've learnt a lot about insurance The people I work with are very pleasant and welcoming. My co-workers are pleasant and always willing to help. I enjoy the opportunity of learning new things. I enjoy working with different characters.

Pros: Great working hour
Cons: Very little remuneration and no benefits

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