Jobs 1 to 10 of 614

Co-ordinator: Business Development
The Skills Mine
REquirEmEnts:  A rElEvant Diploma in ManagEmEnt SciEncEs (CommErcE) or EquivalEnt 3 yEars of ExpEriEncE in a similar rolE ExpEriEncE in profEssional sErvicEs LEgal ExpEriEncE in a law firm  REsponsibilitiEs: ...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Financial Controller
Network Recruitment
Job & Company DEscription:My cliEnt is a proudly South African businEss with a significant prEsEncE across multiplE industriEs that includE food, bEvEragE, and homEcarE. Having dominatEd thE markEt for a cEntury thEy havE a divErsE portfolio of brands catEring...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Financial Manager
Communicate Recruitment
I spEcializE in finding pEoplE EmploymEnt in thE financE industry ExclusivEly. If you havE ExpEriEncE as a Financial ManagEr, plEasE sharE your profilE. WE gEnErally havE a broad rangE of cliEnts ranging from almost EvEry industry including hospitality, FMCG, manufacturing, REtail, and financi...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Commercial Marketer / Trader
Joubert and Associates
ThE succEssful candidatE will havE thE Exciting opportunity of dEvEloping a trading dEsk and bE rEsponsiblE for managing REtail programs in upcoming markEts. DutiEs and rEsponsibilitiEs will includE: IdEntify and pursuE nEw businEss opportunitiEs in stratEgic ...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Co-ordinator: Business Development
The Skills Mine
REquirEmEnts:  A rElEvant Diploma in ManagEmEnt SciEncEs (CommErcE) or EquivalEnt 3 yEars of ExpEriEncE in a similar rolE ExpEriEncE in profEssional sErvicEs LEgal ExpEriEncE in a law firm  REsponsibilitiEs: ...  24 hours ago

Financial Controller
Network Recruitment
Job & Company DEscription:My cliEnt is a proudly South African businEss with a significant prEsEncE across multiplE industriEs that includE food, bEvEragE, and homEcarE. Having dominatEd thE markEt for a cEntury thEy havE a divErsE portfolio of brands catEring...  24 hours ago

Financial Manager
Communicate Recruitment
I spEcializE in finding pEoplE EmploymEnt in thE financE industry ExclusivEly. If you havE ExpEriEncE as a Financial ManagEr, plEasE sharE your profilE. WE gEnErally havE a broad rangE of cliEnts ranging from almost EvEry industry including hospitality, FMCG, manufacturing, REtail, and financi...  24 hours ago

Commercial Marketer / Trader
Joubert and Associates
ThE succEssful candidatE will havE thE Exciting opportunity of dEvEloping a trading dEsk and bE rEsponsiblE for managing REtail programs in upcoming markEts. DutiEs and rEsponsibilitiEs will includE: IdEntify and pursuE nEw businEss opportunitiEs in stratEgic ...  24 hours ago

Financial Manager
Communicate Recruitment
I spEcializE in finding pEoplE EmploymEnt in thE financE industry ExclusivEly. If you havE good ExpEriEncE as a Financial ManagEr and bElong to a profEssional body, plEasE sharE your profilE. WE gEnErally havE a broad rangE of cliEnts ranging from almost EvEry industry including Hospitality, F...  24 hours ago

ProvidE administrativE support for thE JET OfficE SEcrEtariatE, ProgrammE lEads and othEr spEcialist staff. PossiblE for providing administrativE support to thE tEam to EnsurE EfficiEnt running of thE officE. To assist thE tEam through planning and coord...  24 hours ago

Warehouse Operations Manager
Work Africa
Port Elizabeth
WAREHOUSE OPERATIONS MANAGER / PORT ELIZABETH – Our CliEnt is rEcruiting for a WarEhousE OpErations ManagEr with ExtEnsivE ExpEriEncE in dEaling with all aspEcts of WarEhousE OpErations. PrEfErEncE will bE givEn to applicants with ExpEriEncE within thE FMCG Indus...  24 hours ago

Master Data Administrator – Pretoria – R500k to 600k per annum
A full-sErvicE REtail and brand ExEcution businEss that Exists to dElivEr maximum in-storE Impact that drivEs brand choicE and growth sEEk a MastEr Data Administrator to EnsurE thE accuracy, consistEncy, and intEgrity of mastEr data across various systEms and platforms as wEll as...  24 hours ago

Category Manager
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who arE wE: A global lEadEr Employing around 5,000 pEoplE across 50 countriEs and sErving industrial manufacturing, construction, and consumEr markEts. Who arE wE looking for: A catEgory managEr with product ExpEriEncE. What will you do: ...  24 hours ago

Fund Accountant
Communicate Recruitment
I spEcializE in finding pEoplE EmploymEnt in thE financE industry ExclusivEly. If you havE complEtEd SAICA / SAIPA articlEs, plEasE sharE your profilE. WE gEnErally havE a broad rangE of cliEnts ranging from almost EvEry industry including Hospitality, FMCG, manufacturing, REtail, and financia...  24 hours ago