Jobs 1 to 10 of 634

Retail Counter Parts Sales Exec
West Coast
WEll EstablishEd dEalErship on thE WEst Coast of CapE Town (WEstErn CapE), is looking for a REtail CountEr Parts SalEs ExEcutivE.REquirEmEnts:At lEast 2 yEars ExpEriEncE in a similar rolEParts IdEntification and SalEsInvEntory ManagEmEntInvoicing ...  24 hours ago
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Compliance Officer
ThE CompliancE OfficEr is rEsponsiblE for assisting and supporting SBUs/DEpartmEnts in complying with all applicablE rEgulatory rEquirEmEnts (i.E. Laws, REgulations and SupErvisory rEquirEmEnts (i.E. rulEs, codEs and sElf-rEgulatory organizational standards) applicablE to thE organization by faci...  24 hours ago
Sponsored Job

Graphic Designer (Senior)
Omega Human Capital
ArE you a highly skillEd and ExpEriEncEd sEnior graphic dEsignEr and brand stratEgist?   Can you crEatE amazing 2D REtail point-of-salE dEsign concEpts, dEvElop REtail stratEgiEs for FMCG campaigns, build comprEhEnsivE stratEgic dEsign prEsEntations and collaboratE ...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

Finance Manager - Wholesale/Retail
Rory Mackie & Associates
Cape Town
Growing distribution businEss in SouthErn Suburbs is looking for a dynamic and ExpEriEncEd financE profEssional who will takE rEsponsibility for thE financE function. If you arE a rEsults-drivEn individual with a passion for financial ExcEllEncE and a knack for navigating thE complExitiEs ...  2 days ago
Sponsored Job

Retail Counter Parts Sales Exec
West Coast
WEll EstablishEd dEalErship on thE WEst Coast of CapE Town (WEstErn CapE), is looking for a REtail CountEr Parts SalEs ExEcutivE.REquirEmEnts:At lEast 2 yEars ExpEriEncE in a similar rolEParts IdEntification and SalEsInvEntory ManagEmEntInvoicing ...  24 hours ago

Compliance Officer
ThE CompliancE OfficEr is rEsponsiblE for assisting and supporting SBUs/DEpartmEnts in complying with all applicablE rEgulatory rEquirEmEnts (i.E. Laws, REgulations and SupErvisory rEquirEmEnts (i.E. rulEs, codEs and sElf-rEgulatory organizational standards) applicablE to thE organization by faci...  24 hours ago

Graphic Designer (Senior)
Omega Human Capital
ArE you a highly skillEd and ExpEriEncEd sEnior graphic dEsignEr and brand stratEgist?   Can you crEatE amazing 2D REtail point-of-salE dEsign concEpts, dEvElop REtail stratEgiEs for FMCG campaigns, build comprEhEnsivE stratEgic dEsign prEsEntations and collaboratE ...  2 days ago

Finance Manager - Wholesale/Retail
Rory Mackie & Associates
Cape Town
Growing distribution businEss in SouthErn Suburbs is looking for a dynamic and ExpEriEncEd financE profEssional who will takE rEsponsibility for thE financE function. If you arE a rEsults-drivEn individual with a passion for financial ExcEllEncE and a knack for navigating thE complExitiEs ...  2 days ago

SAP EWM Consultant (Senior) - 1264
Jordan HR
Functional & Configuration ExpEriEncE in thE SAP EWM (ExtEndEd WarEhousE ManagEmEnt) ModulEExpEriEncE in Logistics Supply ChainStrong ability to undErstand and intErprEt businEss nEEds and rEquirEmEnts with an aptitudE to movE concEpts ...  2 days ago

Store Manager - Paarl
Work Africa
Dal Josafat
WE'rE looking for a REtail StorE ManagEr to join us! As a REtail StorE ManagEr, you’ll drivE growth, inspirE your tEam, and crEatE a captivating storE atmosphErE. You'll shapE stratEgiEs, managE invEntory, and EnsurE top-notch customEr sErvicE. ComE join us and shinE as a lEadEr in REtail! ...  2 days ago

Brand Manager
Abantu Staffing Solutions
East London
OvErviEw: Our CliEnt within thE CommErcial/BusinEss EnvironmEnt is sEEking a Brand ManagEr to join thEir tEam. ThE succEssful incumbEnt will bE rEsponsiblE for dEvEloping and implEmEnting markEting stratEgiEs for in-rEstaura...  2 days ago

Events Coordinator
Omega Human Capital
Durban North
My cliEnt rEquirEs an EvEnt coordinator to EnsurE that thEir REtail EvEnts arE propErly managEd.  KEy PErformancE ArEas: DElivEr on Principal SErvicE LEvEl AgrEEmEnts Maintain Brand Visibility and IntEgrity EnsurE Compan...  2 days ago

Brand Manager
Work Africa
East London
BRAND MANAGER/EAST LONDON - ThE Brand ManagEr will bE rEsponsiblE for dEvEloping and implEmEnting markEting stratEgiEs for in-rEstaurant promotions, mEnu offErings, and local storE markEting initiativEs across all company’s markEts, and will work closEly with mEnu dEvElopmEnt tEa...  2 days ago

SAP ABAP Developer (Expert) - 0759
Jordan HR
5+ YEars of DEvOps (OpErations, configuration/dEvElopmEnt) ExpEriEncE in commErcial and/or REtail End usEr IT applicationsStrong ABAP DEvElopmEnt skills including but not limitEd to:ProvEn track rEcord as a compEtEnt ABAP ProgrammEr...  2 days ago