Jobs 1 to 10 of 118
Staff Solutions Recruitment
PossiblE DutiEs:OpErations ManagEmEnt: OvErsEE daily opErations of thE manufacturing plant, Ensuring smooth production flow and rEsolving any disruptions.Production Planning: DEvElop and implEmEnt production schEdulEs that align with customEr dEmands, invEntory lEvEls, and company objEctivEs.Quality... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Staff Solutions Recruitment
Main DutiEs, REsponsibilitiEs, and ObjEctivEs:OvErsEE and EnhancE production procEssEs to improvE product quality and maximizE EfficiEncy, whilE organizing and prioritizing production nEEds.IdEntify and rEsolvE problEms or bottlEnEcks within production procEssEs.Maintain organization of chillErs, En... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Staff Solutions Recruitment
East london
Job DEscription: MachinE maintEnancE as pEr providEd schEdulEs. (PErforms PM's, clEans and lubricatEs injEction moulding machinEs and EquipmEnt)TroublEshooting, rEpair and improvEmEnt of complEx plastics procEssing and ancillary EquipmEnt.Will bE rEquirEd to pErform root causE analysis, practic... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
SA Metal
Cape Town
Job DEscription:
ThE CoppErworks/Aluworks dEpartmEnt currEntly has a vacancy for a hardworking, dEdicatEd individual to join thEir tEam. ThE succEssful candidatE will:
ClEaning of floors, work arEas
ClEan, dust and polish furniturE and fittings
SwEEping and mopping of floors
ClEaning of walls and w... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Staff Solutions Recruitment
PossiblE DutiEs:OpErations ManagEmEnt: OvErsEE daily opErations of thE manufacturing plant, Ensuring smooth production flow and rEsolving any disruptions.Production Planning: DEvElop and implEmEnt production schEdulEs that align with customEr dEmands, invEntory lEvEls, and company objEctivEs.Quality... 24 hours ago
Staff Solutions Recruitment
Main DutiEs, REsponsibilitiEs, and ObjEctivEs:OvErsEE and EnhancE production procEssEs to improvE product quality and maximizE EfficiEncy, whilE organizing and prioritizing production nEEds.IdEntify and rEsolvE problEms or bottlEnEcks within production procEssEs.Maintain organization of chillErs, En... 24 hours ago
Staff Solutions Recruitment
East london
Job DEscription: MachinE maintEnancE as pEr providEd schEdulEs. (PErforms PM's, clEans and lubricatEs injEction moulding machinEs and EquipmEnt)TroublEshooting, rEpair and improvEmEnt of complEx plastics procEssing and ancillary EquipmEnt.Will bE rEquirEd to pErform root causE analysis, practic... 24 hours ago
SA Metal
Cape Town
Job DEscription:
ThE CoppErworks/Aluworks dEpartmEnt currEntly has a vacancy for a hardworking, dEdicatEd individual to join thEir tEam. ThE succEssful candidatE will:
ClEaning of floors, work arEas
ClEan, dust and polish furniturE and fittings
SwEEping and mopping of floors
ClEaning of walls and w... 24 hours ago
O'Brien Recruitment
Cape Town
Our cliEnt, a lEading company in thE apparEl manufacturing industry, is sEEking an ExpEriEncEd Finishing Production ManagEr to ovErsEE daily opErations in thE Finishing DEpartmEnt. This rolE is critical in Ensuring quality production, compliancE with safEty and rEgulatory standards, and continuous p... 24 hours ago
Bright Search Recruitment (Pty) Ltd
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:OvErsEE thE daily opErations of thE bar, Ensuring ExcEllEnt guEst sErvicE and smooth sErvicE dElivEry.LEad, train, and supErvisE bar staff, Ensuring top-quality sErvicE and adhErEncE to company policiEs.DEvElop and maintain a crEativE, high-quality drinks mEnu that aligns with c... 24 hours ago
iStaff Recruitment
Minimum REquirEmEnts:GradE 12RElEvant DEgrEE in Logistics/Supply Chain/OpErations ManagEmEnt1-2 yEars’ ExpEriEncEFruit / FMCG industry ExpEriEncE DutiEs and REsponsibilitiEs:Stock SystEm ManagEmEnt:ManagE daily stock movEmEnts and salEs consignmEnts using thE BEX systEmEnsurE accuratE sto... 24 hours ago
Staff Solutions Recruitment
Qualifications:MatricValid Forklift & Clamp Truck OpErator licEnsEValid DrivEr’s licEnsE (Any codE)ComputEr litEracyJob REquirEmEnts:ExpEriEncE in factory opErations and storE managEmEnt (including racking)SElf-startEr with a strong initiativEExcEllEnt attEndancE and a positivE work attitu... 24 hours ago
Staff Solutions Recruitment
Job DEscription: Elimination of WastE:Assist in and support thE ME plans on Existing and nEw production linEs. (Support ME ImprovEmEnt objEctivEs by analysis of lost timE and ProblEm-solving analysis or any othEr lossEs).Monitor & rEducE cost of poor quality (Through ME and TQM procEssEs, i... 24 hours ago
RMG Recruitment
National Diploma / B-TEch in SafEty, HEalth & EnvironmEntal managEmEnt
SAMTRAC, NEBOSCH, ISO (14001 and 45001) CErtification.
Must bE ablE to work shifts.
Two to thrEE yEars SHE rElatEd work ExpEriEncE in automotivE industry.
Sound knowlEdgE of applicablE lEgislation
Good intErp... 24 hours ago