Jobs 1 to 10 of 1189
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who arE wE:
WE arE a globally rEcognisEd dEstination managEmEnt organisation.
Who arE wE looking for:
A visionary lEadEr to craft a futurE-forward markEting stratEgy that inspirEs thE world to ExplorE who can:
Craft transformativE campaigns that connEct with millions of travEllErs?
LEvEragE t... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
Mototeam (Pty) Ltd
DutiEs includELEad and inspirE thE nEw car salEs tEam to achiEvE salEs targEts and ExcEEd customEr ExpEctation.AchiEvE maximum first and sEcond gross profitsDEvElop and implEmEnt EffEctivE salEs stratEgiEs to incrEasE markEt sharE and drivE rEvEnuE growth.AnalysE salEs data and markEt trEnds to idEn... 24 hours ago
Sponsored Job
REquirEmEntsBachElor’s dEgrEE in markEting, Communications, BusinEss, or rElatEd fiEld.5+ yEars of ExpEriEncE in a markEting lEadErship rolE.ProvEn ExpErtisE in digital markEting, contEnt managEmEnt, and markEt rEsEarch.Strong knowlEdgE of social mEdia platforms and audiEncE EngagEmEnt stratEg... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
Time Personnel
Montague Gardens
REQUIREMENTSMatric, Min 2 yEarsâ?? ExpEriEncE managing CustomEr AccountsExcEllEnt communication in English and AfrikaansAbility to think on your fEEt and problEm solvE succEssfullyAbility to build rElationships and managE multiplE kEy accountsExposEd to markEting to incrEasE salEs within thE businE... 2 days ago
Sponsored Job
Ad Talent
Cape Town
Who arE wE:
WE arE a globally rEcognisEd dEstination managEmEnt organisation.
Who arE wE looking for:
A visionary lEadEr to craft a futurE-forward markEting stratEgy that inspirEs thE world to ExplorE who can:
Craft transformativE campaigns that connEct with millions of travEllErs?
LEvEragE t... 24 hours ago
Mototeam (Pty) Ltd
DutiEs includELEad and inspirE thE nEw car salEs tEam to achiEvE salEs targEts and ExcEEd customEr ExpEctation.AchiEvE maximum first and sEcond gross profitsDEvElop and implEmEnt EffEctivE salEs stratEgiEs to incrEasE markEt sharE and drivE rEvEnuE growth.AnalysE salEs data and markEt trEnds to idEn... 24 hours ago
REquirEmEntsBachElor’s dEgrEE in markEting, Communications, BusinEss, or rElatEd fiEld.5+ yEars of ExpEriEncE in a markEting lEadErship rolE.ProvEn ExpErtisE in digital markEting, contEnt managEmEnt, and markEt rEsEarch.Strong knowlEdgE of social mEdia platforms and audiEncE EngagEmEnt stratEg... 2 days ago
Time Personnel
Montague Gardens
REQUIREMENTSMatric, Min 2 yEarsâ?? ExpEriEncE managing CustomEr AccountsExcEllEnt communication in English and AfrikaansAbility to think on your fEEt and problEm solvE succEssfullyAbility to build rElationships and managE multiplE kEy accountsExposEd to markEting to incrEasE salEs within thE businE... 2 days ago
Mindworx Consulting
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:DEsign, dEvElop, and maintain Java-basEd applications and microsErvicEs.LEad thE dEvElopmEnt of nEw fEaturEs and EnhancEmEnts to Existing applications, Ensuring high-quality, scalablE, and sEcurE codE.ArchitEct and implEmEnt solutions using bEst practicEs in objEct-oriEntEd dEsi... 2 days ago
Qualifications & ExpEriEncE:- BachElor’s dEgrEE in businEss, MarkEting, or a rElatEd fiEld prEfErrEd.- ProvEn ExpEriEncE in salEs, particularly in kEy account managEmEnt or a similar rolE.- Strong undErstanding of thE automotivE or rElatEd industry is a plus.- ExcEllEnt communication, nEgo... 2 days ago
Network Recruitment
KEy REsponsibilitiEs:LEad and managE thE SoftwarE SystEm EnginEEring procEss for contractual projEcts, Ensuring a solid systEm basElinE.CrEatE and maintain SystEm SoftwarE DEvElopmEnt and REquirEmEnts documEntation for EmbEddEd and ground support systEms.DEsign and architEct SystEm SoftwarE, includi... 2 days ago
Minimum Qualifications, ExpEriEncE, and Skills REquirEd: - BachElor's dEgrEE (3 yEars) - At lEast 6 yEars of solid ExpEriEncE in SalEs, ChannEl and ConsumEr MarkEting, Logistics, or Supply Chain - ProficiEnt in English with ExcEllEnt communication and intErpErsonal skills - Highly pro... 2 days ago
Career Custodians
Camps Bay
About us:VillagE N LifE is a lEading local Tourism and Hospitality group whErE wE go abovE and bEyond to EnsurE thE last 10% standards arE mEt. If you thrivE on a company culturE that focusEs on growing thEir EmployEEs through carEEr dEvElopmEnt and incEntivEs, this is thE company for you. WhErE Exc... 2 days ago
REquirEmEnts:- 2-3 yEars of ExpEriEncE in structural EnginEEring.- ProficiEncy in REvit and AutoCAD.- Strong undErstanding of structural dEsign principlEs.- Ability to work collaborativEly in a tEam-oriEntEd EnvironmEnt.- ECSA PR REgistration prEfErrEd but not rEquirEd.By submitting any PErsonal Inf... 2 days ago