


Work/life balance



Lonza Reviews


Excellarated learning curve

-Have versatility and add value to any design or existing system -managed 15 production lines and 45 employees -keen on optimization -Team player who is multi lingual -Can adapt to any situation -Good leader -Have the overall picture of how day to day operations sgfect the company's performance

Pros: Opportunity to grow
Cons: Growth determined by operations without your concern

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Good couping under high pressure and like developement.

ResponsiblefordrivingHTHbrandawarenessonsite  Facetofaceinteractionwithconsumers  Travellingtoandfromstoretostoreattherequestofthecompany  Clientserviceorientation  ProvingvaluableinformationabouttheHTHproducts  Producevariousliterature,signage,merchandise,andothermaterialstobeusedatthe stores  Reportweekly/monthlyonstatusofthefieldmarketingactives

Pros: i wuld like to study more in engineering so that i wiil show people how do job wisely and safe
Cons: work as much as you will be happy to finish the job on time with a good quality and without the waste of the material.

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