


Work/life balance





Job summary

Prior any commencement of task mini risk assesment must be done to identify any harzads and need to be reported if identified to relevant peroson.Working with my fellow workers with a good communication skills to alert with any incident that may cause vital injuries.The most optimum way is having toolbox talk before conducting any task to listen the all level of behavior of the workteam.my most challenging part in working area is when the work force get to know each other as a team and they looses respect leading to conflicts and also leaft equaipment laying all around during lunch breaks.What i like most is to help someone who's battling with job next to me then make sure must aid to complete the task.

Pros: Asking questions if i dont understand from manager before i start the job and willing to learn something new.
Cons: Working to complete the task more especially when there is breakdown

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I'm a faster learner

My company I'm currently working never appreciate even if you work hard they never show a word of appreciation even if to say thank you just by a moth

Pros: I qualify to be a supervisor
Cons: I can work long Ours and weekends

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